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In March and April, 2012, Geoscience Australia undertook a seabed characterisation survey, aimed at supporting the assessment of CO2 storage potential of the Vlaming Sub-basin, Western Australia. The survey, undertaken as part of the National CO2 Infrastructure Plan program was targeted to provide an understanding of the link between the deep geological features of the area and the seabed, and connectivity between them as possible evidence for seal integrity. Data was acquired in two sections of the Rottnest Shelf lying above the regional seal - the South Perth Shale - and the underlying potentially CO2-suitable reservoir, the Gage Sandstone. Seabed samples were taken from 43 stations, and included 89 seabed grab samples. A total of 653 km2 of multibeam and backscatter data was obtained. Chirper shallow sub-bottom profile data was acquired concurrently. 6.65 km2 of side-scan sonar imagery was also obtained. The two surveyed areas, (Area 1 and Area 2), are set within a shallow sediment starved shelf setting. Area 2, situated to the southwest of Rottnest Island, is characterised by coralline red algal (rhodolith) beds, with ridges and mounds having significant rhodolith accumulations. The geomorphic expression of structural discontinuities outcropping at the seabed is evident by the presence of linear fault-like structures notable in Area 1, and north-south trending lineaments in Area 2. North-south trending structural lineaments on the outer section of Area 2 have in places, mounds standing 4-5 m above the seafloor in water depths of 80-85 m. Although there are apparent spatial correlations between seabed geomorphology and the structural geology of the basin, the precise relationship between ridges and mounds that are overlain by rhodolith accumulations, fluid seepage, and Vlaming Sub-basin geology is uncertain, and requires further work to elucidate any links.
The Petrel Sub-basin Marine Survey (GA0335/SOL5463) was undertaken in May 2012 by Geoscience Australia in collaboration with the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS), as part of the Australian Government's National Low Emission Coal Initiative (NLECI). Its purpose was to acquire pre-competitive geophysical and biophysical data on shallow seabed environments within two targeted areas to support assessment of CO2 storage potential. The geophysical acquisition consisted of multibeam sonar mapping of sea floor morphology and multi-channel sub bottom profiling of the shallow sub surface geology. The aim of sub bottom profiling was to investigate regional seal breaches and potential fluid pathways by providing high resolution images connecting the sea floor map to regional seismic reflection data acquired concurrently in the area. The sub bottom profiler data were acquired aboard the AIMS research vessel (RV) Solander along 51 lines, totalling 654 line km in the Petrel Sub-basin of the Bonaparte Basin. Acquisition employed a Squid 2000 sparker as the source and a 24 channel Microeel streamer for the receivers. Group interval was 3.125 m and shot interval 6.25 m, resulting in 6 fold data. Record length was 500 ms with a sample interval of 0.25 ms. Some problems in acquisition needed to be addressed in processing. Firstly, sea conditions were far from smooth for most of the voyage. Obvious relative motion occurred between the source and the streamer, and along the streamer itself, due to the ocean swell. In some cases, acquisition commenced while the vessel was still turning onto the line and the streamer was not straight in line behind the stern. Finally, malfunction of the sparker on some half dozen lines resulted in gaps in the coverage, which could not be filled in later, due to bad weather reducing the time for the survey. Multichannel seismic reflection processing was able to compensate for some of the limitations of sparker acquisition. Mutes and filters were necessary to remove the worst of the noise, including leaked timing pulse and swell noise. Surface related multiple elimination (SRME) successfully attenuated the water bottom and later multiples. Non surface consistent trim statics were able to correct for the relative motion of the sparker and the streamer, thereby allowing alignment of reflections prior to stack, which improved the signal to noise. Minimum entropy deconvolution was a critical step in both suppressing ghosting and enhancing latent high frequencies in the data, thus improving the resolution. Migration was necessary to correctly image small channels by collapsing diffractions. Finally tidal static corrections were essential to remove mis-ties in high frequency data. The processing stream has been well documented, along with scripts employed to handle the large amount of data efficiently and consistently. This record is a manual for a much more rigorous way of processing multi-channel sparker data, and details a work flow that can be implemented within Geoscience Australia and used for future surveys. The final migrated seismic data proved to be very high resolution, allowing delineation of multiple episodes of channelling in the top 100 m of sediment. Comparison of the sub bottom profiles with older regional seismic reflection data showed just how much more detail is available in the region critical for mapping deeper faults and fluid pathways to features on the sea floor. Acquisition and processing of the sub bottom profiler data surpassed the survey expectations.
As part of the National CO2 Infrastructure Plan (NCIP) Geoscience Australia is undertaking evaluation of the Gage Sandstone and the overlying South Perth Shale for the long-term storage of CO2. Initial assessment of the seismic data identified widespread fault reactivation and seismic anomalies potentially indicating hydrocarbon seepage. Some of the seismic anomalies clearly correlate with reactivated faults, but not all of them. The study highlights the importance of developing a detailed understanding of spatial variability in seal quality and history of fault reactivation both for petroleum exploration and CO2 storage assessments.
This GHGT-12 conference paper hightlights some results of GA's work on "Regional assessment of the CO2 storage potential of the Mesozoic sucession in the Petrel Sub-basin, Northern Territory, Australia. Record 2014/11".
Within the GEODISC program of the Australian Petroleum Cooperative Research Centre (APCRC), Geoscience Australia (GA) and the University of New South Wales (UNSW) completed an analysis of the potential for the geological storage of CO2. The geological analysis produced an assessment from over 100 potential Environmentally Sustainable Sites for CO2 Injection (ESSCI) by applying a deterministic risk assessment. Out of 100 potential sites, 65 proved to be valid sites for further study. This assessment examined predominantly saline reservoirs which is where we believe Australia?s greatest storage potential exists. However, many of these basins also contain coal seams that may be capable of storing CO2. Several of these coal basins occur close to coal-fired power plants and oil and gas fields where high levels of CO2 are emitted. CO2 storage in coal beds is intrinsically different to storage in saline formations, and different approaches need to be applied when assessing them. Whilst potentially having economic benefit, enhanced coal bed methane (ECBM) production through CO2 injection does raise an issue of how much greenhouse gas mitigation might occur. Even if only small percentages of the total methane are liberated to the atmosphere in the process, then a worse outcome could be achieved in terms of greenhouse gas mitigation. The most suitable coal basins in Australia for CO2 storage include the Galilee, Cooper and Bowen-Surat basins in Queensland, and the Sydney, Gunnedah, and Clarence-Moreton Basins in New South Wales. Brief examples of geological storage within saline aquifers and coal seams in the Bowen and Surat basins, Queensland Australia, are described in this paper to compare and contrast each storage option.
Geoscience Australia (GA) conducted a marine survey (GA0345/GA0346/TAN1411) of the north-eastern Browse Basin (Caswell Sub-basin) between 9 October and 9 November 2014 to acquire seabed and shallow geological information to support an assessment of the CO2 storage potential of the basin. The survey, undertaken as part of the Department of Industry and Science's National CO2 Infrastructure Plan (NCIP), aimed to identify and characterise indicators of natural hydrocarbon or fluid seepage that may indicate compromised seal integrity in the region. The survey was conducted in three legs aboard the New Zealand research vessel RV Tangaroa, and included scientists and technical staff from GA, the NZ National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Ltd. (NIWA) and Fugro Survey Pty Ltd. Shipboard data (survey ID GA0345) collected included multibeam sonar bathymetry and backscatter over 12 areas (A1, A2, A3, A4, A6b, A7, A8, B1, C1, C2b, F1, M1) totalling 455 km2 in water depths ranging from 90 - 430 m, and 611 km of sub-bottom profile lines. Seabed samples were collected from 48 stations and included 99 Smith-McIntyre grabs and 41 piston cores. An Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) (survey ID GA0346) collected higher-resolution multibeam sonar bathymetry and backscatter data, totalling 7.7 km2, along with 71 line km of side scan sonar, underwater camera and sub-bottom profile data. Twenty two Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) missions collected 31 hours of underwater video, 657 still images, eight grabs and one core. This catalogue entry refers to p-rock (probability of rock) grids produced from the angular response curves from the multibeam backscatter data. The extraction of angular response curves from the raw Simrad multibeam data was achieved using the multibeam backscatter CMST-GA MB Process v10.10.17.0 toolbox software co-developed by the Centre for Marine Science and Technology (CMST) at Curtin University of Technology and Geoscience Australia (described in Gavrilov et al., 2005a, 2005b; Parnum, 2007). A number of corrections were introduced to the data and the angular response curves were produced as the average response curve within the adopted sliding windows in which port and starboard swath were processed separately as part of the process of the removal of the backscatter angular dependence. Angular backscatter response curves were compared to the reference response of rock/hard bottom (inferred grabs and cores) using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov goodness of fit to estimate the probability (p-value) of rock (p-rock). Finally, the IDW interpolation technique was used to produce a continuous layer of the p-value of hard bottom for each study area.
The presence of abundant bedded sulfate deposits before 3.2 Ga and after 1.8 Ga, the peak in iron formation abundance between 3.2 and 1.8 Ga, and the aqueous geochemistry of sulfur and iron together suggest that the redox state, and the abundances of sulfur and iron in the hydrosphere varied widely during the Archean and Proterozoic. We propose a layered hyddrosphere prior to 3.2 Ga in which sulfate produced by atmospheric photolytic reactions was enriched in an upper layer, whereas the underlying layer was reduced and sulfur-poor. Between 3.2 and 2.4 Ga, biolotical and/or inorganic sulfate reduction reactions removed sulfate from the upper layer, producing broadly uniform, reduced, sulfur-poor and iron-rich oceans. As a result of increasing atmospheric oxygenation around 2.4 Ga, the flux of sulfate into the hydrosphere by oxidative weathering was greatly enhanced, producing layered oceans, with sulfate-rich, iron-poor surface waters and reduced, sulfur-poor and iron-rich bottom waters. This process continued so that by 1.8 Ga, the hydrosphere was generally oxidized, sulfate-rich and iron-poor throughout. Variations in sulfur and iron abundances suggest that the redox state of the oceans was buffered by iron before 2.4 Ga and by sulfur after 1.8 Ga.
Geoscience Australia is investigating the suitability of offshore sedimentary basins as potential CO2 storage sites. In May 2012 a seabed survey (GA0335/SOL5463) was undertaken in collaboration with the Australian Institute of Marine Science to acquire baseline marine data in the Petrel Sub-basin, Joseph Bonaparte Gulf. The aim was to collect information on possible connections (faults and fluid pathways) between the seabed and key basin units, and to characterise seabed habitats and biota. Two areas were surveyed (Area 1: 471 km2, depth ~ 80-100 m; Area 2: 181 km2, depth ~ 30-70 m), chosen to investigate the seabed over the potential supercritical CO2 boundary (Area 1) and the basin margin (Area 2), with Area 2 located around Flat Top 1 Well. Data analysed include multibeam sonar bathymetry and backscatter, seabed samples and their geochemical and biological properties, video footage and still images of seabed habitats and biota, and acoustic sub-bottom profiles. Pockmarks, providing evidence for fluid release, are present at the seabed, and are particularly numerous in Area 1. Area 1 is part of a sediment-starved, low-relief section of shelf characterised by seabed plains, relict estuarine paleochannels, and low-lying ridges. Facies analysis and radiocarbon dating of relict coastal plain sediment indicates Area 1 was a mangrove-rich environment around 15,500 years ago, transgressed near the end of the Last Glacial period (Meltwater Pulse 1A). Modern seabed habitats have developed on these relict geomorphic features, which have been little modified by recent seabed processes. Seabed habitats include areas of barren and bioturbated sediments, and mixed patches of sponges and octocorals on hardgrounds. In the sub-surface, stacked sequences of northwest-dipping to flat-lying, well-stratified sediments, variably incised by palaeochannels characterise the shallow geology of Area 1. Some shallow faulting through these deposits was noted, but direct linkages between seabed features and deep-seated faults were not observed. Area 2 is dominated by carbonate banks and ridges. Low-lying ridges, terraces and plains are commonly overlain by hummocky sediment of uncertain origin. Pockmarks are present on the margins of banks, and on and adjacent to ridges. Despite the co-location of banks and ridges with major faults at depth, there is a lack of direct evidence for structural connectivity, particularly because of significant acoustic masking in the sub-surface profiles of Area 2. While no direct structural relationship was observed in the acoustic sub-bottom profiles between these banks, ridges and faults visible in the basin seismic profiles, some faults extend through the upper basin units towards the seabed on the margin of Area 2. No evidence was detected at the seabed for the presence of thermogenic hydrocarbons or other fluids sourced from the basin, including beneath the CO2 supercritical boundary. The source of fluids driving pockmark formation in Area 1 is most likely decomposing mangrove-rich organic matter within late Pleistocene estuarine sediments. The gas generated is dominated by CO2. Additional fluids are potentially derived from sediment compaction and dewatering. Conceptual models derived from this are being used to inform regional-scale assessments of CO2 storage prospectivity in the Petrel Sub-basin.
A question and answer style brochure on geological storage of carbon dioxide. Questions addressed include: - What is geological storage? - Why do we need to store carbon dioxide? - How can you store anything in solid rock? - Could the carbon dioxide contaminate the fresh water supply? - Could a hydrocarbon seal leak? - Are there any geological storage projects in Australia?
The Browse Basin is located in the southern Timor Sea region of Australia's North West Shelf and covers an area of ~140,000 km2. It was identified as containing potential Environmentally Suitable Sites for carbon dioxide (CO2) Injection (ESSCI) by the Australian Petroleum CRC's GEODISC program (1999-2003). A regional geological reconnaissance of Cenozoic sandstone and carbonate sequences in the Browse Basin was undertaken in 2007 to determine the potential storage and sealing capacity for geological storage of CO2, the results of which are presented in this report. Methods included the review of available literature and well-completion reports, lithological and mineral analysis of selected well cuttings and interpretation of the wire-line and seismic response of the Cenozoic section.