continental shelf
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We report the presence of a prominent bathymetric expression of the Fitzroy River palaeochannel on the continental shelf of the southern Great Barrier Reef (GBR), Australia. The Fitzroy River, and the Burdekin River are the two largest point sources of terrigenous sediment to the GBR, which represents the worlds largest tropical mixed siliciclastic-carbonate sedimentary province. The Fitzroy River palaeochannel differs from that of the previously discovered Burdekin palaeochannel in that it has not yet been buried by sediments. Evidently, the dominance of platform reef rather than barrier reef geomorphology, coupled with macrotidal oceanographic conditions has limited aggradation behind the shelf edge, as postulated for the Burdekin region. Contrary to current models for the central GBR which suggest that slope sedimentation is limited to periods of transgression, the palaeo-Fitzroy probably contributed sediment directly to the continental slope of the southern GBR throughout the lowstand. Additionally, it appears that during the highstand, accumulation of terrigenous sediment on the middle and outer shelf has been minimal. The southern GBR represents a transition between the mainly terrigenous wave and ocean current dominated shelf of southeastern Australia, and the mixed siliciclastic-carbonate storm-influenced shelf of the GBR. The discovery of the Fitzroy River palaeochannel in the southern GBR physiographic setting provides new data by which the response of major rivers to sea level change can be characterised.
Models of seabed sediment mobilisation by waves and currents over Australia's continental shelf environment are used to examine whether disturbance regimes exist in the context of the intermediate disturbance hypothesis (IDH). Our study shows that it is feasible to model the frequency and magnitude of seabed disturbance in relation to the dominant energy source (wave-dominated shelf, tide-dominated shelf or tropical cyclone dominated shelf). Areas are mapped where the recurrence interval of disturbance events is comparable to the rate of ecological succession, which meets criteria defined for a disturbance regime. We focus our attention on high-energy, patch-clearing events defined as exceeding the Shields (bed shear stress) parameter value of 0.25. Using known rates of ecological succession for different substrate types (gravel, sand, mud), predictions are made of the spatial distribution of a dimensionless ecological disturbance index (ED), given as: ED = FA (ES/RI), where ES is the ecological succession rate for different substrates, RI is the recurrence interval of disturbance events and FA is the fraction of the frame of reference (surface area) disturbed. Maps for the Australian continental shelf show small patches of ED-seafloor distributed around the continent, on both the inner and outer shelf. The patterns are different for wave-dominated (patches on the outer shelf trending parallel to the coast), tide-dominated (patches crossing the middle-shelf trending normal to the coast) and cyclone-dominated (large oval-shaped patches crossing all depths). Only a small portion of the shelf (perhaps ~10%) is characterised by a disturbance regime as defined here. To our knowledge, this is the first time such an analysis has been attempted for any continental shelf on the earth.
In September and October of 2011 Geoscience Australia surveyed part of the offshore northern Perth Basin in order to map potential sites of natural hydrocarbon seepage. The primary objectives of the survey were to map the spatial distribution of seepage sites and characterise the nature of the seepage at these sites (gas vs oil, macroseepage vs microseepage; palaeo vs modern day seepage) on the basis of: acoustic signatures in the water column, shallow subsurface and on the seabed; geochemical signatures in rock and sediment samples and the water column; and biological signatures on the seabed. Areas of potential natural hydrocarbon seepage that were surveyed included proven (drilled) oil and gas accumulations, a breached structure, undrilled hydrocarbon prospects, and areas with potential signatures of fluid seepage identified in seismic, satellite remote sensing and multibeam bathymetry data. Within each of these areas the survey acquired: water column measurements with the CTD; acoustic data with single- and multi-beam echosounders, sidescan sonar and sub-bottom profiler (sidescan not acquired in Area F as it was too deep in places); and sediment and biological samples with the Smith-McIntyre Grab. In addition, data were collected with a remotely operated vehicle (ROV), integrated hydrocarbon sensor array, and CO2 sensor in selected areas. Sampling with the gravity corer had limited success in many of the more shallow areas (A-E) due to the coarse sandy nature of the seabed sediments. This dataset comprises total chlorin concentrations and chlorin indices from the upper 2 cm of seabed sediments.
In September and October of 2011 Geoscience Australia surveyed part of the offshore northern Perth Basin in order to map potential sites of natural hydrocarbon seepage. The primary objectives of the survey were to map the spatial distribution of seepage sites and characterise the nature of the seepage at these sites (gas vs oil, macroseepage vs microseepage; palaeo vs modern day seepage) on the basis of: acoustic signatures in the water column, shallow subsurface and on the seabed; geochemical signatures in rock and sediment samples and the water column; and biological signatures on the seabed. Areas of potential natural hydrocarbon seepage that were surveyed included proven (drilled) oil and gas accumulations, a breached structure, undrilled hydrocarbon prospects, and areas with potential signatures of fluid seepage identified in seismic, satellite remote sensing and multibeam bathymetry data. Within each of these areas the survey acquired: water column measurements with the CTD; acoustic data with single- and multi-beam echosounders, sidescan sonar and sub-bottom profiler (sidescan not acquired in Area F as it was too deep in places); and sediment and biological samples with the Smith-McIntyre Grab. In addition, data were collected with a remotely operated vehicle (ROV), integrated hydrocarbon sensor array, and CO2 sensor in selected areas. Sampling with the gravity corer had limited success in many of the more shallow areas (A-E) due to the coarse sandy nature of the seabed sediments. This dataset comprises mineraology of the upper 2cm of seabed sediment. The mineral assemblage includes quartz, aragonite, calcite and high-Mg calcite expressed as mol %.
In September and October of 2011 Geoscience Australia surveyed part of the offshore northern Perth Basin in order to map potential sites of natural hydrocarbon seepage. The primary objectives of the survey were to map the spatial distribution of seepage sites and characterise the nature of the seepage at these sites (gas vs oil, macroseepage vs microseepage; palaeo vs modern day seepage) on the basis of: acoustic signatures in the water column, shallow subsurface and on the seabed; geochemical signatures in rock and sediment samples and the water column; and biological signatures on the seabed. Areas of potential natural hydrocarbon seepage that were surveyed included proven (drilled) oil and gas accumulations, a breached structure, undrilled hydrocarbon prospects, and areas with potential signatures of fluid seepage identified in seismic, satellite remote sensing and multibeam bathymetry data. Within each of these areas the survey acquired: water column measurements with the CTD; acoustic data with single- and multi-beam echosounders, sidescan sonar and sub-bottom profiler (sidescan not acquired in Area F as it was too deep in places); and sediment and biological samples with the Smith-McIntyre Grab. In addition, data were collected with a remotely operated vehicle (ROV), integrated hydrocarbon sensor array, and CO2 sensor in selected areas. Sampling with the gravity corer had limited success in many of the more shallow areas (A-E) due to the coarse sandy nature of the seabed sediments. This data set comprises carbonate and specific surface area measurements in the upper 2cm of seabed sediments.
This resource contains geochemistry data for the Oceanic Shoals Commonwealth Marine Reserve (CMR) in the Timor Sea collected by Geoscience Australia during September and October 2012 on RV Solander (survey GA0339/SOL5650). This dataset comprises major and trace element concentrations in the upper 2 cm of seabed sediment. The Oceanic Shoals Commonwealth Marine Reserve survey was undertaken as an activity within the Australian Government's National Environmental Research Program Marine Biodiversity Hub and was the key component of Research Theme 4 - Regional Biodiversity Discovery to Support Marine Bioregional Plans. Hub partners involved in the survey included the Australian Institute of Marine Science, Geoscience Australia, the University of Western Australia, Museum Victoria and the Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory. Data acquired during the survey included: multibeam sonar bathymetry and acoustic backscatter; sub-bottom acoustic profiles; physical samples of seabed sediments, infauna and epibenthic biota; towed underwater video and still camera observations of seabed habitats; baited video observations of demersal and pelagic fish, and; oceanographic measurements of the water column from CTD (conductivity, temperature, depth) casts and from deployment of sea surface drifters. Further information on the survey is available in the post-survey report published as Geoscience Australia Record 2013/38: Nichol, S.L., Howard, F.J.F., Kool, J., Stowar, M., Bouchet, P., Radke, L., Siwabessy, J., Przeslawski, R., Picard, K., Alvarez de Glasby, B., Colquhoun, J., Letessier, T. & Heyward, A. 2013. Oceanic Shoals Commonwealth Marine Reserve (Timor Sea) Biodiversity Survey: GA0339/SOL5650 - Post Survey Report. Record 2013/38. Geoscience Australia: Canberra. (GEOCAT #76658).
Keppel Bay is a large shallow coastal embayment adjacent to the mouth of the Fitzroy River, located on the central coast of Queensland. The geomorphology and distribution of sediment in Keppel Bay is complex due to the influence of Late Quaternary sea-level change, relict topography, a geologically diverse catchment, macrotidal hydrodynamic processes and flood events. Seabed morphology, sub-bottom profiles and sediment cores reveal the former path of the Fitzroy River across Keppel Bay and the continental shelf. The palaeo-Fitzroy River flowed west across the shelf to the north of Northwest Reef, a position on the shelf that is now under approximately 60 m of water. With the rise in sea level during the early Holocene, the mouth of the Fitzroy River retreated across the continental shelf and by the middle Holocene it was landwards of its present location, near Rockhampton. During the last few thousand years under a relatively stable sea level, much of the shallow inner region of Keppel Bay has been infilled and the coast has prograded several kilometres. Palaeochannels in the inner section of Keppel Bay have mostly been infilled with sediment, which mainly comprises muddy sand from the Fitzroy River. In the outer bay and on the shelf further west many relict channels have not been infilled with marine sediment indicating that the area is relatively starved of sediment. Sediments in outer Keppel Bay are dominantly relict fluvial deposits that are well sorted with only a minor mud component. Subaqueous dunes in the outer southeastern section of Keppel Bay and Centre Bank indicate that tidal currents and currents associated with the predominant southeasterly winds, appear to be transporting marine biogenic sediments and relict coarse terrigenous sediments into Keppel Bay.
Map showing Australia's Maritime Jurisdiction in the Tasman Sea. One of the 27 constituent maps of the "Australia's Maritime Jurisdiction Map Series" (GeoCat 71789). Depicting Australia's extended continental shelf, approved by the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf in April 2008, treaties and various maritime zones. Background bathymetric image is derived from a combination of the 2009 9 arc second bathymetric and topographic grid by GA and a grid by Smith and Sandwell, 1997. Background land imagery derived from Blue Marble, NASA's Earth Observatory. A0 sized .pdf downloadable from the web.
Prydz Bay and the Mac.Robertson Land Shelf exhibit many of the variations seen on Antarctic continental shelves. The Mac.Robertson Shelf is relatively narrow with rugged inner shelf topography and shalow outer banks swept by the west-flowing Antarctic Coastal Current. U-shaped valleys cut the shelf. it has thin sedimentary cover deposited and eroded by cycles of glacial advance and retreat through the Neogene and Quaternary. Modern sedimention is diatom-rich Siliceosu Muddy OOze in shelf deeps while on the banks, phytodetritus, calcareous bioclasts and terrigenous material are mixed by iceberg ploughing. Prydz Bay is a large embayment fed by the Amery Ice Shelf. it has a broad inner shelf deep and outer bank with depths ranging from 2400 m beneath the ice shelf to 100 m on the outer bank. A clockwise gyre flows through the bay. Fine mud and siliceous ooze drapes the sea floor however banks are scoured by icebergs to depths of 500 m.
This short compilation is a 3D Bathymetric flythrough starting from Exmouth to Fremantle and through the Perth Canyon. Also showing the Houtman, Mentell, Wallaby Plateau, canyons and new volcanoes. This short compilation movie will be incorporated into a PowerPoint presentation to be shown at IUGG 2011. It is in 4:3 format. The 3D flythrough footage was originally created for 08-3476 movie - South West Marine Margin, March 2010.