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Gravity survey conducted on a regular 4x4 km grid over approximately 47,8000 sq km on Youanmi, Leonora, Laverton, Rason, Barlee, Menzies, Edjudina, Minigwal 1:250,000 sheets. Survey conducted by contract. Point located data. The entire dataset may be purchased for $12,220. However, most of these data are included as point located data in the Australian National Gravity Database, February 2002 edition (ANGD), which can be downloaded for free. These data are not included in the 2001 national grid and image. The data that are not included in the ANGD cover the Lake Carey region (4x4 km spacing) - these data may be purchased for $4 per station, on a 1:100,000 sheet basis.
Geoscience Australia conducted an absolute gravity survey during May and June 2016 in order to maintain and update the Australian Fundamental Gravity Network (AFGN). During the 2016 AFGN field campaign 21 absolute gravity readings were taken with an A10 gravity meter.
The NTGS Brunette Downs Gravity Survey, 2021, is a survey funded by the Northern Territory (NTGS) and managed by Geoscience Australia (GA). Atlas Geophysics was commissioned by GA to conduct the survey. The survey was conducted as part of NTGS’s Resourcing the Territory initiative and was given a survey ID of 202180. The survey is a roughly east-west rectangular shape covering approximately 57,000 square kilometres. It consists of a 2km by 2km grid across the entire survey area, in some areas omitting existing 4km by 4km gravity stations, and several areas of infill at 1km by 1km and 500m by 500m. The survey covers approximately 57,000 square kilometres, to the north and east of Tennant Creek to the border with Queensland. This survey acts as infill for other surveys: 200980 “Barkly”, 201580 “Northern Wiso Basin” and 201701 “Southern Nicholson”, which were acquired in regional 4km x 4km grid configurations. The data package consist of 17,312 gravity stations as a point located dataset, a series of grids in GDA94 Geodetic at 500m equivalent cells size, and the Operations Report.
This grid represents gravity anomalies of the Australian region. The grid combines accurate onshore gravity measurements, with satellite data over the offshore region. The cell values represent simple Bouguer anomalies at a density of 2.67 tonnes per cubic metre onshore and free-air anomalies offshore. The grid cell size is 0.5 minutes of arc, which is equivalent to about 800 metres.
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This image is derived from gravity observations stored in the Australian National Gravity Database (ANGD) as at February 2016 as well as data from the 2013 New South Wales Riverina gravity survey. Out of the approximately 1.8 million gravity observations 1,371,998 gravity stations in the ANGD together with 19,558 stations from the Riverina survey were used to generate this image. The image shows isostatic residual gravity anomalies over onshore continental Australia. The data used in this image has been acquired by the Commonwealth, State and Territory Governments, the mining and exploration industry, universities and research organisations from the 1940's to the present day. The isostatic corrections were based on the assumption that topographic loads are compensated at depth by crustal roots following the Airy-Heiskanen isostatic principle. A crustal density of 2670 kg/m3 was used for the isostatic correction, with an assumed density contrast between the crust and mantle of 400 kg/m3. An initial average depth to Moho at sea level of 37 km was used in the calculation. The isostatic corrections were then applied to the Complete Bouguer Gravity Anomaly Grid of Onshore Australia 2016 to produce the isostatic residual gravity anomaly grid. The Isostatic Residual Gravity Anomaly Grid of Onshore Australia 2016 has been image enhanced and displayed as a hue-saturation-intensity (HSI) image with sun shading from the northeast to create this product.
The Australian National Gravity Database (ANGD) contains data from gravity surveys conducted throughout Australia, most of which are available to the public. This dataset contains original survey data, operations reports, QA/QC notes, grids, and ancillary data for quality assurance, maintenance. New data will be made available once undergoing appropriate checks.
Gravity data measure small changes in gravity due to changes in the density of rocks beneath the Earth's surface. The gravity data collection contains both onshore and offshore data acquired on geophysical surveys conducted by Commonwealth, State & NT Governments and the private sector.