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  • The L210 South Nicholson 1096 km-long deep seismic reflection lines were acquired from 6 June to 14 August, 2017. The survey involved the acquisition of seismic reflection and gravity data along five traverses, 17GA-SN1 (375 km), 17GA-SN2 (213 km), 17GA-SN3 (58 km), 17GA-SN3 (98 km), and 17GA-SN5 (352 km). The South Nicholson seismic survey was undertaken in collaboration with and funded by: The energy theme in Geoscience Australia - Exploring for the Future; Northern Territory Geological Survey (NTGS); Department of Natural Resources and Mines - through the Geological Survey of Queensland (GSQ); and AuScope. Raw data for this survey are available on request from - Quote eCat# 116881

  • The Tennant Creek crustal reflection seismic survey was co-funded by the Northern Territory Government through the Creating Opportunities for Resource Exploration (CORE) initiative and Emmerson Resources Limited. HiSeis Pty Ltd acquired the 60 km 2D seismic line (Line 101) proximal to the Tennant Creek town site and mining facilities, from 14 June to the 21 June 2015. Geoscience Australia, as part of the Exploring for the Future funding, provided specialised hard-rock seismic data processing to image deep crustal structures and sedimentary layers at the near surface. The objective of the 2D survey was to define the regional scale structures contributing to the mineralisation in the area and target previously unidentified areas of prospectivity in the Tennant Creek Mineral Field, as well as demonstrate the value of seismic reflection for the minerals industry and to the geoscience community.

  • The Coompana Project is a collaborative project between Geoscience Australia and the Geological Survey of South Australia, co-funded by Geoscience Australia’s Exploring for the Future Programme and the South Australian Government’s PACE Copper Initiative. The Coompana Project aims to provide new precompetitive geological, geophysical and geochemical data in the under-explored Coompana Province in South Australia. The pre-drilling geophysics program was undertaken to assist the drilling process by reducing the uncertainty associated with intersecting the targeted stratigraphy. Seismic data were acquired at eight proposed drilling sites for the Coompana Drilling Program in February 2017. Seismic data were collected using vertical and horizontal geophones. An accelerated weight-drop source was tested with metal and plastic strike plates. The plastic strike plate was preferred and used for all sites. Vertical geophone P-wave data were collected at all sites. At most sites fan shots from approximately 100 m perpendicular to the centre of the geophone spread were recorded. Far offset refractions shots were also recorded. Horizontal geophone S-wave data were acquired at five sites, including fan shots approximately 100 m perpendicular to the centre of the spread. The data release includes all seismic data recorded as SEG-2. The associated meta-data includes the a copy of the observer’s logs and coordinates files. The coordinates are presented as text files output for geophone station and source locations from the RTK or Garmin GPS systems. A README.txt file explains the ID column in the coordinates text files and details about the coordinates files. The shot and geophone station locations are also provided in KML format. The data acquisition is described in the supporting document: J. Holzschuh, M. Nicoll, S. R. B. McAlpine, M. Pawley, R. Dutch and T. Wise 2018. Cover thickness estimates in the Coompana Province, South Australia: Results from the pre-drilling geophysics program – Reflection seismic. Record 2018/14. Geoscience Australia, Canberra.