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  • The Lakes Entrance Oil Shaft is situated in allotment 21, Parish of Colquhoun, about 2 miles north-east of Lakes Entrance township. The shaft was sunk with the object of developing, by means of low pressure mining methods, the oil-bearing beds known to exist in the lower portion of the Tertiary basin in the Lakes Entrance area. It is estimated that, during mining operations, approximately 12,000 tons of Tertiary sediments were excavated. Consequently a unique opportunity was afforded the palaeontologist and geologist to study the stratigraphic sequence of Tertiary beds in the Lakes Entrance area. During visits paid to the scene of operations, extensive collections of fossiliferous material were made by the author. This report comprises notes on the scope of the micro-palaeontological investigation, the stratigraphy and the palaeontology of the Lakes Entrance Oil Shaft.

  • The geology, production history, ore grade, and ore reserves of the Northern Star Mine are discussed in this report. Four accompanying plans are included.

  • Report on a preliminary micropalaeontological examination of the samples, submitted by the Frome - Broken Hill Co. Pty. Ltd., on November 3rd, 1947, from the Northern Flinders Range area. The examination was made with a view to giving assistance to the reconnaissance work now in progress.

  • Results of a micropalaeontological examination of samples taken from between the depths of 1450 and 1800 feet.

  • The geology and ore reserves of the dolomite deposit near Wall's Siding are discussed in this report. The report should be read in conjunction with the report on "Limestone and Dolomite Deposits at Cow Flat and Wall's Siding, New South Wales" (Record 1947/090).

  • The question of a geophysical survey of the Copperhead mining property at Bullfinch was discussed and it was stated that there was need for a geophysical survey to determine the detailed structure of the jaspilite bodies over a small area concealed by tailings at the eastern end of the jaspilite zone. Following preliminary tests, a detailed survey was conducted in December, 1946. The geology, nature of the problem, and results of the survey are discussed in this report. Two accompanying plans are included.

  • Results of a micropalaeontological examination of samples taken from a depth of 642 feet down to 1,568 feet. This series is in continuation of that reported upon 25/7/45.

  • Report on surveying, sampling, and plant sampling work carried out during the month of July, 1947.

  • Brazil and Madagascar are the principal sources of the world supply of quartz crystal. During the early years of the war it appeared that the greatly increased demand for military purposes could not be met from these countries; consequently, it became urgently necessary to look for supplies in Australia and elsewhere. By October, 1943, the position had ehanged considerably and it appeared possible that Australian requirements of raw crystal could be met from the Brazilian deposits.

  • A geological reconnaissance was made of an area of approximately 27,000 square miles lying north and west of Katherine in the Northern Territory. The report is compiled in two parts. The first concerns general geology and includes accounts of the nomenclature, stratigraphy, structural geology, geological history, and geomorphology of the area. The second part comprises a summary of the economic geology. The mining industry, petroleum prospects, underground water, and recommendations are discussed. A table showing the mineral production figures for the Northern Territory, northern district, is appended.