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  • The Major Carbon Dioxide Emitters of Australia is a combination of a two digital datasets 'source_top50' and 'min_source' from within the publication: Bradshaw, J., Bradshaw, B., Spencer, L., Wilson, P., Simon, G. & Mackie, V. 2001. GEODISC Project 1 - Regional analysis, stage 3 basins and emissions mapping, Geoscience Australia, GEODISC1-2001-006 (CD). The top 139 CO2 emitters as of 1998 are included, representing ~43% of net national GHG emissions and 54% of the net energy emissions from the 1998 National Greenhouse Gas Inventory. Each emitter has information containing the following attributes; Facility, Facil_Type, Facil_Name, State, Emissions, Emissions1, Emissions2, Emissions3, 20Yrs_Mt, 20Yrs_Tcf, DataSource, DataYear.

  • No abstract available

  • Thumb-drive containing petroleum geological reports and data sets in support of acreage release and related promotional activities.

  • All available processed seismic data and well completion reports relevant to the 2009 Acreage Release. Datasets available in Geoframe, Kingdom and Landmark workstation formats.

  • No abstract available

  • These data include potentially petroleum relevant shot point and navigation line records of seismic data that has been acquired offshore Australia in the vicinity of the Brremer sub-basin in Western Australia waters.

  • All available processed seismic data and well completion reports relevant to the 2007 Acreage Release. Datasets available in Geoframe, Kingdom and Landmark workstation formats.

  • Package holding all available processed data and well completion reports relevant to the Carnarvon 2007Acreage Release in workstation format - Geoframe, Kingdom and Landmark.