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  • Data in the GEOCHEM database comprises inorganic geochemical analytical data and associated metadata. Geochemical data comprises concentration data (value, error, unit of measure) measured on a range of analytical instruments, for a range of elements of the periodic table. Associated metadata includes information on analytical techniques, analytical methodology, laboratory, analysts, date of analysis, detection limits, accuracy, and precision. The GEOCHEM database also records results for reference standards. Data is specifically for rocks, soils and other unconsolidated geological material and does not include oils, gases or water analyses. Geochemical data may be total rock (i.e., whole rock analysed) or for a variety of fractions of the total rock, e.g., various non-total acid digests, mineral separates, differing size fractions. It also includes quantitative to semi-quantitative data from field measurements, such as portable x-ray fluorescence (XRF). It does not include geochemical data for individual minerals. <b>Value: </b>Geochemical data underpins much geoscientific study, and is used directly to classify, characterise and understand geological material and its formation. It has direct relevance to understanding the formation of the earth, the continents, and the processes that create and shape the surface we live on. For example, this information is used within: both discovering and the understanding of mineral deposits we depend on; the nature, health and sustainability of the soils we live and farm on; as well as providing input into a range of potential geohazards. <b>Scope: </b>The collection includes data from over 60 years of Geoscience Australia (GA) and state/territory partner regional geological projects within Australia, as well as continental-scale and regional geochemical surveys like National Geochemical Survey of Australia (NGSA) and Northern Australia Geochemical Survey (NAGS) (Exploring for the Future- EFTF). It also includes data from other countries that GA has worked with, e.g., Papua New Guinea, Antarctica, Solomon Islands and New Zealand. Explore the <b>Geoscience Australia portal - <a href=""></a></b>

  • <b>Please Note:</b> The data related to this Abstract can be obtained by contacting <a href = "mailto:">Manager Client Services</a> and quoting Catalogue number 144231. The data are arranged by regions, so please download the Data Description document found in the Downloads tab to determine your area of interest. Remotely sensed datasets provide fundamental information for understanding the chemical, physical and temporal dynamics of the atmosphere, lithosphere, biosphere and hydrosphere. Satellite remote sensing has been used extensively in mapping the nature and characteristics of the terrestrial land surface, including vegetation, rock, soil and landforms, across global to local-district scales. With the exception of hyper-arid regions, mapping rock and soil from space has been problematic because of vegetation that either masks the underlying substrate or confuses the spectral signatures of geological materials (i.e. diagnostic mineral spectral features), making them difficult to resolve. As part of the Exploring for the Future program, a new barest earth Landsat mosaic of the Australian continent using time-series analysis significantly reduces the influence of vegetation and enhances mapping of soil and exposed rock from space. Here, we provide a brief background on geological remote sensing and describe a suite of enhanced images using the barest earth Landsat mosaic for mapping surface mineralogy and geochemistry. These geological enhanced images provide improved inputs for predictive modelling of soil and rock properties over the Australian continent. In one case study, use of these products instead of existing Landsat TM band data to model chromium and sodium distribution using a random forest machine learning algorithm improved model performance by 28–46%.

  • Remotely sensed datasets provide fundamental information for understanding the chemical, physical and temporal dynamics of the atmosphere, lithosphere, biosphere and hydrosphere. Satellite remote sensing has been used extensively in mapping the nature and characteristics of the terrestrial land surface, including vegetation, rock, soil and landforms, across global to local-district scales. With the exception of hyper-arid regions, mapping rock and soil from space has been problematic because of vegetation that either masks the underlying substrate or confuses the spectral signatures of geological materials (i.e. diagnostic mineral spectral features), making them difficult to resolve. As part of the Exploring for the Future program, a new barest earth Landsat mosaic of the Australian continent using time-series analysis significantly reduces the influence of vegetation and enhances mapping of soil and exposed rock from space. Here, we provide a brief background on geological remote sensing and describe a suite of enhanced images using the barest earth Landsat mosaic for mapping surface mineralogy and geochemistry. These geological enhanced images provide improved inputs for predictive modelling of soil and rock properties over the Australian continent. In one case study, use of these products instead of existing Landsat TM band data to model chromium and sodium distribution using a random forest machine learning algorithm improved model performance by 28–46%. <b>Citation:</b> Wilford, J. and Roberts, D., 2020. Enhanced barest earth Landsat imagery for soil and lithological modelling. In: Czarnota, K., Roach, I., Abbott, S., Haynes, M., Kositcin, N., Ray, A. and Slatter, E. (eds.) Exploring for the Future: Extended Abstracts, Geoscience Australia, Canberra, 1–4.