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  • Geoscience Australia (GA) was invited by Murray-Darling Basin Authority (MDBA) in 2010 to participate in an evaluation of the Intermap IFSAR (Interferometric Synthetic Aperture RADAR) data that was acquired as part of the Murray-Darling Basin Information Infrastructure Project Stage 1 (MDBIIP1) in 2009. This evaluation will feed into the business case for Stage 2 of the project. As part of the evaluation GA undertook the following: 1. A comparison of the IFSAR Digital Surface Model (DSM) and Digital Terrain Model (DTM) with a recent LiDAR acquisition, covering approximately 9000Km2 of the Lower Darling Region. It focused on assessment of the data over various land cover and terrain types and identified opportunities and issues with integrating IFSAR with LiDAR. 2. A comparison of the IFSAR Vegetation Canopy Surface (DSM minus DTM) with the Lower Darling LiDAR Canopy Elevation Model (CEM). 3. A comparison between currently mapped man-made and natural water bodies over the Murray-Darling Basin with the IFSAR derived products (water mask). 4. Application of the National Catchment Boundaries (NCBs) methodology to the IFSAR data and comparison with the delineated watersheds from PBS&J (Intermap's sub-contractor). This report outlines the findings of this evaluation based on the 4 items above MDBA requested.

  • Identification of groundwater-dependent (terrestrial) vegetation, and assessment of the relative importance of different water sources to vegetation dynamics commonly involves detailed ecophysiological studies over a number of seasons or years. However, even when groundwater dependence can be quantified, results are often difficult to upscale beyond the plot scale. Consequently, quicker, more regional mapping approaches have been developed. These new approaches utilise advances in computation geoscience, and remote sensing and airborne geophysical technologies. This study, undertaken in the semi-arid Darling River Floodplain in N.S.W., Australia, combines Landsat Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) time series data with hydrogeological, hydrogeochemical and hydrogeophysical data to assess the relative importance of hydrological processes and groundwater characteristics. The first stage in the study combined high-resolution vegetation structural mapping derived from LiDAR data (Canopy Digital Elevation Model and Foliage Projected Cover), with 23 years of Landsat time-series data. Statistical summaries of Normalised Difference Vegetation Index values were generated for each spatially continuous vegetation structural class for each Landsat scene (e.g. stand of closed forest). This has enabled long-term temporal changes in vegetation condition to be assessed against different water regimes (drought, local rainfall, river bank full, overbank flow, and lake filling), and groundwater dependent vegetation to be identified. The second stage involved integration with airborne electromagnetics (AEM), hydrogeology and hydrogeochemistry. This has shown that the deeper (>25m), semi-confined aquifer is only rarely important to vegetation dynamics, with the shallow unconfined aquifer and river lateral bank recharge zones being of greater importance.

  • Identification of groundwater-dependent terrestrial vegetation, and assessment of the relative importance of different water sources to vegetation dynamics, typically requires detailed ecophysiological studies over a number of seasons or years. However, even when groundwater dependence can be quantified, results are often difficult to upscale beyond the plot scale. Quicker, more regional approaches to mapping groundwater-dependent vegetation have consequently evolved with technological advancements in remote sensing techniques. These approaches however often fail to incorporate sub-surface hydrogeological processes in their interpretation of groundwater dependence. This study, undertaken in the semi-arid Darling River Floodplain in NSW, Australia, innovatively combines Landsat Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) time series data with hydrogeological, hydrogeochemical and hydrogeophysical data to assess the relative importance of hydrological processes and groundwater characteristics. Central to the approach is the use of airborne electromagnetics which provides a 3-dimensional context to otherwise point-based borehole data. This approach has resulted in an improved understanding of vegetation dynamics including the spatial distribution of vegetation utilising groundwater, timing and duration of groundwater use, and response to different hydrologic regimes (e.g. rainfall, lateral bank recharge, and overbank flooding). In particular, the study has established that the deeper (>25m), semi-confined aquifer is only rarely important to vegetation dynamics, with the shallow unconfined aquifer and river flush zones being of greater importance. These findings are being used to assess the suitability of proposed groundwater-development schemes in the study area, and have implications for riparian vegetation management more broadly.

  • Inland sulfidic soils have recently formed throughout wetlands of the Murray River floodplain associated with increased salinity and river regulation (Lamontagne et al., 2006). Sulfides have the potential to cause widespread environmental degradation both within sulfidic soils and down stream depending on the amount of carbonate available to neutralise acidity (Dent, 1986). Sulfate reduction is facilitated by organic carbon decomposition, however, little is known about the sources of sedimentary organic carbon and carbonate or the process of sulfide accumulation within inland sulfidic wetlands. This investigation uses stable isotopes from organic carbon (13C and 15N), inorganic sulfur (34S) and carbonate (13C and 18O) to elucidate the sources and cycling of sulfur and carbon within sulfidic soils of the Loveday Disposal Basin.

  • In many areas of the world, vegetation dynamics in semi-arid floodplain environments have been seriously impacted by increased river regulation and groundwater use. In this study, the condition of two of Australia's iconic riparian and floodplain vegetation elements, River Red Gums (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) and Black Box (E. largiflorens) are examined in relation to differing hydraulic regimes. With increases in regulation along Murray-Darling Basin rivers, flood volume, seasonality and frequency have changed which has in turn affected the condition and distribution of vegetation. Rather than undertaking a field based assessment of tree health in response to current water regimes, this paper documents a remote sensing study that assessed historic response of vegetation to a range of different climatic and hydraulic regimes at a floodplain scale. This methodology innovatively combined high-resolution vegetation structural mapping derived from LiDAR data (Canopy Digital Elevation Model and Foliage Projected Cover) with 23 years of Landsat time-series data. Statistical summaries of Normalised Difference Vegetation Index values were generated for each spatially continuous vegetation structural class (e.g. stand of closed forest) for each Landsat scene. Consequently long-term temporal change in vegetation condition was assessed against different water regimes (drought, local rainfall, river bank full, overbank flow, and lake filling). Results provide insight into vegetation response to different water sources and overall water availability. Additionally, some inferences can be made about lag times associated with vegetation response and the duration of the response once water availability has declined (e.g. after floodwaters recede). This methodology should enable water managers to better assess the adequacy of environmental flows.

  • Identification of groundwater-dependent (terrestrial) vegetation, and assessment of the relative importance of different water sources to vegetation dynamics commonly involves detailed ecophysiological studies over a number of seasons or years. However, even when groundwater dependence can be quantified, results are often difficult to upscale beyond the plot scale. Consequently, quicker, more regional mapping approaches have been developed. These new approaches utilise advances in computation geoscience, and remote sensing and airborne geophysical technologies. The Darling River Floodplain, western New South Wales, Australia, was selected as the case study area. This semi-arid landscape is subject to long periods of drought followed by extensive flooding. Despite the episodic availability of surface water resources, two native Eucalyptus species, E. camaldulensis (River Red Gum) and E. largiflorens (Black Box) continue to survive in these conditions. Both species have recognised adaptations, include the ability to utilise groundwater resources at depth. A remote sensing methodology was developed to identify those communities potentially dependent on groundwater resources during the recent millennium drought in Australia.

  • The White Elephant 1:7,500 regolith-landform map illustrates the distribution of regolith materials and the landforms on which they occur, described using the RTMAP scheme developed by Geoscience Australia

  • Atlas of Regolith Materials of Queensland. Companion to the 1:2,500,00 Queensland Regolith-Landform Map and GIS. Both broad and detailed regolith mapping and characterisation of materials was used to build an understanding of the regolith and its associated landforms. This state-wide overview contributes significantly to understanding the regolith and landform processes and regolith materials of Australian arid and coastal environments. This Queensland study extends seamlessly from the Northern Territory Regolith Landform Map and provides a broad-scale framework fro guiding geochemical prospecting for a wide range of minerals and materials.

  • Two vegetation maps (sold separately) - Natural Vegetation (1788) and Post-European Vegetation (1988) reconstruct Australia`s vegetation in the 1780s and the mid-1980s. Areas over 30 000 hectares are shown, plus small areas of significant vegetation such as rainforest. Attribute information includes: growth form of tallest and lower stratum, foliage cover of tallest stratum and dominant floristic types. Data was captured from 1:5 million source material. These maps are also available as free vector GIS data. Product Specifications Coverage: Australia Currency: Compiled mid-1980s Coordinates: Geographical Datum: AGD66 Projection: Simple Conic on two standard parallels 18S and 36S Medium: Printed map (flat and folded); Data - Free online and CD-ROM (fee applies) Forward Program: Under review

  • Two vegetation maps (sold separately) - Natural Vegetation (1788) and Post-European Vegetation (1988) reconstruct Australia`s vegetation in the 1780s and the mid-1980s. Areas over 30,000 hectares are shown, plus small areas of significant vegetation such as rainforest. Attribute information includes: growth form of tallest and lower stratum, foliage cover of tallest stratum and dominant floristic types. Data was captured from 1:5 million source material. These maps are also available as free vector GIS data. Product Specifications Coverage: Australia Currency: Compiled mid-1980s Coordinates: Geographical Datum: AGD66 Projection: Simple Conic on two standard parallels 18S and 36S