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  • The third generation of the Tanami 3D geological model has been released on the GA website. The 3D model, including 2D datasets (Geophysical images, solid geology maps, geochronology data, mineral occurrence locations, plus others) are displayed in Virtual Reality Modelling Language (VRML), enabling 3D visualisation and manipulation over the web. The 3D model is available on the internet via the link

  • As part of the 'Felsic Igneous Rocks of Australia' project, Geoscience Australia personnel have been compiling and synthesising datasets of various metallogenic parameters for intrusive and country rock units of the Tasmanides of eastern Australia (previously reported in the issues of AUSGEO News web address; see, to assist the exploration industry in the search for intrusion-related mineralisation systems. As reported earlier this approach is been undertaken as regional modules, with datasets for north Queensland currently being prepared for release, and datasets for Tasmania now completed and released as a joint Geoscience Australia Mineral Resources Tasmania product. The project, in collaboration with Geoscience Victoria, is now extending into the Tasman Fold Belt of Victoria, and is currently synthesising metallogenic data on the intrusive igneous rocks and associated country rocks units for that state. Products of this study, which will include downloadable data tables (linked to Geoscience Australia's National Map digital geology) will be released early 2007.

  • Despite the clear unambiguous link between gold mineralisation and structural control in the well-endowed eastern Yilgarn Craton (EYC), the tectonic history of this region remains controversial. The current paradigm describes the tectonic history to have evolved in a relatively simple progressive manner with the main `D2? and subsequent events (D3 and D4) being the result of maximum shortening oriented ~E?W or ENE?WSW. Although most previous studies have focussed on the structural geology of the greenstones, both greenstones and granites (Fig. 1) have been assumed to have experienced the same event history (Swager, 1997: Precambrian Research 83, 11-41). This article outlines a new approach taken to better understand the tectonic and geodynamic evolution of this important part of Australia.

  • A review of the geochemical processes controlling the distribution of thorium in the Earth's crust and Australia's thorium resources can be downloaded from Geoscience Australia's website. The review is one of the outputs from Geoscience Australia's Onshore Energy Security Program (OESP). It will provide an enhanced understanding for government policy and industry investment decisions of the status and distribution of Australia's thorium resources and their potential as an alternative nuclear fuel source for overseas markets.

  • Geoscience Australia has recently conducted absolute gravity observations at Davis and Mawson stations in the Australian Antarctic Territory to establish accurate gravity reference points for past and future gravity surveys. These absolute gravity observations are the first such measurements undertaken at any of the Australian Antarctic stations and will not only provide an accurate absolute datum for future gravity work but will also enable gravity surveys that have already been conducted in the Australian Antarctic Territory to be tied to the same datum, thus allowing past and future gravity surveys to be accurately merged and combined.

  • Legacy product - no abstract available

  • Joint Release of the National ASTER geoscience maps at IGC The ASTER (Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflectance Radiometer) Geoscience Maps are the first public, web-accessible, continent-scale product release from the ASTER Global Mapping data archive. The collaborative Australian ASTER Initiative represents a successful multi-agency endeavour, led by the Western Australian Centre of Excellence for 3D Mineral Mapping (C3DMM) at CSIRO, Geoscience Australia and the State and Territory government geological surveys of Australia, along with other national and international collaborators. National ASTER geoscience map These geoscience maps are released in GIS format as 1:1M map-sheet tiles, from 3,000 ASTER scenes of 60x60km. Each scene was cross-calibrated and validated using independent Hyperion satellite imagery. The new ASTER geoscience products range in their application from local to continental scales, and their uses include mapping of soils for agricultural and environmental management, such as estimating soil loss, dust management and water catchment modelling. They will also be useful for resource exploration, showing host rock, alteration and regolith mineralogy and providing new mineral information at high spatial resolution (30m pixel). This information is not currently available from other pre-competitive geoscience data.

  • ASTER Mineral Index Processing Manual, Complied by Aleks Kalinowski and Simon Oliver, October 2004. ASTER is the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer, a multi-spectral sensor onboard one of NASA's Earth Observing System satellites, Terra, which was launched in 1999. ASTER sensors measure reflected and emitted electromagnetic radiation from Earth's surface and atmosphere in 14 channels (or bands). There are three groups of channels: three recording visible and near infrared radiation (VNIR), at a spatial resolution of 15m; six recording portions of shortwave infrared radiation (SWIR) at a spatial resolution of 30m; and five recording thermal infrared radiation (TIR) at a resolution of 90m. The higher spectral resolution of ASTER (compared to Landsat, for example - Fig.1) especially in the shortwave infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum makes it possible to identify minerals and mineral groups such as clays, carbonates, silica, iron-oxides and other silicates. An additional backward-looking band in the VNIR makes it possible to construct digital elevation models from bands 3 and 3b. ASTER swath width is 60km (each scene is 60 x 60km) which makes it useful for regional mapping.

  • In response to the Governments' 2006 Onshore Exploration Security Initiative, Geoscience Australia undertook a project involving geophysical data acquisition in north Queensland. The project was designed to better understand the geological potential of onshore north Queensland to assist in defining the potential of the region for new onshore petroleum and mineral energy sources and also highlight the potential for geothermal energy from both high heat producing terrains as well as under blankets of sedimentary cover. The project was extended in scope and size through the establishment of a collaborative research project between Geoscience Australia and the Queensland Department of Mines and Energy through the Geological Survey of Queensland. Geoscience Australia's involvement was under its Onshore Energy Security Programme while the Geological Survey of Queensland's involvement was under the State's Smart Mining - Future Prosperity Programme. The project involved the collection of deep seismic reflection data, gravity data and magnetotelluric datasets along a series of traverses that ran from the eastern edge of the Mt Isa Province, across the Georgetown Province and then south-eastwards through the Charters Towers region and into the Drummond Basins. In addition to the above project, AuScope, the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Scheme (NCRIS) funded -Organisation for a National Earth Science Infrastructure Program - 2007-2011- acquired a seismic reflection Geotransect that crossed the Palmerville Fault - Tasman Line. The location of these seismic traverses is shown in the figure below.

  • Geoscience Australia's Geothermal Energy Project is part of the Energy Security Initiative announced by the Prime Minister in August 2006. Geoscience Australia received $58.9 million over five years to implement the Onshore Energy Security Program by acquiring new data to attract investment in exploration for onshore petroleum, geothermal, uranium and thorium energy sources. The Program will acquire national-scale geophysical and geochemical data, including seismic, gravity, heat flow, radiometric, magneto-telluric and airborne electromagnetic data in collaboration with the state and Northern Territory governments under the National Geoscience Agreement. Formulating the Geothermal Energy Project The key geological ingredients of the "hot rock" geothermal model are high heat-producing granites overlain by thick accumulations of low thermal-conductivity sediments. The decay of low concentrations of radiogenic elements (mostly uranium, thorium and potassium) over millions of years produces heat in the granite. This heat may be trapped at depth within the crust by a sedimentary cover that lies above the granite like a blanket. Where temperatures are high, water circulating through the hot rocks can be used to generate electricity. At lower temperatures, the heat can be used for indirect use applications, such as space and water heating. By raising awareness of Australia's geothermal potential among decision-makers and the general public, the Geothermal Energy Project aims to support development of a geothermal energy industry by encouraging investor confidence. Extensive consultation with state and Northern Territory geological surveys and geothermal exploration companies has identified a list of key impediments faced by geothermal explorers. The project aims to reduce those impediments through geoscience input. The greatest identified geoscience need is for a better understanding of the distribution of temperature in the continent's upper crust. Two existing datasets the Austherm05 map of temperature at five kilometres depth, and a database of heat flow measurements suffer from having too few data points, compounded by poor distribution. Geoscience Australia aims to provide additional information for both datasets. A third way to predict heat distribution is to use geological modelling of high heat-producing granite locations and overlying low thermal-conductivity sediments. Other geoscience inputs to be developed to improve discovery rates and reduce risk for explorers include: -a comprehensive and accessible geothermal geoscience information system -an improved understanding of the stress state of the Australian crust -increased access to seismic monitors during reservoir stimulation -a reserve and resource definition scheme.