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  • The purpose of this geophysical survey was to investigate foundation conditions at a proposed dam site. The seismic refraction method was used to determine the depth to bedrock along seven traverses.

  • Miscellaneous petrographic and mineragraphic investigations for the period January - March, 1958.

  • This record describes the visit, by the author, to the United States to examine methods used in subsurface stratigraphy and studies in recent sedimentation.

  • Explanatory notes to the Duchess geological Sheet.

  • There is an aggregate outcrop of 12,000 square miles of Permian-Triassic acid igneous rocks inland from Cairns and Townsville, North Queensland. The rocks consist of ignimbrite and rhyolite, which are structurally and magmatically related to three high-level intrusions the Herbert River, Esmeralda, and Elizabeth Creek Granites. This report describes the emplacement of the acid magma in the epizone, and the relationship with the ignimbrites.

  • This record describes Mesozoic plant fossils collected in 1960 by S. K. Skwarko from thirteen localities in the Northern Territory. The plant fossil localities were closely associated with marine faunal localities and it may shortly be possible to date the plant horizons accurately when determinations of fauna have been made.

  • A rock type, referred to by the field term of lilac formation, which occurs within the Upper Proterozoic Buldiva Sandstone at Castlemaine Hill, Rum Jungle, was found by laboratory investigations to be high-grade phosphate rock. The phosphate-bearing mineral is apatite. Samples collected as a result of this discovery confirmed the presence of phosphate in a number of scattered outcrops along the eastern flank of Castlemaine Hill. The size and grade of the deposits is unknown

  • Phillips-Sunray Buckabie No.1 Well, situated 29 miles north of Quilpie, SW Queensland and was drilled to the depth of 9,070 feet. This report covers the examination of cuttings from 80 feet down to 3,310 feet which was considered to be the base of the marine Lower Cretaceous section. Core 1 at 1,123' 8-1,136' 6, core 3 at 3,264' - 3,264' 6 and core 8 at 5,518' - 5,537 were also examined. From the study of the lithology and of the first appearance of certain foraminiferal species and of Inoceramus prisms in the downward sequence, a fairly complete section of the Lower Cretaceous sequence in this south-western part of the Great Artesian Basin in Queensland has been determined.

  • A low-level airborne radiometric survey was made by the Bureau of Mineral Resources during July and August 1961 in the Gardiner Range, Killi Milli, and Tanami areas of Western Australia and Northern Territory. In the Killi Killi area the only radiometric anomaly recorded was due to a known uranium prospect. Several anomalies recorded in the Gardiner Range were found to be caused by surface laterite. In the Tanami area one anomaly is considered to warrant further investigation on the ground.

  • Nine samples (collected by Frame-Broken Hill Pty. Ltd.) from outcrops of the Mesozoic Merino Group of south-western Victoria were examined for their spore content. Four contained sufficient spores to determine their Lower Cretaceous (? Albian) age; three were fossiliferous but lacked diagnostic species; two were barren. The determinable samples contain assemblages similar to ones in the Waarre Formation and top of the Otway Group of Port Campbell Nos. 1and 2 and Flaxman's Hill No.1.