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  • 3D data for the Geoscience Australia Record 2009/029 - 3D Map and Supporting Geophysical Studies in the North Queensland Region. Data consists of: boreholes; curie depth; dem; depth to basement; gravity; inversions grav mag voxets; magnetics; millungera basin; mt cross section surfaces; projection tm144; radiometrics image; regolith linework; seismic; seismic gravity models; smnd image; solid geology detailed; solid geology simplified; topography. <p>Related product:<a href=";catno=69581">3D map and supporting geophysical studies in the North Queensland region</a> - Geoscience Australia Record 2009/029.</p>

  • 3D Map and Supporting Geophysical Studies in the Gawler Craton and Curnamona Province - 3D Data. Data consists of file names: cross_sections; curie_depth; dem; deposits; depth_to basement_GA; depth_to basement_Seebase; earthquakes; gravity; inversions; magnetics; magnetotellurics; outlines; projection_tm138; radiometrics; seismic; sm_nd_gawler; solid_geology_detailed; solid_geology_simplified; solid_geology_voxet and topography

  • T11 Report 3D Architecture and Predictive Mineral System Analysis of the Central Lachlan Subprovince and Cobar Basin, New South Wales

  • <b>Note: 3D VRML model is no longer supported</b> This 4th version of the Tanami 3D model covers a 200 km x 200 km area of the Tanami Region and Arunta Inlier (Aileron Province). This model consists of a series of 3D surfaces of major geological elements ranging from relatively shallow cover sequences, down to the Moho. The 3D surfaces were constructed using 3D GeoModeller and combines the interpreted seismic data from the 2005 Tanami Seismic Collaborative Research Project, with geological mapping, interpreted solid geology maps, and gravity and magnetic data. Elements of the model have been tested by gravity forward modelling. Geographic extent Tanami Region, Northern Territory-Western Australia. Contents Digital elevation model; images of magnetics, gravity, radiometrics, satellite imagery, mapped geology and regolith; roads; images of solid geology interpretation maps; modelled cross-sections; 3D fault surfaces; gravity and magnetic inversion surfaces; gravity and magnetics strings; mineral occurrences; SHRIMP geochronology; seismic images; and depth to basement points, surfaces and contours. Software required Geoscience Australia's X3D and older VRML models require the free plugin BS Contact and work best with the web browser Internet Explorer version 6 or higher. Size Approximately 27MB Startup download is 850KB - the remaining datasets download when selected.

  • Geographic extent The Flinders Ranges region is located in South Australia to the north of Adelaide. The data in this model covers the majority of South Australia. Contents This VRML model contains DEM surface, satellite image, elevation image, surface geology image, gravity image, magnetic image, seismic stations and earthquake events mapped in their true three dimensional locations for the Flinders Ranges and surrounding region. Software required Geoscience Australia's X3D and older VRML models require the free plugin BS Contact and work best with the web browser Internet Explorer version 6 or higher. Size Approximately 4MB Startup download only 200KB - remaining data downloads when layers are selected.

  • Geographic extent Leonora-Laverton region, within the Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia. Contents This VRML model contains a digital elevation model, surface geophysical images, surface solid geology, solid geology cross sections, fault planes, rock volumes, mineral deposits and geochronology sites. Software required Geoscience Australia's X3D and older VRML models require the free plugin BS Contact and work best with the web browser Internet Explorer version 6 or higher. Size 2.8MB Startup download only 200KB - remaining data downloads when layers are selected.

  • This is the 2nd version of the 3D model provided to demonstrate the current direction of the Gawler Project's research. New data and features include: new gravity and magnetics images, "strings", basement units, inversion models, iso-surfaces and improved navigation features. Geographic extent Eastern Gawler Craton, South Australia. Contents Digital elevation model, magnetics and gravity images, basement topography, cross-sections, fault planes, "strings", basement units and inversion models. Software required Geoscience Australia's X3D and older VRML models require the free plugin BS Contact and work best with the web browser Internet Explorer version 6 or higher. Size Around 30MB Startup download is around 100KB - the remaining datasets download when selected.

  • Geographic extent The Eastern Lachlan Orogen region is located north of the ACT in eastern central NSW near Orange. Contents This VRML model contains DEM surface, basement geology interpretation, gravity image, magnetic image, 3D geology surfaces, fault surfaces, geological cross sections, seismic interpretations and gravity strings of the Eastern Lachlan Orogen region. Software required Geoscience Australia's X3D and older VRML models require the free plugin BS Contact and work best with the web browser Internet Explorer version 6 or higher. Size Approximately 6.5MB. Startup download only 764.5KB - remaining data downloads when layers are selected.

  • <b>Note: 3D VRML model is no longer supported</b> The Paterson 3D VRML model of the Cottesloe Syncline region in the northwest Paterson Orogen was created using 3D GeoModeller. 3D GeoModeller is an emerging technology that constructs 3D volumetric models based on a range of geological information. The principal benefit of 3D GeoModeller is that it provides geoscientists with a rapid tool for testing multiple working hypotheses. The models were built by members of the Paterson Project, as well as model building specialists within Geoscience Australia as a two-fold exercise. The primary purpose was to test the capabilities of 3D GeoModeller, while the secondary purpose was to evaluate the project's understanding of the 3D geology of the study area. Two 3D models of the Cottesloe Syncline were constructed, the first one utilising geological observations only from the geological map, and the other including the outcrop observations as well as an interpreted solid geology of the area. The resultant Cottesloe Syncline models, including two dimensional maps and images, were exported from 3D GeoModeller and transformed into Virtual Reality Modelling Language (VRML), enabling a wide audience to view the model using readily available software. For more information on how the Paterson Project used 3D GeoModeller to construct the Cottesloe Syncline model, see Constructing geologically-constrained 3D models using 3D GeoModeller. Geographic extent The Paterson Orogen is located in Western Australia and is situated between the Pilbara Craton to the southwest and the Canning Basin to the northeast. The Cottesloe Syncline 3D model covers an area of 30 x 35 km and is situated in the northwest of the Paterson Orogen. Content The Paterson 3D model and associated data sets consist of: a scanned image of the central portion of the Broadhurst 1:100 000 geological map sheet; an image of the Digital Elevation Model; input geological observations from the geological map; additional observations based on an interpreted solid geology; 3D surfaces of the various geological units based on the geological observations; and 3D surfaces based on the geological observations and the interpreted solid geology. Software required Geoscience Australia's X3D and older VRML models require the free plugin BS Contact and work best with the web browser Internet Explorer version 6 or higher. Size Approximately 7.5MB Startup download is 69KB - the remaining datasets download when selected.

  • The Common Earth Model is a collection of data collated by Geoscience Australia that aims to give a unified overview of the geology of Australia. The data are visualised in the Geoscience Australia 3D Data Viewer software and the intention is to give users a rich environment to explore diverse geological data. Geoscience Australia has collated these datasets from a wide range of sources. Copyright in all content on the DVD remains with the originating organisations and individuals, and may not be reproduced without permission. The 3D Data Viewer software itself is released under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0.