Type of resources
Publication year
Redox mapping in the Central Corridor of the St. Ives Camp Redox domains and application to drilling (Horn et al)
Structural architecture, hydrothermal alteration and fluid characteristics in the Kalgoorlie- Kambalda area, Western Australia (Hodge et al)
Alteration of Komatiites in the Kalgoorlie-Kambalda area, Western Australia (Heydari et al)
Alteration mapping and fluid identification in the St. Ives Gold Camp (Petersen et al)
Project Y2 - 18 images of observed and predicted receiver function data.
Goldfields presentation 2003 Architecture and Chemistry
Camp- to deposit-scale zonation of hydrothermal alteration in the St Ives gold camp, Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia: evidence for two fluid systems
Geochemical controls on high-grade gold mineralisation at the Junction lode-gold deposit, Kambalda, WA
Barossa conference combined Y3 team presentations 2004
Project T1 Susceptibility and remanence parameters. Stawell Table 1