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  • Project In 2013, Geoscience Australia commissioned AAM to undertake a LiDAR survey with accompanying field survey and ortho imagery capture over the Macintyre river region comprising approx 7,500 square kilometres. Ref Deed CMC G3298 Contract CMC G4417. Collection of both LiDAR and simultaneous and near simultaneous imagery utilising the Optech ALTM Pegasus HA500 sensor and the Vision Map A3 digital camera occurred from 06 November 2013 to 17th December 2013 with a total of 20 LiDAR flights plus a very small infill (LiDAR only) flight on 17th March 2014. The LiDAR was controlled from existing CORS GPS stations and 3 newly setup reference GPS station. 158 test point sites that overlapped the LiDAR were surveyed by AAM using Kinematic Smartnet GPS. The specification for this survey was provided in the aforementioned contract document Data The LiDAR, Ortho and field surveys conform in accuracy, format and nomenclature conform to the above specification. The ortho imagery comprises 0.20m GSD RGB Geotiff imagery in Geotiff and ECW formats. The area spans MGA zones 55 and 56 products have been generated with an overlap as per the specification and nomenclature advice from the client.

  • Airborne Geophysical Data Acquired as part of the Gawler Mineral Promotion Project. Includes point located, gridded and image data. TEMPEST electromagnetics, magnetics and elevation data.

  • No abstract available

  • Linespacing for the survey is 100 metres

  • Bayside LiDAR 2007

  • The generation of the dataset was funded primarily by the State Government of Tasmania through the State Emergency Service and the Commonwealth Natural Disaster Mitigation Program. The Climate Futures for Tasmania project is possible with additional funding support from the Australian Government's Commonwealth Environment Research Facilities Program, the Tasmanian Department of Primary Industries and Water, and Hydro Tasmania. Digital Mapping Australia (DiMAP) collected the raw data and checked the digital elevation dataset in detail to the 10 metres AHD. If users are interested in improving the quality of the data above 10 metres AHD.

  • AAM was engaged by DPIPWE to acquire LiDAR data over several coastal areas of Tasmania during March and April 2014. Weymouth comprises approximately 14.84 km2

  • This job was part of the Coastal capture program. It captures from the 10m contour interval to the coastline in the east. To the north is the Kiama job and the Ulladulla job to the south.

  • Digital Ortho-rectified Aerial Photography