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This report is a partial update of the national assessment series of Australia's energy resources, which was first released in 2010. This interim release provides an overview of Australia's identified and potential fossil energy resources: oil, gas, coal, uranium and thorium. It focuses on resource quantities. A full updated version of AERA will be released in December 2016. It will add hydro, solar, wind, geothermal, bioenergy and ocean energy in conjunction with the Australian Renewable Energy Agency, along with energy resource market information from the Office of Chief Economist. AERA provides the crucial information and data for comparing energy commodities and reviewing resources available in Australia and the world. In turn, this information can be used while considering resources and energy policies.
The study provides a comprehensive analysis of the natural gases from the Bonaparte, Browse, Carnarvon and Perth basins (in 4 modules). Geochemical analyses for the molecular and carbon isotope composition were performed on 96 gases and associated liquids, and these data are interpreted in a geological context. Additional non-exclusive data from the AGSO database have been used for correlation/interpretation purposes. The study addresses factors influencing the composition of gaseous and other light hydrocarbons in natural gas (and associated oil accumulations) including; - primary source and maturity controls, - secondary alteration processes, e.g. migration fractionation, water washing, biodegradation, and - multiple charge histories, including deep dry gas inputs.
Recent national and state assessments have concluded that sedimentary formations that underlie or are within the Great Artesian Basin (GAB) may be suitable for the storage of greenhouse gases. These same formations contain methane and naturally generated carbon dioxide that has been trapped for millions of years. The Queensland government has released exploration permits for Greenhouse Gas Storage in the Bowen and Surat basins. An important consideration in assessing the potential economic, environmental, health and safety risks of such projects is the potential impact CO2 migrating out of storage reservoirs could have on overlying groundwater resources. The risk and impact of CO2 migrating from a greenhouse gas storage reservoir into groundwater cannot be objectively assessed without knowledge of the natural baseline characteristics of the groundwater within these systems. Due to the phase behaviour of CO2, geological storage of carbon dioxide in the supercritical state requires depths greater than 800m, but there are no hydrochemical studies of such deeper aquifers in the prospective storage areas. Geoscience Australia (GA) and the Geological Survey of Queensland (GSQ), Queensland Department of Mines and Energy, worked collaboratively under the National Geoscience Agreement (NGA) to characterise the regional hydrochemistry of the Denison Trough and Surat Basin and trialled different groundwater monitoring strategies. The output from this Project constitutes part of a regional baseline reference set for future site-specific and semi-regional monitoring and verification programmes conducted by geological storage proponents. The dataset provides a reference of hydrochemistry for future competing resource users.
The Browse Basin is located offshore on Australia's North West Shelf and is a proven hydrocarbon province hosting gas with associated condensate and where oil reserves are typically small. The assessment of a basin's oil potential traditionally focuses on the presence or absence of oil-prone source rocks. However, light oil can be found in basins where source rocks are gas-prone and the primary hydrocarbon type is gas-condensate. Oil rims form whenever such fluids migrate into reservoirs at pressures less than their dew point (saturation) pressure. By combining petroleum systems analysis with geochemical studies of source rocks and fluids (gases and liquids), four Mesozoic petroleum systems have been identified in the basin. This study applies petroleum systems analysis to understand the source of fluids and their phase behaviour in the Browse Basin. Source rock richness, thickness and quality are mapped from well control. Petroleum systems modelling that integrates source rock property maps, basin-specific kinetics, 1D burial history models and regional 3D surfaces, provides new insights into source rock maturity, generation and expelled fluid composition. The principal source rocks are Early-Middle Jurassic fluvio-deltaic coaly shales and shales within the J10-J20 supersequences (Plover Formation), Middle-Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous sub-oxic marine shales within the J30-K10 supersequences (Vulcan and Montara formations) and K20-K30 supersequences (Echuca Shoals Formation). All of these source rocks contain significant contributions of land-plant derived organic matter and within the Caswell Sub-basin have reached sufficient maturities to have transformed most of the kerogen into hydrocarbons, with the majority of expulsion occurring from the Late Cretaceous until present.
Animation demonstrating how fraccing is used in Coal Seam Gas (CSG) extraction.
This report is a summary of information collected between November, 1948 and July, 1949 in the course of visits to the United Kingdom and the United States. The main subjects investigated were the complete gasification of coal, particularly in respect of its application to Victorian brown coal, the production of oil by synthesis and the production and refining of shale oil. Information was sought on a considerable number of other interests in the field of fuel technology as the opportunity offered. The authorities consulted were invariably experts in their respective fields, and great care was taken to record their information accurately. The report is a summary of recent developments and not an exhaustive study of the subjects mentioned. A considerable mass of detail has been excluded but is available on record for further reference.
From the beginning of petroleum exploration in the Perth Basin, the importance of the Early Triassic marine Kockatea Shale was recognised as the principal source for liquid petroleum in the onshore northern Perth Basin (Powell and McKirdy, 1976). Thomas and Barber (2004) constrained the effective source rock to a Early Triassic, middle Sapropelic Interval in the Hovea Member of the lower Kockatea Shale. In addition, Jurassic and Permian sourced-oils (Summons et al., 1995) demonstrate local effective non-Kockatea source rocks. However, evidence for multiple effective gas source rocks is limited. This study utilizes the molecular composition and carbon and hydrogen isotopic compositions of 34 natural gases from the Perth Basin, extending the previous study (Boreham et al., 2001) to the offshore and includes hydrogen isotopes and gases. It shows the existence of Jurassic to Permain gas systems in the Perth Basin.
Exploring for the Future Roadshow- Regional petroleum systems visualised in the EFTF Data Discovery Portal. A summary of petroleum systems of the Canning Basin and regional Meso- and Paleoproterozoic basins of northern Australia, and an introduction to the EFTF Data Discovery Portal
The Oil and Gas Pipelines service contains known spatial locations of onshore and offshore pipelines or pipeline corridors used to transport natural gas, oil and other liquids within Australia’s mainland and territorial waters.
The Oil and Gas Pipelines service contains known spatial locations of onshore and offshore pipelines or pipeline corridors used to transport natural gas, oil and other liquids within Australia’s mainland and territorial waters.