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Legacy product - no abstract available
Legacy product - no abstract available
Legacy product - no abstract available
The Petrography Database contains 29 701 descriptions of thin sections of rock and other geological material from Australia. The location is stored with each sample along with geological descriptions, including the host stratigraphic unit and lithology. Most samples have been collected by AGSO field parties.
Package comprises a digital compilation of regional mapping of Bathurst (SI5508) 1:250 000 map by AGSO and NSW Department of Mineral Resources, under NGMA from 1991 to 1996.
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Legacy product - no abstract available
Cenozoic basins of the Lake Frome region in South Australia contain most of Australia's known resources of sandstone-hosted uranium mineralisation. In addition to the currently operating Beverley uranium mine, two other deposits have been approved for mining (Honeymoon, Four Mile East) and discoveries continue to be made in the region (e.g., Beverley North; Heathgate Resources, announcement September 2009). While the known resources are significant, the potential of the region for very large uranium deposits has not been well understood, in part because of limited knowledge of the regional and district scale geological controls on uranium mineralisation. The multidisciplinary study reported herein applies a 'mineral systems' approach to identify and map the principal geological controls on the location of known uranium mineralisation in the Lake Frome region. This new framework is aimed at providing a basis for refined exploration targeting of areas with potential for major undiscovered deposits, thus reducing investment risk for the exploration industry. There are two resources available. 1. GA Record 2009/040 PDF format 2. GA Record 2009/040 Resource Pack ZIP File (Includes GA Record 2009/040, Figure 3.3, Figure 3.4, Figure 3.5, Figure 3.6, Figure 3.7)
Legacy product - no abstract available
Legacy product - no abstract available