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The carbon and hydrogen isotopic data of natural gases provide a crucial tool to interpret the origin, occurrence and inter-relationships of natural gases. The CF-GC-IRMS is a convenient system to separate gas mixture and obtain continuous, on-line isotopic data of individual compounds. With CF-GC-IRMS system, the abundance of target components is crucial. For an accurate result, there should be enough target compound going through the furnace to be measured as CO2 using isotopic ratio mass spectrometry. For carbon isotopes, a m/z 44 response below 0.3 V (or over 7V) is regarded as unreliable. For high abundant compounds, there is no difficulty in attaining a voltage over 0.3V with a normal injection of under 100ul with adjusted split flow. However, the acquisition for the low concentration component is problematic since "normal" injection would not produce a strong enough signal. In this presentation, we demonstrated the techniques used to obtain low concentration components occurring in the Australian natural gases and how we apply the results in gas comparison studies. Cryogenics (liquid nitrogen trap) is applied to trap and concentrate low amount of compounds other than methane (C1), including CO2, C2 and above. With this method, extreme low concentration of C2 from very dry gases was obtained with large volume injection of 10ml. Back-flash is used together with cryogenics. For analyses for only C4 and C5 compounds, cryogenics was not needed, since they focus at the front of the column at 40oC and elute from the column under oven temperature programming as single peaks. Neo-pentane (neo-C5) is generally the least abundant wet gas component. Its concentration is enhanced in the gases which are biodegraded, wherein the other gas components have been selectively removed by microbial activity. Neo-pentane is extremely resistant to biodegradation and shows no isotopic alteration even in severely biodegraded gas. In such cases, neo-C5 is the only gas component that can be confidently used in gas-gas correlation. Neo-pentane is an example where we employ injection of a large volume (e.g. to 40ml for hydrogen isotopes), combining a back-flashing technique for compounds eluting before C4 (inclusive) and C5 compounds. The neo-C5 elutes between nC4 and i-C5. Under the current GC conditions, there is a time "window" of less than 40 seconds to capture neo-C5. A manual operation to set back-flash to straight flow to allow capture neo-C5 just after n-C4 elutes and then back to back-flush to eliminate interference of C5's compounds. Mass balance estimation indicates that there is no loss of neo-C5 during the large volume injection and repeatability is excellent.
Aspects of the tectonic history of Paleo- to Mesoproterozoic Australia are recorded by metasedimentary basins in the Mt Isa, Etheridge Provinces, and Coen Inlier in northern Australia and in the Curnamona Province of southern Australia. These deformed and metamorphosed basins are interpreted to have been deposited in a tectonically-linked system based on similarities in depositional ages and stratigraphy (Giles at al 2002). Neodymium isotope compositions of sediments and felsic volcanics, when combined with U-Pb geochronology, are independent data that are important tools for inferring tectonic setting, palaeogeography and sediment provenance in deformed and metamorphosed terrains.
In this paper, we present a high resolution study focussed mainly on the Gorgon field and associated Rankin Trend gas fields, Carnarvon Basin, Australia (Figure 1). These gas fields are characterized by numerous stacked reservoirs with varying CO2 contents and provide a relevant natural laboratory for characterizing CO2 migration, dissolution and reaction by looking at chemical characteristics of the different reservoirs (Figure 2). The data we present reveal interesting trends for CO2 mol% and -13C both spatially and with each other as observed by Edwards et al. (2007). Our interpretation of the data suggests that mineral carbonation in certain fields can be significant and relatively rapid. The Gorgon and Rankin Trend fields natural gases may therefore be a unique natural laboratory, which give further insights into the rates and extent of carbonate mineral sequestration as applied to carbon storage operations.
The natural gases are composed of a limited number of individual compounds, mainly of C1-C5 hydrocarbons and non-hydrocarbon compounds (CO2, N2, noble gases etc.). Their compositions and isotopes of single compounds provide critical information to decipher the origin and evolution of natural gases. Efficient analysis of these compounds is paramount for timely application of this important dataset.
The oxygen isotopic record obtained from Globigerina bulloides, Globorotalia inflata, and Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (s.) was analysed for 5 sediment traps moored in the Southern Ocean and Southwest Pacific. The traps extend from Subtropical to the Polar Frontal environments, providing the first analysis of seasonal foraminiferal d18O records from these latitudes. Comparison between the foraminiferal records and various equations for predicted d18O of calcite reveals that the predicted d18O is best captured by the equations of Epstein et al. (1953) [Epstein, S., Buchsbaum, R., Lowenstam, H.A., Urey, H.C., 1953. Revised carbonate-water isotopic temperature scale. Geological Society of America Bulletin 64, 1315-1326.] and Kim and O'Neil (1997) [Kim, S.-T., O'Neil, J.R., 1997. Equilibrium and non-equilibrium oxygen isotope effects in synthetic carbonates. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 61, 3461-3475.]. The Epstein equation shows a constant offset from the -18O of G. bulloides and N. pachyderma (s.) across the full range of latitudes. The seasonal range in -18O values for these two species implies a near-surface habitat across all sites, while G. inflata most likely dwells at 50 m depth. A significant finding in this study was that offsets from predicted -18O for G. bulloides do not correlate to changes in the carbonate ion concentration. This suggests that [CO32-] in and of itself may not capture the full range of carbonate chemistry conditions in the marine system. This sediment trap deployment also reveals distinct seasonal flux patterns for each species. Comparison between flux-weighted isotopic values calculated from the sediment traps and the isotopic composition of nearby surface sediments indicates that the sedimentary records retain this seasonal imprint. At the 51°S site, G. bulloides has a spring flux peak while N. pachyderma (s.) is dominated by summer production.
Single-copounds carbon isotops of Precambrian eviporates.
In addition to typical seafloor VHMS deposits, the ~3240 Ma Panorama district contains contemporaneous greisen- and vein-hosted Mo-Cu-Zn-Sn occurrences that hosted by the Strelley granite complex, which drove VHMS circulation. High-temperature alteration zones in volcanic rocks underlying the VHMS deposits are dominated by quartz-chlorite±albite assemblages, with lesser low-temperature quartz-sericite±K-feldspar assemblages, typical of VHMS hydrothermal systems. Alteration assemblages associated with granite-hosted greisens and veins, which do not extend into the overlying volcanc pile, include quartz-topaz-muscovite-fluorite and quartz-muscovite(sericite)-chlorite-ankerite. Fluid inclusion and stable isotope data suggest that the greisens formed from high temperature (~590C), high salinity (38-56 wt % NaCl equiv) fluids with high densities (>1.3 g/cm3) and high -18O (9.3±0.6-), which are compatible with magmatic fluids evolved from the Strelley granite complex. Fluids in the volcanic pile (including the VHMS ore-forming fluids) were of lower temperature (90-270C), lower salinity (5.0-11.2 wt % NaCl equiv), with lower densities (0.88-1.01 g/cm3) and lower -18O (-0.8±2.6), compatible with evolved Paleoarchean seawater. Fluids that formed the quartz-chalcopyrite-sphalerite-cassiterite veins, which are present within the upper granite complex, were intermediate in temperature and isotopic composition (T = 240-315C; -18O = 4.3±1.5-) and are interpreted to indicate mixing between the two end-member fluids. Evidence of mixing between evolved seawater and magmatic-hydrothermal fluid in the granite complex, along with a lack of evidence for a magmatic component in fluids from the volcanic pile, suggest partitioning of magmatic-hydrothermal from evolved seawater hydrothermal systems in the Panorama VHMS system, interpreted as a consequence swamping of the system by evolved seawater or density contrasts.
Paleoarchean rocks of the tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite (TTG) series require a basaltic source region more enriched in K, LILE, Th and LREE than the low-K tholeiites typical of Archean supracrustal sequences. Most TTG of the Pilbara Craton, in northwestern Australia, formed between 3.5 and 3.42 Ga through infracrustal melting of a source older than 3.5 Ga. Basaltic to andesitic rocks of the 3.51 Ga Coucal Formation, at the base of the Pilbara Supergroup, are amongst the only well-preserved remnants of pre-3.5 Ga supracrustal material on Earth, and may have formed a large proportion of pre-3.5 Ga Pilbara crust. These rocks are significantly enriched in K, LILE, Th and LREE compared to post-3.5 Ga Paleoarchean basalts and andesites, and form a compositionally suitable source for TTG. Enrichment in these basalts was not the result of crustal assimilation but was inherited from a mantle source that was less depleted than modern MORBsource and was enriched in recycled crustal components.We suggest that the formation of Paleoarchean TTG and of their voluminous mafic source regions reflects both a primitive stage in the thermal and compositional evolution of the mantle and a significant prehistory of crustal recycling.
Initial lead isotope ratios from Archean volcanic-hosted massive sulfide (VHMS) and lode gold deposits and neodymium isotope model ages from igneous rocks from the geological provinces that host these deposits identify systematic spatial and temporal patterns, both within and between the provinces. The Abitibi-Wawa Subprovince of the Superior Province is characterized by highly juvenile lead and neodymium. Most other Archean provinces, however, are characterized by more evolved isotopes, although domains within them can be characterized by juvenile isotope ratios. Metal endowment (measured as the quantity of metal contained in geological resources per unit surface area) of VHMS and komatiite-associated nickel sulfide (KANS) deposits is related to the isotopic character, and therefore the tectonic history, of provinces that host these deposits. Provinces with extensive juvenile crust have significantly higher endowment of VHMS deposits, possibly as a consequence of higher heat flow and extension-related faults. Provinces with evolved crust have higher endowment of KANS deposits, possibly because such crust provided either a source of sulfur or a stable substrate for komatiite emplacement. In any case, initial radiogenic isotope ratios can be useful in predicting the endowment of Archean terranes for VHMS and KANS deposits. Limited data suggest similar relationships may hold in younger terranes.
The Archean Yilgarn Craton of Western Australia, is not only one of the largest extant fragments of Archean crust in the world, but is also one of the most richly-mineralised regions in the world. Understanding the evolution of the craton is important, therefore, for constraining Archean geodynamics, and the influence of such on Archean mineral systems. The Yilgarn Craton is dominated by felsic intrusive rocks - over 70% of the rock types. As such these rocks hold a significant part of the key to understanding the four-dimensional evolution of the craton, providing constraints on the nature and timing of crustal growth, the role of the mantle, and also the timing of important switches in crustal growth geodynamics. The granites also provide constraints on the nature and age of the crustal domains within the craton. Importantly, this crustal pre-history appears to have exerted a significant, but poorly understood, spatial control on the distribution of mineral systems, such as gold, komatiite-associated nickel sulphide and volcanic-hosted massive sulphide (VHMS) base metal systems