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The Landsat series of satellites commenced acquiring remotely sensed data with the launch of Landsat 1 in 1972. The Landsat satellites travel at an altitude of 705 kilometres and provide coverage of the entire globe every 16 days. The Multispectral Scanner (MSS) sensor has been the primary Earth-observing instrument. MSS images in four spectral bands (called Bands 4-7 on LS1,2&3 and 1-4 on LS 4&5) covering the visible and near infrared regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. The MSS ground swath is 185 kilometres wide, with a nominal 80 metre pixel resolution. The archive of ACRES MSS data dates from 1979 onwards. ACRES MSS archive contains data from the following Landsat satellites: Landsat 2 commenced November 1979, ceased Feb 1982 Landsat 3 commenced November 1979 ceased August 1982 Landsat 4 commenced August 1982, ceased May 1984 Landsat 5 commenced 9 April 1984, ceased November 1997 - Band 4 (original band 7) data poor quality from 29 April 1994 - Band 4 (original band 7)switched off permanently 20 August 1995 Note that MSS data from Landsat 3 & 4 is of poor quality and requirements for this data need to be discussed with ACRES prior to purchase.
Includes copy of AGSO Record 1997/20
Includes copy of AGSO Record 1997/20
Includes copy of AGSO Record 1997/20
Includes copy of AGSO Record 1997/20
Includes copy of AGSO Record 1997/20
Includes copy of AGSO Record 1997/20
No abstract available
Includes copy of AGSO Record 1997/20
No abstract available