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  • During the visit of the Copper and Bauxite Committee to West Australia, the Lake Campion Alunite deposits, as a source of Alumina, were investigated. The position with regard to the Lake Campion Alunite Deposits is set out.

  • The Committee has given consideration to the desire of the Government to put into production any property that can materially add to Australia's copper output within two years. As pointed out in another submission of even date, it seems probable that 5,000 tons of new copper p.a. can be obtained from a recently discovered ore body in the Mt. Isa Mines, production commencing in January, 1942, if the necessary capital loan is made as recommended. In addition, it seems likely that a worth while production could be obtained from other mines in the Cloncurry district. The principle potential sources of increased supply are Hampden Consols, Mt. Oxide and Trekelano, but many other smaller properties can also be looked to, provided some central treatment facilities are available.

  • Inspections were made of the Burra, Kapunda, Wallaroo, Moonta, Hamley, and Kanmantoo Copper Mines, and a number of smaller mines on the outskirts of the main mining centres. There follows a review of each of the areas in the order visited.

  • Bauxite deposits are known to occur in Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and Western Australia, but it is only in New South Wales that there has been any systematic attempt to assess resources. Even here the final results of the most recent surveys are not yet available. Sufficient is known, however to enable an authoritative statement on possibilities of development to be made.

  • The Sapphire-Moresby King property is situated just south of the Port Moresby-Rouna Falls Road, 17 miles east-south-east of Port Moresby, near the junction of Sapphire Creek and the Laloki River. The Laloki Mine lies about 2 miles south of the main road, to which it is connected by road, on a branch of Sapphire Creek known as Simson Creek. The position of the other orebodies in the area, Dubuna, Mt. Diamond, Elvina, Hector etc., are shown on the general geological plan, Plate F.1. [General geology, economic geology, and recommendations for further work are discussed.]

  • The Copper and Bauxite Committee, at its initial meeting, saw the need for the coordination of the mass of reports already in existence throughout Australia in Government and private hands, and obtained the services of Mr. M.A. Mawby, Mining Engineer, as Technical Secretary to assemble them. At the last meeting of the Committee, held on 1st August 1941 in Sydney, a review was made of this report, together with relevant other information supplied by Committee members.

  • During the Mullins Harbour - Wedau Reconnaissance (South Eastern Papua) carried [out] in 1953 by Mr. J.E. Thompson, Senior Geologist of the Bureau of Mineral Resources, a section was sampled along the Middle Nigo-Nigo River. Of a number of samples sent to Canberra for petrological and palaeontological examination only eight proved fossiliferous. The following is a list of samples examined listing lithology and microfauna determined by the author and the age assigned to each.

  • At its 4th meeting in Brisbane on 21st and 22nd August, the Copper and Bauxite Committee arranged a conference with Mr. J. Kruttschnitt, Managing Director of the Mt. Isa Mines, at which officers of the Department of Mines of Queensland were present, to discuss ways and means of quickly exploiting the recently indicated copper ore body situated in the Hanging Wall of the Black Star Lode at Mt. Isa Mine. At the request of the Committee, and following discussion of the details between all parties, Mr. Kruttschnitt made a proposal, which is submitted herewith.

  • On Saturday, 20th September, we visited the Chemistry Department, Crawley, Western Australia, and saw the experimental plant erected for the treatment of Lake Campion alunite. The process was discussed with Professor Bayliss and Mr. H. Bowley, Government Mineralogist and Assayer. On the morning of Monday, 22nd September, we met the Minister for Mines, State Officials and Messrs. F.B. Norwood and L. Gibbons at the Mines Department, Perth. At this meeting the Whim Creek and Ravensthorpe (Phillips River) copper areas were discussed. On the afternoon of the 22nd we met the Aluminium Panel at the Department of Industry and discussed the Lake Campion proposals. On Tuesday 23rd, lateritic bauxites were examined as several localities on the Darling Range and at Toodyay. Following is a review of the matters discussed in Western Australia.