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  • <div>As part of the $225 million Exploring for the Future programme, Geoscience Australia have undertaken an investigation into the resource potential of the Officer-Musgrave-Birrindudu region. Part of this project focusses on characterising palaeovalley groundwater resources within the West Musgrave region of Australia. This GA Record is a technical report detailing the science undertaken as part of the Musgrave Palaeovalley groundwater project. The project aimed to improve understanding of the region's palaeovalley architecture, groundwater quality, and overall hydrogeology to support responsible water resource management. The most significant work undertaken included three-dimensional modelling of palaeovalley architecture, groundwater characterisation using hydrochemistry, groundwater model conceptualisation and a detailed review of local groundwater around remote communities in the region. This work will underpin responsible groundwater management into the future.</div>

  • As part of the $225 million Exploring for the Future programme, Geoscience Australia have undertaken an investigation into the resource potential of the Officer-Musgrave-Birrindudu region. Part of this project focusses on characterising palaeovalley groundwater resources within the West Musgrave region of Australia. This record presents a three-dimensional palaeovalley model and describes the method used in its generation. Understanding the 3D architecture of palaeovalleys is an important component of conceptualising the shallow groundwater system. In this region groundwater is the only significant water resource, and is critical for supporting local communities, industries and the environment. The data products released alongside this record are a base of gridded Cenozoic surface, a grid of the thickness of the Cenozoic and polygons defining the spatial extent of palaeovalleys. The study area encompasses the upper reaches of several large palaeovalleys. These valleys incised mostly crystalline rocks of the Musgrave Province and sedimentary rocks of the adjoining basin during the late Cretaceous. Subsequently, valleys were filled by Cenozoic-aged sediments, which now form the aquifers and aquitards of the modern-day groundwater system. Palaeovalley architecture has been shaped by a complex interplay of climatic, tectonic, and geological factors over geological time. In some cases, tectonic deformation has caused tilting or disruption of palaeovalleys with implications for groundwater flow. We modelled the base of Cenozoic surface across the project area and used this geological surface to identify palaeovalleys. The modelling process used airborne electromagnetic conductivity models, borehole data and geological outcrop as model inputs. Using these data, we interpreted the base of Cenozoic along AEM flightlines, at borehole locations and at the surface where Pre-Cenozoic geology was cropping out. These data were gridded to generate the base of Cenozoic surface. This surface was then used as the basis for interpreting palaeovalley extents. The resulting model is adequate for its purpose of better understanding the groundwater system. However, the model has considerable uncertainty due to uncertainty in the model inputs and data sparsity. The model performed much better within the centre of the project area within the Musgrave Province compared to the adjoining basins.

  • <p>Airborne electromagnetic (AEM) data can be acquired cost-effectively, safely and efficiently over large swathes of land. Inversion of these data for subsurface electrical conductivity provides a regional geological framework for water resources management and minerals exploration down to depths of ~200 m, depending on the geology. However, for legacy reasons, it is not uncommon for multiple deterministic inversion models to exist, with differing details in the subsurface conductivity structure. This multiplicity presents a non-trivial problem for interpreters who wish to make geological sense of these models. In this article, we outline a Bayesian approach, in which various spatial locations were inverted in a probabilistic manner. The resulting probability of conductivity with depth was examined in conjunction with multiple existing deterministic inversion results. The deterministic inversion result that most closely followed the high-credibility regions of the Bayesian posterior probability was then selected for interpretation. Examining credibility with depth also allowed interpreters to examine the ability of the AEM data to resolve the subsurface conductivity structure and base geological interpretation on this knowledge of uncertainty. <p> <b>Citation:</b> Ray, A., Symington, N., Ley-Cooper, Y. and Brodie, R.C., 2020. A quantitative Bayesian approach for selecting a deterministic inversion model. In: Czarnota, K., Roach, I., Abbott, S., Haynes, M., Kositcin, N., Ray, A. and Slatter, E. (eds.) Exploring for the Future: Extended Abstracts, Geoscience Australia, Canberra, 1–4.

  • <div>Abstract to present results so far from Upper Darling floodplain EFTF module at Australasian Groundwater Conference (AGC) in Perth</div> This presentation was given at the 2022 Australasian Groundwater Conference 21-23 November (

  • <div>As part of the Exploring for the Future (EFTF) programme, the groundwater team undertook an in-depth investigation into characterising surface water -- groundwater interaction in the Cooper Creek floodplain using airborne electromagnetics (AEM). This work is to be released as part of the Lake Eyre Basin detailed inventory and as an EFTF extended abstract. As part of Geoscience Australia's commitment to transparent science, the scientific workflows that underpinned a large component of this investigation are to be released as a jupyter notebook. This notebook contains python code, figures and explanatory text that the reader can use to understand how the AEM data were processed, visualised, integrated with other data and interpreted.</div>

  • This data release includes SPECTREM® AEM data from eleven airborne electromagnetic (AEM) surveys in Western Australia, originally flown for Anglo American Exploration (Australia) Pty Ltd in 2009, 2011 and 2012 and a survey flown in South Australia for Metex Nickel Pty Ltd in 2012. Data for each survey are open-file and were downloaded from the Government of Western Australia, Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety and Government of South Australia, Department of Energy and Mining. AEM data were re-processed and re-inverted to produce conductivity models and a suit of derived datasets using Geoscience Australia Layered-Earth-Inversion as a single standard processing and inversion method to improve continuity and data quality. This data release includes visualisation products including conductivity sections, grids, s-grids, georeferenced sections and earth-sci sections.

  • This airborne electromagnetic (AEM) dataset provides regional scale probabilistic inversion products from 141,000 line km of airborne electromagnetic (AEM) data from the AusAEM program. The two main benefits of a probabilistic inversion over a deterministic one are: - Loss of signal sensitivity at depth does not “fade to blue” by returning to the resistive deterministic reference model. - Ambiguous subsurface features become clearer when examining multiple probability percentiles. Further details are provided in the accompanying technical note. Conductivity products from the following surveys are available: - Frome 2011 - AusAEM 1 NT (2017) - AusAEM 1 QLD (2017) - AusAEM 2 Tranche 1 part (2019) - AusAEM 3 Eastern Resources Corridor (all 3 phases) - AusAEM 3 Western Resources Corridor (Kimberley, Central, Musgraves and South) The 10th, 50th and 90th and mean percentiles of log10 conductivity are provided in a variety of formats: - VTK structured grids - ASCII point clouds - ASEG-GDF2 files - GOCAD S-grids All products have been provided in the coordinate reference system (CRS) the original AEM data were provided in. The VTK unstructured grids are also provided in GDA94 geodetic longitude, latitude coordinates for ease of display in the same CRS.

  • <div>The groundwater and surface water systems associated with the Upper Darling River Floodplain (UDF) in arid northwest New South Wales form part of the Murray-Darling Basin drainage system, which hosts 40% of Australia’s agricultural production. Increasing water use demands and a changing regional climate are affecting hydrological systems, and consequently impacting the quality and quantity of water availability to communities, industries and the environment.</div><div>As part of the Australian Government’s Exploring for the Future program, the UDF project is working in collaboration with State partners to collect and integrate new data and information with existing hydrogeological knowledge. The goal is to provide analyses and products that assist water managers to increase water security in the region, with a focus on groundwater resources. </div><div>As part of this project we are assessing the occurrence of, and geological controls on, potable water resources within the Darling Alluvium (DA), which comprises unconsolidated sediments (<140 m thick) associated with the modern and paleo-Darling River. The DA’s relationship to the underlying Eromanga, Surat (Great Artesian Basin) and Murray basins is also important, particularly in the context of potential groundwater sources or sinks, and connection between low and high quality groundwater resources. At least one major fault system is known to influence groundwater flow paths and control groundwater-surface water interaction.</div><div>Data collection across the project area has commenced, with an airborne electromagnetic (AEM) survey already complete, and new geophysical, hydrochemical and hydrodynamic data being acquired. Preliminary interpretation of the new AEM data in conjunction with existing geological and hydrogeological information has already revealed the major paths and geometries of the paleo-Darling River, given important insights into fault controls on groundwater flow paths, and shown variation in the thickness, distribution and character of the DA, which has direct implications for groundwater–surface water connectivity.</div><div><br></div>

  • Long-range, active-source airborne electromagnetic (AEM) systems for near-surface imaging fall into two categories: helicopter borne or fixed-wing aircraft borne. A multitude of factors such as flying height, transmitter loop area and current, source waveforms, aerodynamic stability and data stacking times contribute to the geological resolvability of the subsurface. A comprehensive comparison of the relative merits of each system considering all such factors is difficult, but test flights over known subsurface geology with downhole induction logs are extremely useful for resolution studies. Further, given the non-linear nature of the electromagnetic inverse problem, handling transmitter-receiver geometries in fixed-wing aircraft is especially challenging. As a consequence of this nonlinearity, inspecting the closeness of downhole conductivities to deterministic inversion results is not sufficient for studying resolvability. A more comprehensive picture is provided by examining the width of the depth-wise Bayesian posterior conductivity distributions for each kind of system. For this purpose, probabilistic inversions of data must be carried out -- with acquisition over the same geology, survey noise levels must be measured, and the same prior probabilities on conductivity must be used. With both synthetic models as well as real data from over the Menindee calibration range in New South Wales, Australia, we shed new light on the matter of AEM inverse model resolution. Specifically, we use a novel Bayesian inversion scheme which handles fixed-wing geometry attributes as generic nuisance parameters during Markov chain sampling. Our findings have useful implications in AEM system selection, as well as in the design of better deterministic AEM inversion algorithms. <b>Citation:</b> Anandaroop Ray, Yusen Ley-Cooper, Ross C Brodie, Richard Taylor, Neil Symington, Negin F Moghaddam, An information theoretic Bayesian uncertainty analysis of AEM systems over Menindee Lake, Australia, Geophysical Journal International, Volume 235, Issue 2, November 2023, Pages 1888–1911, <a href=""></a>

  • <div>The groundwater and surface water systems associated with the Upper Darling River Floodplain (UDF) in arid northwest New South Wales form part of the Murray-Darling Basin drainage system, which hosts 40% of Australia’s agricultural production. Increasing water use demands and a changing regional climate are affecting hydrological systems, and consequently impacting the quality and quantity of water availability to communities, industries and the environment.</div><div>As part of the Australian Government’s Exploring for the Future program, the UDF project is working in collaboration with State partners to collect and integrate new data and information with existing hydrogeological knowledge. The goal is to provide analyses and products that assist water managers to increase water security in the region, with a focus on groundwater resources. </div><div>As part of this project we are assessing the occurrence of, and geological controls on, potable water resources within the Darling Alluvium (DA), which comprises unconsolidated sediments (<140 m thick) associated with the modern and paleo-Darling River. The DA’s relationship to the underlying Eromanga, Surat (Great Artesian Basin) and Murray basins is also important, particularly in the context of potential groundwater sources or sinks, and connection between low and high quality groundwater resources. At least one major fault system is known to influence groundwater flow paths and control groundwater-surface water interaction.</div><div>Data collection across the project area has commenced, with an airborne electromagnetic (AEM) survey already complete, and new geophysical, hydrochemical and hydrodynamic data being acquired. Preliminary interpretation of the new AEM data in conjunction with existing geological and hydrogeological information has already revealed the major paths and geometries of the paleo-Darling River, given important insights into potential fault controls on groundwater flow paths, and shown variation in the thickness, distribution and character of the DA, which has direct implications for groundwater–surface water connectivity.</div><div><br></div>