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  • Geoscience Australia, in collaboration with the Geological Survey of New South Wales and the Geological Survey of Queensland, have been collecting precompetitive geoscience data in the southern Thomson Orogen as part of the Southern Thomson project. This Project is designed to encourage industry investment in this poorly understood area, and spark interest by explorers to potentially discover a new minerals province. A stratigraphic drilling program was established to: 1. Develop baseline geologic constraints 2. Improve the understanding of basement geology 3. Better understand the potential for mineralisation. In the frame of this project, hyperspectral data have been collected from mud rotary drill chips and diamond drill cores penetrating the Mesozoic Eromanga Basin into basement felsic igneous, clastic sedimentary and metasedimentary rocks of the southern Thomson Orogen. Geoscience Australia requested assistance from CSIRO in performing quality assurance (QA) by reprocessing and reinterpreting hyperspectral data collected from 14 boreholes to inform the components of the stratigraphic drilling program. This report outlines the results of CSIRO’s reprocessing of the hyperspectral drill core data, which consisted of the following: 1. Quality Assurance (QA) on the data 2. Identification of visible to near infrared, shortwave-infrared and thermal infrared active mineral species 3. Identification of mineral assemblages 4. Comparison of mineralogy with other available geoscience data, such as geochemistry, where available.

  • Heavy minerals (HMs) are minerals with a specific gravity greater than 2.9 g/cm3. They are commonly highly resistant to physical and chemical weathering, and therefore persist in sediments as lasting indicators of the (former) presence of the rocks they formed in. The presence/absence of certain HMs, their associations with other HMs, their concentration levels, and the geochemical patterns they form in maps or 3D models can be indicative of geological processes that contributed to their formation. Furthermore trace element and isotopic analyses of HMs have been used to vector to mineralisation or constrain timing of geological processes. The positive role of HMs in mineral exploration is well established in other countries, but comparatively little understood in Australia. Here we present the results of a pilot project that was designed to establish, test and assess a workflow to produce a HM map (or atlas of maps) and dataset for Australia. This would represent a critical step in the ability to detect anomalous HM patterns as it would establish the background HM characteristics (i.e., unrelated to mineralisation). Further the extremely rich dataset produced would be a valuable input into any future machine learning/big data-based prospectivity analysis. The pilot project consisted in selecting ten sites from the National Geochemical Survey of Australia (NGSA) and separating and analysing the HM contents from the 75-430 µm grain-size fraction of the top (0-10 cm depth) sediment samples. A workflow was established and tested based on the density separation of the HM-rich phase by combining a shake table and the use of dense liquids. The automated mineralogy quantification was performed on a TESCAN® Integrated Mineral Analyser (TIMA) that identified and mapped thousands of grains in a matter of minutes for each sample. The results indicated that: (1) the NGSA samples are appropriate for HM analysis; (2) over 40 HMs were effectively identified and quantified using TIMA automated quantitative mineralogy; (3) the resultant HMs’ mineralogy is consistent with the samples’ bulk geochemistry and regional geological setting; and (4) the HM makeup of the NGSA samples varied across the country, as shown by the mineral mounts and preliminary maps. Based on these observations, HM mapping of the continent using NGSA samples will likely result in coherent and interpretable geological patterns relating to bedrock lithology, metamorphic grade, degree of alteration and mineralisation. It could assist in geological investigations especially where outcrop is minimal, challenging to correctly attribute due to extensive weathering, or simply difficult to access. It is believed that a continental-scale HM atlas for Australia could assist in derisking mineral exploration and lead to investment, e.g., via tenement uptake, exploration, discovery and ultimately exploitation. As some HMs are hosts for technology critical elements such as rare earth elements, their systematic and internally consistent quantification and mapping could lead to resource discovery essential for a more sustainable, lower-carbon economy.

  • <div>The ubiquitous nature of dust, along with localised chemical and biological signatures, makes it an ideal medium for provenance determination in a forensic context. Metabarcoding of dust can yield biological communities unique to the site of interest, similarly, geochemical and mineralogical analyses can uncover elements and minerals within dust than can be matched to a geographic location. Combining these analyses presents multiple lines of evidence as to the origin of collected dust samples. In this work, we investigated whether the time an item spent at a site collecting dust influenced the ability to assign provenance. We then integrated dust metabarcoding of bacterial and fungal communities into a framework amenable to forensic casework, (i.e., using calibrated log-likelihood ratios to predict the origin of dust samples) and assessed whether current soil metabarcoding databases could be utilised to predict dust origin. Furthermore, we tested whether both metabarcoding and geochemical/mineralogical analyses could be conducted on a single sample for situations where sampling is limited. We found both analyses could generate results capable of separating sites from a single swabbed sample and that the duration of time to accumulate dust did not impact site separation. We did find significant variation within sites at different sampling time periods, showing that bacterial and fungal community profiles vary over time and space – but not to the extent that they are non-discriminatory. We successfully modelled soil and dust samples for both bacterial and fungal diversity, developing calibrated log-likelihood ratio plots and used these to predict provenance for dust samples. We found that the temporal variation in community composition influenced our ability to predict dust provenance and recommend reference samples be collected as close to the sampling time as possible. Thus, our framework showed soil metabarcoding databases are capable of being used to predict dust provenance but the temporal variation in metabarcoded communities will need to be addressed to improve provenance estimates.&nbsp;</div> <b>Citation:</b> Nicole R. Foster, Duncan Taylor, Jurian Hoogewerff, Michael G. Aberle, Patrice de Caritat, Paul Roffey, Robert Edwards, Arif Malik, Michelle Waycott and Jennifer M. Young, The secret hidden in dust: Uncovering the potential to use biological and chemical properties of the airborne soil fraction to assign provenance and integrating this into forensic casework, <i>Forensic Science International: Genetics,</i> (2023) doi:

  • Analytical results and associated sample and analysis metadata from the analysis of minerals in earth material samples.

  • Collection of mineral, gem, meteorite, fossil (including the Commonwealth Palaeontological Collection) and petrographic thin section specimens dating back to the early 1900s. The collection is of scientific, historic, aesthetic, and social significance. Geoscience Australia is responsible for the management and preservation of the collection, as well as facilitating access to the collection for research, and geoscience education and outreach. Over 700 specimens from the collection are displayed in our public gallery . The collection contains: • 15,000 gem, mineral and meteorite specimens from localities in Australia and across the globe. • 45,000 published palaeontological specimens contained in the Commonwealth Palaeontological Collection (CPC) mainly from Australia. • 1,000,000 unpublished fossils in a ‘Bulk Fossil’ collection. • 250,000 petrographic thin section slides. • 200 historical geoscience instruments including: cartography, geophysical, and laboratory equipment." <b>Value: </b>Specimens in the collection are derived from Geoscience Australia (GA) surveys, submissions by researchers, donations, purchases and bequests. A number of mineral specimens are held on behalf of the National Museum of Australia. <b>Scope: </b>This is a national collection that began in the early 1900s with early Commonwealth surveys collecting material across the country and British territories. The mineral specimens are mainly from across Australia, with a strong representation from major mineral deposits such as Broken Hill, and almost 40% from the rest of the world. The majority of fossils are from Australia, with a small proportion from lands historically or currently under Australian control, such as Papua New Guinea and the Australian Antarctic Territory.

  • We describe a vision for a national-scale heavy mineral (HM) map generated through automated mineralogical identification and quantification of HMs contained in floodplain sediments from large catchments covering most of Australia. The composition of the sediments reflects the dominant rock types in each catchment, with the generally resistant HMs largely preserving the mineralogical fingerprint of their host protoliths through the weathering-transport-deposition cycle. Heavy mineral presence/absence, absolute and relative abundance, and co-occurrence are metrics useful to map, discover and interpret catchment lithotype(s), geodynamic setting, magmatism, metamorphic grade, alteration and/or mineralization. Underpinning this vision is a pilot project, focusing on a subset from the national sediment sample archive, which is used to demonstrate the feasibility of the larger, national-scale project. We preview a bespoke, cloud-based mineral network analysis (MNA) tool to visualize, explore and discover relationships between HMs as well as between them and geological settings or mineral deposits. We envisage that the Heavy Mineral Map of Australia and MNA tool will contribute significantly to mineral prospectivity analysis and modeling, particularly for technology critical elements and their host minerals, which are central to the global economy transitioning to a more sustainable, lower carbon energy model. The full, peer-reviewed article can be found here: Caritat, P. de, McInnes, B.I.A., Walker, A.T., Bastrakov, E., Rowins, S.M., Prent, A.M. 2022. The Heavy Mineral Map of Australia: vision and pilot project. Minerals, 12(8), 961,

  • Brumbys 1 was an appraisal well drilled and cored through Brumbys Fault at the CO2CRC Otway International Test Centre in 2018. The Otway Project is located in South West Victoria, on private farming property approximately 35 km southeast of Warrnambool and approximately 10 km northwest of the town of Peterborough. Total measured depth was 126.6 m (80 degrees). Sonic drilling enabled excellent core recovery and the borehole was completed as a groundwater monitoring well. Brumbys 1 cores through the upper Hesse Clay, Port Campbell Limestone and extends into the Gellibrand Marl. This dataset compiles the extensive analysis undertaken on the core. Analysis includes: Core log; Foram Analysis; Paleodepth; % Carbonate (CaCO3); X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry (XRF); Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS); X-Ray Diffraction (XRD); Grain Size; Density; Surface Area Analysis (SAA); Gamma. Samples were taken at approximately 1-2 m intervals.

  • <div>Environmental DNA (eDNA), elemental and mineralogical analyses of soil have been shown to be specific to their source material, prompting consideration of the use of dust for forensic provenancing. Dust is ubiquitous in the environment and is easily transferred to items belonging to a person of interest, making dust analysis an ideal tool in forensic casework. The advent of Next Generation Sequencing technologies means that metabarcoding of eDNA can uncover microbial, fungal, and even plant genetic fingerprints in dust particles. Combining this with elemental and mineralogical compositions offers multiple, complementary lines of evidence for tracing the origin of an unknown dust sample. This is particularly pertinent when recovering dust from a person of interest to ascertain where they may have travelled. Prior to proposing dust as a forensic trace material, however, the optimum sampling protocols and detection limits need to be established to place parameters around its utility in this context. We tested several approaches to collecting dust from different materials and determined the lowest quantity of dust that could be analysed for eDNA, geochemistry and mineralogy, whilst still yielding results capable of distinguishing between sites. We found that fungal eDNA profiles could be obtained from multiple sample types and that tape lifts were the optimum collection method for discriminating between sites. We successfully recovered both fungal and bacterial eDNA profiles down to 3&nbsp;mg of dust (the lowest tested quantity) and recovered elemental and mineralogical compositions for all tested sample quantities. We show that dust can be reliably recovered from different sample types, using different sampling techniques, and that fungal, bacterial, and elemental and mineralogical profiles, can be generated from small sample quantities, highlighting the utility of dust as a forensic provenance material.</div> <b>Citation:</b> Nicole R. Foster, Belinda Martin, Jurian Hoogewerff, Michael G. Aberle, Patrice de Caritat, Paul Roffey, Robert Edwards, Arif Malik, Priscilla Thwaites, Michelle Waycott, Jennifer Young, The utility of dust for forensic intelligence: Exploring collection methods and detection limits for environmental DNA, elemental and mineralogical analyses of dust samples, <i>Forensic Science International </i>, Volume 344, 2023, 111599, ISSN 0379-0738, ISSN 0379-0738,

  • <div>The National Geochemical Survey of Australia (NGSA) is Australia’s only internally consistent, continental-scale geochemical atlas and dataset. The present dataset contains additional mineralogical data obtained on NGSA samples selected from the Barkly-Isa-Georgetown (BIG) region of northeastern Australia for the second partial data release of the Heavy Mineral Map of Australia (HMMA) project. The HMMA project, a collaborative project between Geoscience Australia and Curtin University underpinned by a pilot project establishing its feasibility, is part of the Australian Government-funded Exploring for the Future (EFTF) program.</div><div>One-hundred and eighty eight NGSA sediment samples were selected from the HMMA project within the EFTF’s BIG polygon plus an approximately one-degree buffer. The samples were taken on average from 60 to 80 cm depth in floodplain landforms, dried and sieved to a 75-430 µm grainsize fraction, and the contained heavy minerals (HMs; i.e., those with a specific gravity > 2.9 g/cm3) were separated by dense fluids and mounted on cylindrical epoxy mounts. After polishing and carbon-coating, the mounts were subjected to automated mineralogical analysis on a TESCAN® Integrated Mineral Analyzer (TIMA). Using scanning electron microscopy and backscatter electron imaging integrated with energy dispersive X-ray analysis, the TIMA identified 151 different HMs in the BIG area. The dataset, consisting of over 18 million individual mineral grains, was quality controlled and validated by an expert team. The data released here can be visualised, explored and downloaded using an online, bespoke mineral network analysis (MNA) tool built on a cloud-based platform. Preliminary analysis suggests that copper minerals cuprite and chalcopyrite may be indicative of base-metal/copper mineralisation in the area. Accompanying this report are two data files of TIMA results, and a minerals vocabulary file. </div><div>When completed in 2023, it is hoped the HMMA project will positively impact mineral exploration and prospectivity modelling around Australia, as well as have other applications in earth and environmental sciences.</div>

  • Geoscience Australia is currently assessing selected Australian sedimentary basins for their unconventional hydrocarbon resource potential, in collaboration with the Northern Territory and state governments. A study of the southern Georgina Basin is in progress, involving the compilation of a cross-border dataset of all accessible open file seismic, well, geological and geochemical data that will be publicly released in mid-2014. Major geochemical resampling of old wells has generated new information on source rock characteristics, kerogen kinetics, and gas and oil isotope geochemistry in the Georgina Basin. Preliminary 3D geology and 1D petroleum systems models have also been generated. Several cores from the Georgina Basin have been HyLogged by the geological surveys of Northern Territory, Queensland and New South Wales, using HyLogging facilities funded by AuScope Pty Ltd and CSIRO as part of the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS) and AuScope National Virtual Core Library (NVCL) Project. Geoscience Australia currently has a project underway to reprocess the raw HyLogging data using a common set of mineral scalars, to create an internally-consistent, basin-wide dataset. An initial composite HyLogging data package was publicly released in March 2014, including reprocessed data for 14 wells in the southern Georgina Basin, information about the processing methods used, and metadata. A second stage of the project will involve interpretation of the reprocessed data from these wells, to further examine the relationships between the spectroscopic and mineralogical properties measured by the HyLogger, and core total organic carbon (TOC), XRD, XRF and ICPMS compositional data, well log data, and biostratigraphic data. Initial work has indicated interesting trends, such as the apparent relationship between gamma intensity, core SWIR albedo (mean shortwave infrared reflectance) and quartz content. Peaks in gamma intensity broadly align with troughs in albedo, suggesting that the reduced albedo is a result of increased TOC content. However, in others cores (or even the same core), peaks in gamma intensity also appear to correlate with potassium-rich phases such as white micas and other clay minerals, thus the gamma correlation does not appear straightforward. Other preliminary observations indicate that using HyLogging data provides (i) the opportunity to review the existing formation picks in the basin from a mineralogical perspective, (ii) new information on variations in calcite/dolomite proportions in the carbonate sequences, (iii) the ability to map apatite distribution, and (iv) mineralogical evidence of sedimentary cyclicity. It is thus hoped that integrated interpretation of the HyLogging data and other data types will enable clearer delineation of the lower Arthur Creek Formation (and the 'Hot Shale' within) in the Georgina Basin, and therefore assist in constraining target intervals for future unconventional hydrocarbon resource assessments.