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  • Project In 2013, Geoscience Australia commissioned AAM to undertake a LiDAR survey with accompanying field survey and ortho imagery capture over the Macintyre river region comprising approx 7,500 square kilometres. Ref Deed CMC G3298 Contract CMC G4417. Collection of both LiDAR and simultaneous and near simultaneous imagery utilising the Optech ALTM Pegasus HA500 sensor and the Vision Map A3 digital camera occurred from 06 November 2013 to 17th December 2013 with a total of 20 LiDAR flights plus a very small infill (LiDAR only) flight on 17th March 2014. The LiDAR was controlled from existing CORS GPS stations and 3 newly setup reference GPS station. 158 test point sites that overlapped the LiDAR were surveyed by AAM using Kinematic Smartnet GPS. The specification for this survey was provided in the aforementioned contract document Data The LiDAR, Ortho and field surveys conform in accuracy, format and nomenclature conform to the above specification. The ortho imagery comprises 0.20m GSD RGB Geotiff imagery in Geotiff and ECW formats. The area spans MGA zones 55 and 56 products have been generated with an overlap as per the specification and nomenclature advice from the client.

  • Victor Harbour Lidar

  • The coverage of this dataset is over the WestNarranLake region . The C3 LAS data set contains point data in LAS 1.2 format sourced from a LiDAR ( Light Detection and Ranging ) from an ALS50 ( Airborne Laser Scanner ) sensor . The processed data has been manually edited to achieve LPI classification level 3 whereby the ground class contains minimal non-ground points such as vegetation, water , bridges , temporary features , jetties etc . Purpose: To provide fit-for-purpose elevation data for use in applications related to coastal vulnerability assessment, natural resource management ( especially water and forests) , transportation and urban planning . Additional lineage information: This data has an accuracy of 0.3m ( 95 CI ) vertical and 0.8m ( 95 CI ) horizontal with a minimum point density of one laser pulse per square metre . For more information on the datas accuracy, refer to the lineage provided in the data history .

  • These datasets cover approximately 3360 sq km of coastal areas of Northern and South-eastern Tasmania. The project covered three areas: - Greater Hobart 1283 square km - Huon Valley 460 square km - Launceston, Burnie, Devonport 1612 square km This project, undertaken by RPS Mapping on behalf of Geoscience Australia produced accurate LiDAR and derived products to ICSM specifications and medium format digital ortho-photo mosaics.

  • Adelaide LiDAR 2008 data was flown by AAMHatch between 13th to 19th September 2008 as part of the Urban Digital Elevation Modelling in High Priority Areas Project funded by the Federal Department of Climate Change. Several data gaps existed in the intital survey due to operational instrumentation errors and a subsequent refly was conducted on 5th January 2009 to complete the dataset. The data was captured with point density of 0.8m point per square metre and overall vertical accuracy has been confirmed at <15cm (68% confidence level). The data are available as mass point files (LAS) comprising ground, thinned ground and non ground points in 2km tiles. A hydrologically conditioned and drainage enforced 2m DEM or HDEM has also been developed in 2010 as part of the Urban DEM project managed by the CRC for Spatial Information and Geoscience Australia. The HDEM was produced by SKM using the ANUDEM program. The HDEM ensures that primary stream/channel flow, and water flow across the land surface are accurately represented. The hydrologically enforced elevation model should be used for any water modelling. Adelaide Hydrological Enforced DEM(HDEM) 2008

  • Unclassified point swath LAS 1.2 (Raw data with ellipsoidal heights) Classified point cloud LAS 1.2 (Raw data with ellipsoidal heights) Ground point cloud LAS 1.2 Thinned Ground point cloud LAS 1.2 Intensity image by tiles ECW Intensity image mosaic ECW Digital Elevation Model (DEM) with hydro-flatenning ESRI GRID Digital Surface Model (DSM) ESRI GRID Canopy Heights Model (CHM) ESRI GRID Foliage Cover Model (FCM) ESRI GRID Contour ESRI SHAPEFILE Trajectories ESRI SHAPEFILE Survey marks ESRI SHAPEFILE Project Extent and Tile Layout - ESRI SHAPEFILE Rinex data-RINEX Spatial density analysis - XYZ TEXT The vertical accuracy for this dataset is 0.15m RMS, and the horizontal accuracy is 0.20m RMS. This dataset is supplied in GDA94 MGA Zone 55, AHD using Ausgeoid09. Intended use : Preliminary Design subject to final survey Intended use : Planning, Conceptual Design

  • Background This report describes a project which involved the capture and processing of LiDAR and coincident imagery and resultant derived products for the lower reaches of the Darling River. The data joins two existing LiDAR datasets, one to the north covering the Menindee Lakes and the other in the south along the Murray River corridor. It is intended to provide the Murray-Darling Basin Authority with a very accurate, quality assured measurement of topography in order to accurately model the flow and volume of water in the floodplains within the project area. The LiDAR was captured in April and May 2013 at a point density of two 1st return points per square metre within swath, (equivalent to two outgoing laser pulses per square metre at ground level). The specified accuracies; 30cm vertical and 80cm horizontal, were achieved and verified through a rigorous network of ground check points and base stations. A set of seamless products were produced including hydro-flattened bare earth DEMs, DSMs and cartographic contours. The outputs of the project are compliant with National ICSM LiDAR Product Specifications and the NEDF.

  • The Lake George Basin project area was captured in January 2014. The data was captured in order to provide surface and intensity information to be used in earthquake hazard studies.

  • AAM Pty Ltd was commissioned by NSW Government's Office of Environment &amp; Heritage to conducted an airborne LiDAR and Imagery survey over sections of the Gwydir Valley Floodplain west of Moree in north west NSW to assist with the development of Valley Wide Floodplain Management Plains under the Healthy Floodplain program. There has already been some LiDAR acquisition and this data will supplement this information. Collection of both LiDAR and simultaneous imagery utilizing the Optech ALTM Pegasus LiDAR sensor and DiMAC Ultralight medium format digital camera occurred from 31 May 2013 until 19 June 2013 (total of 7 separate flights). The primary use of the LIDAR data will be to provide topographical information necessary to define flood behaviour and undertake hydraulic modeling of floods in the area. Data is to be provided to LPI Classification 3 This project report provides specific information on: Project Details; Project Plan; Pre-Survey Quality Assurance Plan; Post-Survey Spatial Accuracy Report; Unforeseen/Extra-ordinary circumstances faced; Project Deliverable details; Statement of compliance; Control Reporting; Metadata documentation; Further project requirements.

  • In June 2017, AAM completed field and aerial surveys over ~8,000 sqkm to generate orthoimagery and high definition level 1 classified LiDAR data to GA’s specifications. Under GA Deed CMC G3298A Contract D2017-43573 - Kimberley East. LiDAR and Imagery was captured over the site in separate flights between the 9th and 17th June 2017, a small gap was captured 9th July, the LiDAR and imagery have been controlled by 30 new control points This data supplied in this delivery is the Level 1 Classified las v1.4 dataset in 2km tiles. The height datum is Ellipsoidal.