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  • Canning Basin Chart updated August 2013

  • This record contains zircon U-Pb geochronological data obtained between July 2001 and May 2003 on diamond drillcore from the Olympic Domain, Gawler Craton, South Australia. The data were collected as part of the Gawler Craton Project; a collaboration between Geoscience Australia (GA) and the Division of Mineral and Energy, Primary Industry and Resources, South Australia (PIRSA). The project aims to provide an improved geological and metallogenic framework for the Gawler Craton, with initial emphasis on the Olympic Domain. The term Olympic Domain (formerly 'Olympic Subdomain'; Daly et al. 1998) refers to the eastern extension of the Gawler Craton, concealed beneath Mesoproterozoic, Neoproterozoic and Cambrian sedimentary rocks of the Stuart Shelf. It also encompasses outcrop and subcrop of the Gawler Craton further south in the Moonta-Wallaroo region of the Yorke Peninsula. The sedimentary cover sequence of the Stuart Shelf is between about 300 and 1000 m thick, and the only knowledge of the underlying crystalline basement comprising the Olympic Domain is derived from exploratory drillholes. The long distances between drillholes impede inter-hole correlations. Thus U-Pb isotope dating of rocks intersected by (diamond) drillcore plays a key role in regional stratigraphic studies, establishing an absolute basis for temporal correlations across the Olympic Domain. This record describes the samples analysed and the analytical results obtained, and provides a brief discussion of their geochronological interpretation. The broader geological implications of the data will be published elsewhere.

  • As part of Geoscience Australia's 2002-2004 work program, the Petroleum and Marine Division initiated a collaborative study of the Otway Basin (Figure 1) with Primary Industries and Resources SA (PIRSA) and the Department of Primary Industries (DPI), Victoria. The aim of the project was to enhance the petroleum prospectivity of the basin through an improved understanding of depositional systems, integrated petroleum systems analysis and enhanced access to basic datasets critical to the exploration industry. Major project work components included seismic- and well-interpretation to construct a new regional chronostratigraphic framework for the basin (Figure 2), geochemistry and geohistory modelling to document regional petroleum systems elements (Boreham et al ., 2004), and biostratigraphy to refine age-control, biozonations and correlations within the basin (Krassay et al ., 2004). Biostratigraphic work for the Otway Basin Project involved a major program of new sampling, processing and palynological analysis combined with a thorough review of existing biostratigraphic reports and data. Collection, processing and preparation of new samples were conducted in-house by Geoscience Australia staff. New palynological analyses were carried out by Morgan Palaeo Associates on a commercial contract basis. This Record (CD-ROM) contains consultants palynological reports (Microsoft Word) and digital data files as originally submitted (wmf and dex formats) and as updated and standardised (csv format) for over 200 new samples collected from 14 selected Otway Basin wells (Table 1). This Record also contains revised palynological data files (csv format) for 18 Otway Basin wells (Table 2). Revision and updating of palynological data from existing reports and new consultants reports involved initial quality-assurance and quality-control of the data followed by updating of synonyms and systematics to comply with a standardised taxonomy. Revised data files contained in this Record adhere to a standardised taxonomy in current use at Geoscience Australia. Revised data files are presented in a csv format (Excel spreadsheets).

  • The Lower Darling Valley (LDV) contains Cenozoic shallow marine, fluvial, lacustrine and aeolian sediments capped by a number of Quaternary fluvial units associated with the Darling River and its anabranches, which were poorly dated prior to this study. Recent investigations in the LDV area have used an Airborne Electromagnetic (AEM) survey, a new high-resolution LiDAR survey, sonic drilling, shallow hand-augering, examination of tractor-dug pits, sediment sample analyses, landform mapping, and river bottom profiling in combination with OSL and radiocarbon dating to provide new insights into the nature and chronology of Quaternary fluvial landscape evolution. The Quaternary sequence in the LDV consists of scroll-plain tracts of different ages incised into higher, older and more featureless floodplain sediments. Samples for OSL and radiocarbon dating were taken in tractor-excavated pits, from sonic cores and from hand-auger holes from a number of scroll-plain and older floodplain sediments. The youngest, now inactive, scroll-plain phase associated with the modern Darling River, was active in the period 5-2 ka. A previous anabranch scroll-plain phase has Last Glacial Maximum dates around 20 ka. Less distinct scroll-plain tracts, older than the anabranch system, have ages around 30ka. A poorly preserved scroll-plain phase with very indistinct scroll and channel traces is associated with the Darling River tract and has ages around 45-50 ka. Older dates of 85 ka and >150 ka have been obtained beneath the higher floodplain from lateral-migration sediments that lack visible scroll-plain traces. This chronologic sequence suggests regular recurrence of approximately 5 ka lateral-migration episodes separated by approximately 10 ka periods of quiescence. There is a lack of coincidence with the glacial-interglacial climate cycles. This suggests that the onset and termination of lateral-migration phases is probably a combination of changes in discharge and sediment regimes r

  • Widespread reductions in the thickness and extent of Antarctic ice shelves are triggering retreat, acceleration and increased discharge of marine-terminating glaciers. However, while the impacts of recent ice-shelf changes are now well documented, their role in modulating past ice sheet dynamics – especially at a resolution required to identify drivers of change and test ice sheet models - remains poorly constrained. This reflects two persistent issues: (i) the effective discrimination between sediments and landforms deposited in a sub-ice-shelf setting from other glacimarine environments, and (ii) challenges associated with dating these records. Here we summarise recent progress in deciphering the ‘geological imprint’ of Antarctic ice shelves, including important advances in dating methods and the proxies required to reconstruct the drivers of change. Despite this improved ‘toolbox’ for establishing ice shelf presence and absence, we recognise several challenges that need to be overcome if we are to fully exploit the palaeo record. <b>Citation:</b> Smith, J.A., Graham, A.G.C., Post, A.L. et al. The marine geological imprint of Antarctic ice shelves. <i>Nat Commun</i> <b>10</b>, 5635 (2019).

  • Canning Basin Biozonation and Stratigraphy updated in February 2008

  • Bonaparte Basin biostratigraphic chart

  • Browse Basin Biozonation and Stratigraphy, 2008, revised February 2008

  • The Gawler Craton, South Australia, preserves extensive sedimentary sequences and associated magmatic rocks that span the interval covering the Archaean-Palaeoproterozoic transition, with bimodal calc-alkaline volcanism and associated sedimentation occurring over the interval ~2560-2480 Ma. The pervasive high geothermal gradient metamorphism in the earliest Palaeoproterozoic, ~2470-2420 Ma (Fanning et al., 2007; Jagodzinski et al., 2009) within the Gawler Craton suggests the Gawler Craton is potentially more likely a correlative of the Dhawaar Craton, Sask Craton and other similar terranes, in terms of timing of magmatic and orogenic events (Payne et al., 2009). We report new zircon U-Pb ion probe data collected from Neoarchaean to Earliest Palaeoproterozoic metasedimentary and meta-igneous rocks of the Gawler Craton, South Australia, an important time interval for the development of the Gawler Craton itself that has been investigated by relatively few geochronological studies. The new data show that the interval ~2560-2480 Ma was characterised by deposition and associated magmatism. This was terminated by contractional deformation and high geothermal gradient metamorphism over the interval ~2470-2410 Ma.

  • Northern Carnarvon Basin Biozonation and Stratrigraphy, 2008, Chart 34