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  • Legacy product - no abstract available

  • Laser DEM Shiny Colour Drape Images contains Digital Elevation Model (DEM) tiles covering the eastern half of Christmas Island as 8 bit TIFF, 24 bit TIFF, and ECW images. A LiDAR Digital Elevation Model (DEM) was constructed for the eastern half of Christmas Island from ground heights obtained from an airborne laser scanning survey flown September 2000 by AAM Surveys Pty Ltd. Shiny colour drape images of the ground surface were produced from this DEM in Geoscience Australia by processing the set of last returns (mostly ground heights), and the GPS location in MGA (GDA94) units of each height. Point shape files and Arc grids were also created from the raw data by GA. Laser DEM Grids consists of 27 digital elevation model grids. The Arcview grid files were constructed from the "Airborne Laser Scanning" shapefiles. The Laser DEM grid tiles cover the eastern portion of the Christmas Island. Each grid contains the height in metres of the ground surface with a value every one metre on the ground.

  • The Christmas Island Geographic Information System (CIGIS) is a collection of spatial data, viewing and analysis tools dealing with Christmas Island, Indian Ocean. The data include orthophotography, topographic, mining, cultural and environmental features of the island. This work is part of ongoing service to Territories West of the Attorney General's Department.

  • The Australian Territory of Christmas Island, a raised atoll with a population of about 2000 people, lies on oceanic crust about 1600 km north- north west of Australia's Northwest Cape, and 350 km south of western most Java (Fig. 1). The Australian Cocos-Keeling Islands group is 1000 km further west. Christmas Island resembles a 'T', with its stem running east-west (Fig. 4), has an area of 140 km2, and is up to 20 km across. Australia has declared a 200 mile fisheries zone around Christmas Island. The island is on the Indo-Australian Plate, which is moving 'north at about 7cm/year, and is being uplifted on the bulge in front of the Java Trench 150km to the north. It has the form of a plateau at 200-300 m above sea level,bounded by a series of sea cliffs and terraces. The plateau slopes to the south; the highest point is Murray's Hill (361 m) on the western end of the island. The natural vegetation is tropical rain forest. The island is at the eastern end of the submarine Christmas Rise, which extends south-south west for 700 km (Fig. 1). The Java Trench to the north is more than 6500 m deep, and the abyssal plains around the Christmas Rise are 5000-6000 m deep. The rise sits on oceanic crust of presumed LateCretaceous age, and both it and the pedestal of the island consist largely of volcanics. On the island the volcanics are overlain by Eocene limestone, and an extensive Miocene limestone which is associated with extensive phosphate deposits. These deposits produced nearly 1,000,000 tonnes a year of phosphate rock until 1987 when mining ceased. Mining resumed at asmaller scale in 1991. In early 1991, the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade requested BMR to undertake a study of the non-living seabed resources of the area around Christmas Island, as an aid to seabed boundary delimitation negotiations. This work arose from the request, and started in January 1992, using RV. Rig Seismic. A cruise narrative is provided in Appendix 7

  • A 1:10,000 scale general reference and tourist map of the island showing settlement, mining areas, railways, roads and tracks, and the boundary of Christmas Island National Park

  • Printed Orthophoto map.

  • This map shows the boundary of the Maritime Security Zones for each port for the purpose of the Maritime Transport & Office Security Act 2003. 3 Sheets (Colour) May 2010 Not for Sale or public distribution Contact Manager LOSAMBA project, PMD.

  • Christmas Island is located approximately 2,600 North West of Perth. It is the surface expression of an emergent seamount uplifted by tectonics. Bathymetry data are required in this area to help identify major seabed processes and habitats. The data are also required to enable modelling of tsunami as they interact with the shelf around the island and the coast. This report describes the methodology employed in creating detailed bathymetry data grids of the Christmas Island region. It covers data collection, quality control and gridding. Descriptions are provided of each dataset employed, the methods used to integrate the different datasets and the attributes of the new bathymetric models. Five new bathymetry grids are presented, including grids that integrate bathymetry with the island's topography.<p><p>This dataset is not to be used for navigational purposes.

  • Earthquake of Christmas Island on 13th June 2013. Query from Dan Jaksa on 14th June regarding whether the earthquake fell in Australian waters Refer to Advice Register - 684