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  • Contents: 1.Strusz DL. Brachiopods from the Silurian of Fyshwick, Canberra, Australia. 2.Young GC. Further petalichthyid remains (placoderm fishes, early Devonian) from the Taemas-Wee Jasper region, New South Wales. 3.Nicoll RS. Multielement composition of the conodont species Polygnathus xylus xylus Stauffer, 1940 and Ozarkodina brevis (Bischoff and Ziegler, 1957) from the upper Devonian of the Canning Basin, Western Australia. 4.Jones PJ. Treposellidae (Beyrichiacea: Ostracoda) from the latest Devonian (Strunian) of the Bonaparte Basin, Western Australia. 5.Dickins JM. Late Palaeozoic glaciation. 6.Shafik S. Calcareous nannofossils from the Toolebuc Formation, Eromanga Basin, Australia. 7.Belford DJ. Late Albian planktonic foraminifera, Strickland River, Papua New Guinea. 8.Smith MJ, Plane M. Pythonine snakes (Boidae) from the Miocene of Australia. 9.Casey JN, Romot N, Shergold JH. Armin Aleksander Opik (1898-1983). 10.Laurie JR, Shergold JH. Phosphatic organisms and the correlation of early Cambrian carbonate formations in central Australia. 11.Shergold JH, Cooper RA. Late Cambrian trilobites from the Mariner Group, northern Victoria Land, Antarctica.

  • Contents: 1.Exon N, Hill P. Seabed mapping using multibeam swath-mapping systems: an essential technology for mapping Australia's margins. 2.Harris PT, Howard W, O'Brien PE, Sedwick PN, Sikes EL. Quaternary Antarctic ice-sheet fluctuations and Southern Ocean palaeoceanography: natural variability studies at the Antarctic CRC. 3.Colhoun EA. The Late Cainozoic East Antarctic ice sheet. 4.Quilty PG, Truswell EM, O'Brien PE, Taylor F. Paleocene-Eocene biostratigraphy and palaeoenvironment of East Antarctica: new data from the Mac. Robertson Shelf and western parts of Prydz Bay. 5.McCorkle DC, Veeh HH, Heggie DT. Glacial-interglacial palaeoceanography from Australian margin sediments: northwest Australian margin and Great Australian Bight. 6.Heggie DT, Skyring GW, Berelson WM, Longmore AR, Nicholson GJ. Sediment-water interaction in Australian coastal environments: implications for water and sediment quality. 7.Stagg HMJ, Willcox JB, Symonds PA, O'Brien GW, Colwell JB, Hill PJ, Lee CS, Moore AMG, Struckmeyer HIM. Architecture and evolution of the Australian continental margin. 8.Birch GF, Eyre BD, Taylor SE. The use of sediments to assess environmental impact on a large coastal catchment - the Hawkesbury River system. 9.Ferguson A, Eyre B. Behaviour of aluminium and iron in acid runoff from acid sulphate soils in the lower Richmond River catchment. 10.Longmore AR, Heggie DT, Flint R, Cowdell R, Skyring GW. Impact of runoff on nutrient patterns in northern Port Phillip Bay, Victoria. 11.Heggie DT, Skyring GW. Flushing of Australian estuaries, coastal lakes and embayments: an overview with biogeochemical commentary. 12.Perry CJ, Dennison WC. Microbial nutrient cycling in seagrass sediments. 13.Taylor SE, Birch GF. Contaminant dynamics in offchannel embayments of Port Jackson, New South Wales. 14.Heggie DT, Bishop JH, Evans D, Reyes EN, Lee CS. Methane anomalies in seawaters of the Ragay Gulf, Philippines: methane cycling and contributions to atmospheric greenhouse gases. 15.Williamson PE, Forman DJ, le Poidevin S, Summons RE, Stephenson AE. Where is Australia's petroleum and how long will it last? 16.Shaw RD, Korsch RJ, Boreham CJ, Totterdell JM, Lelbach C, Nicoll MG. Evaluation of the undiscovered hydrocarbon resources of the Bowen and Surat Basins, southern Queensland. 17.Wilkins RWT. The problem of inconsistency between thermal maturity indicators used for petroleum exploration in Australian basins. 18.Kennard JM, Allen GP, Kirk RB. Sequence stratigraphy: a review of fundamental concepts and their application to petroleum exploration and development in Australia.

  • Contents: 1. Lambert IB and Perkin DJ. Australia's mineral resources and their global status. 2. Davidson GJ and Large RR. Proterozoic copper-gold deposits. 3. Dorling SL, Groves DI and Muhling P. Lennard Shelf Mississippi Valley-type (MVT) Pb-Zn deposits, Western Australia. 4. Dowling SE and Hill RET. Komatiite-hosted nickel sulphide deposits, Australia. 5. Gemmell JB, Large RR and Khin Z. Palaeozoic volcanic-hosted massive sulphide deposits. 6. Hoatson DM. Platinum-group element mineralization in Australian Precambrian layered mafic-ultramafic intrusions. 7. Huston DL. The hydrothermal environment. 8. Jaques AL. Kimberlite and lamproite diamond pipes. 9. Kitto PA. Renison-style carbonate-replacement Sn deposits. 10. Lawrie KC and Hinman MC. Cobar-style polymetallic Au-Cu-Ag-Pb-Zn deposits. 11. McGoldrick P and Large RR. Proterozoic stratiform sediment-hosted Zn-Pb-Ag deposits. 12. Mernagh TP, Wyborn LAI and Jagodzinski EA. 'Unconformity related' U and/or Au and/or platinum-group-element deposits. 13. Morris RC. BIF-hosted iron ore deposits - Hamersley style. 14. Phillips GN and Hughes MJ. Victorian gold deposits. 15. Rowins SM, Groves DI and McNaughton NJ. Neoproterozoic Telfer-style Au (Cu) deposits. 16. Senior BR. Weathered-profile-hosted precious opal deposits. 17. Walters SG. Broken Hill-type deposits. 18. Waring CL, Heinrich CA and Wall VJ. Proterozoic metamorphic copper deposits. 19. Wilcock S. Sediment-hosted magnesite deposits. 20. Yeats CJ and Vanderhor F. Archaean lode-gold deposits. 21. Cooke DR and Large RR. Practical uses of chemical modelling - defining new exploration targets in sedimentary basins. 22. Idnurm M and Wyborn LAI. Palaeomagnetism and mineral exploration related studies in Australia: a brief overview of Proterozoic applications. 23. Krassay AA. Outcrop and drill core gamma-ray logging integrated with sequence stratigraphy: examples from Proterozoic sedimentary successions of northern Australia. 24. Waring CL, Andrew AS and Ewers GR. Use of O, C and S stable isotopes in regional mineral exploration. 25. Oliver NHS, Rubenach MJ and Valenta RK. Precambrian metamorphism, fluid flow, and metallogeny of Australia. 26. Taylor G and Butt CRM. The Australian regolith and mineral exploration. 27. Barley ME. Archaean volcanic-hosted massive sulphides. 28. Blevin P. Palaeozoic tin and/or tungsten deposits in eastern Australia. 29. Brand NW, Butt CRM and Elias M. Nickel laterites: classification and features. 30. Butt CRM. Supergene gold deposits. 31. Cooke DR, Heithersay PS, Wolfe R and Calderon AL. Australian and western Pacific porphyry Cu-Au deposits. <strong>Related information</strong> <a href=";catno=63681">Blevin PL, Intrusion related gold deposits</a> *Not incuded in original AJGG text. Model first published here September 2005.

  • Contents: 1.Cull JP. Climatic corrections to Australian heat-flow data. 2.Shirley JE. Crustal structure of north Queensland from gravity anomalies. 3.Barlow BC. Gravity investigations of the Gosses Bluff impact structure, central Australia. 4.Drummond BJ, Collins CDN, Gibson G. The crustal structure of the Gulf of Papua and northwest Coral Sea. 5.Dooley JC. A geophysical profile across Australia at 29 degrees S. 6.McGregor PM. Australian magnetic observatories. 7.Wellman P. On the isostatic compensation of Australian topography. 8.Arnautov GP, Boulanger YD, Karner GD, Shcheglov SN. Absolute determinations of gravity in Australia and Papua New Guinea during 1979. 9.Burne RV, Tratt MH. Epoxy relief sediment-peel and latex-replication techniques used in the study of Spencer Gulf sediments. 10.Johns IA, Bubela B. A low-cost multi-channel pH-Eh specific ion monitoring system

  • Contents: 1.Coutts DA, Wellman P, Barlow BC. Calibration of gravity meters with a quartz-mechanism. 2.Seidel GE. Application of the GABHYD groundwater model of the Great Artesian Basin, Australia. 3.Senior BR, Habermehl MA. Structure, hydrodynamics and hydrocarbon potential, central Eromanga Basin, Queensland, Australia. 4.Draper JJ. Rusophycus (Early Ordovician ichnofossil) from the Mithaka Formation, Georgina Basin. 5.Smith RS, McEwin AJ. Earthquake accelerograms and attenuation of seismic waves at Oolong, New South Wales. 6.Exon NF, Moreton D, Hicks G. Manganese nodules from the Tasman Sea off Sydney. 7.O'Connor DPH. Evidence of an exhalative origin for deposits of the Cobar district, New South Wales (comment). 8.Sangster DF. Evidence of an exhalative origin for deposits of the Cobar district, New South Wales (reply). 9.Rod E. Mode of emplacement of the Papuan Ultramafic Belt: a discussion. 10.Connelly JB. Mode of emplacement of the Papuan Ultramafic Belt: reply. 11.Habermehl MA. The Great Artesian Basin, Australia.

  • Contents: 1.Kruse PD, West PW. Archaeocyatha of the Amadeus and Georgina Basins. 2.Radke BM. Epeiric carbonate sedimentation of the Ninmaroo Formation (Upper Cambrian-Lower Ordovician), Georgina Basin. 3.Harrison PL. The Toomba Fault and the western margin of the Toko Syncline, Georgina Basin, Queensland and Northern Territory. 4.Derrick GM, Wilson IH, Sweet IP. The Quilalar and Surprise Creek Formations - new Proterozoic units from the Mount Isa Inlier: their regional sedimentology and application to regional correlation. 5.Willcox JB, Symonds PA, Hinz K, Bennett DG. Lord Howe Rise, Tasman Sea - preliminary geophysical results and petroleum prospects. 6.Ninth BMR Symposium.

  • Contents: 1.Falvey DA, Mutter JC. Regional plate tectonics and the evolution of Australia's passive continental margins. 2.Davies PJ, Marshall JF, Hekel H, Searle DE. Shallow inter-reefal structure of the Capricorn group, southern Great Barrier Reef. 3.Radke BM, Nicoll RS. Evidence for former evaporites in the Carboniferous Moogooree Limestone, Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia. 4.Shafik S. Nannofossil biostratigraphy of the Hantkenina (foraminiferid) interval in the upper Eocene of southern Australia. 5.Jacobson G, Evans WR. Geological factors in the development of sanitary landfill sites in the Australian Capital Territory. 6.Colwell JB, von Stackelberg U. Sedimentological studies of Cainozoic sediments from the Exmouth and Wallaby Plateaus, off northwest Australia. 7.Turner S, Jones PJ, Draper JJ. Early Devonian thelodonts (Agnatha) from the Toko Syncline, western Queensland, and a review of other Australian discoveries. 8.Gidley PR. Discrimination of surficial and bedrock magnetic sources in the Cobar area, NSW. 9.Jackson MJ, Muir MD. The Babbagoola Beds, Officer Basin, Western Australia: correlations, micropalaeontology and implications for petroleum prospectivity. 10.Blake DH. Intrusive felsic-mafic net-veined complexes in north Queensland.

  • Contents: 1.Jackson KS. Geochemical evaluation of the petroleum potential of the Toko Syncline, Georgina Basin, Queensland, Australia. 2.Cull JP. An appraisal of Australian heat-flow data. 3.Brown CM, Jackson KS, Lockwood KL, Passmore VL. Source rock potential and hydrocarbon prospectivity of the Darling Basin, NSW. 4.Burne RV. Relative fall of Holocene sea level and coastal progradation, northeastern Spencer Gulf, South Australia. 5.Anfiloff W. Elevation and gravity profiles across Australia: some implications for tectonism. 6.Karner GD. Spectral representation of isostatic models. 7.Moore RF, Simpson CJ. Computer manipulation of a digital terrain model (DTM) of Australia. 8.Harrington HJ, Simpson CJ, Moore RF. Analysis of continental structures using a digital terrain model (DTM) of Australia. 9.Strusz DL. On Australina Clarke - and its junior synonyms Lissatrypa, Lissatrypoidea, and Tyrothyris (Silurian-Devonian brachiopod a). 10.Strusz DL, Jenkins CJ. The stratigraphic implications of Monograptus exiguus from Camp Hill, Canberra, ACT.

  • Contents: 1.Radke BM. Late diagenetic history of the Ninmaroo Formation (Cambro-Ordovician), Georgina Basin, Queensland and Northern Territory. 2.Tulip JR, Taylor GAM, Truswell EM. Palynology of Tertiary Lake Bunyan, Cooma, New South Wales. 3.Sheraton JW, England RN, Ellis DJ. Metasomatic zoning in sapphirine-bearing granulites from Antarctica. 4.Cull JP. Magnetotelluric profiles in the McArthur Basin of northern Australia. 5.Flannery TF, Archer M, Plane M. Middle Miocene kangaroos (macropodoidea: marsupialia) from three localities in northern Australia with a description of two new subfamilies. 6.Anfiloff V. Combined seismic-gravity interpretation over the Donnybrook Anticline, central Queensland. 7.Belford DJ. Redescription of Miogypsina neodispansa (Jones and Chapman), foraminiferida, Christmas Island, Indian Ocean. 8.Belford DJ. Planorbulinella solida sp.nov. (foraminiferida) from the Miocene of Papua New Guinea.

  • Contents: 1.Playford G. A latest Devonian palynoflora from the Buttons Beds, Bonaparte Gulf Basin, Western Australia. 2.Taylor GF, Scott KM. Evaluation of gossans in relation to lead-zinc mineralisation in the Mount Isa Inlier, Queensland. 3.Jaques AL, Blake DH, Donchak PJT. Regional metamorphism in the Selwyn Range area, northwest Queensland. 4.Nicoll RS. Multielement composition of the conodont Icriodus expansus Branson and Mehl from the Upper Devonian of the Canning Basin, Western Australia. 5.Wellman P, Williams JW. Extent of Archaean and Late Proterozoic rocks under the ice cap of Princess Elizabeth Land, Antarctica, inferred from geophysics. 6.Denham D, Bock G, Smith RS. The Appin (New South Wales) earthquake of 15 November 1981. 7.Tratt MH, Burne RV. Impregnation of unconsolidated sediment samples, using a large vacuum chamber.