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  • <div>Soil is a complex and spatially variable material that has a demonstrated potential to be a useful evidence class in forensic casework and intelligence operations. Here, the capability to spatially constrain searches and prioritise resources by triaging areas as low and high interest is advantageous. Conducted between 2017 and 2021, a forensically relevant topsoil survey (0-5 cm depth; 1 sample per 1 km2) has been carried out over Canberra, Australia, with the aims of documenting the distribution of chemical elements in an urban/suburban environment, and of acting as a testbed for investigating various aspects of forensic soil provenancing. Geochemical data from X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF; for total major oxides) and Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS; for trace elements) following a total digestion (HF + HNO3) were obtained from the survey’s 685 topsoil samples (plus 138 additional quality control samples and six “Blind” simulated evidentiary samples). Using those “Blind” samples, we document a likelihood ratio approach where for each grid cell the analytical similarity between the grid cell and evidentiary sample is attributed from a measure of overlap between both Cauchy distributions, including appropriate uncertainties. Unlike existing methods that base inclusion/exclusion on an arbitrary threshold (e.g., ± three standard deviations), our approach is free from strict binary or Boolean thresholds, providing an unconstrained gradual transition dictated by the analytical similarity. Using this provenancing model, we present and evaluate a new method for upscaling from a fine (25 m x 25 m) interpolated grid to a more appropriate coarser (500 m x 500 m) grid, in addition to an objective method using Random Match Probabilities for ranking individual variables to be used for provenancing prior to receiving evidentiary material. Our results show this collective procedure generates more consistent and robust provenance maps between two different interpolation algorithms (e.g., inverse distance weighting, and natural neighbour), grid placements (e.g., grid shifts to the north or east) and theoretical users (e.g., different computer systems, or forensic geoscientists).</div> <b>Citation:</b> Michael G. Aberle, Patrice de Caritat, James Robertson, Jurian A. Hoogewerff, A robust interpolation-based method for forensic soil provenancing: A Bayesian likelihood ratio approach,<i> Forensic Science International</i>, Volume 353, 2023, 111883, ISSN 0379-0738.

  • <div>This guide and template details data requirements for submission of mineral deposit geochemical data to the Critical Minerals in Ores (CMiO) database, hosted by Geoscience Australia, in partnership with the United States Geological Survey and the Geological Survey of Canada. The CMiO database is designed to capture multielement geochemical data from a wide variety of critical mineral-bearing deposits around the world. Samples included within this database must be well-characterized and come from localities that have been sufficiently studied to have a reasonable constraint on their deposit type and environment of formation. As such, only samples analysed by modern geochemical methods, and with certain minimum metadata attribution, can be accepted. Data that is submitted to the CMiO database will also be published via the Geoscience Australia Portal ( and Critical Minerals Mapping Initiative Portal (;</div><div><br></div>

  • <div>Environmental DNA (eDNA), elemental and mineralogical analyses of soil have been shown to be specific to their source material, prompting consideration of the use of dust for forensic provenancing. Dust is ubiquitous in the environment and is easily transferred to items belonging to a person of interest, making dust analysis an ideal tool in forensic casework. The advent of Next Generation Sequencing technologies means that metabarcoding of eDNA can uncover microbial, fungal, and even plant genetic fingerprints in dust particles. Combining this with elemental and mineralogical compositions offers multiple, complementary lines of evidence for tracing the origin of an unknown dust sample. This is particularly pertinent when recovering dust from a person of interest to ascertain where they may have travelled. Prior to proposing dust as a forensic trace material, however, the optimum sampling protocols and detection limits need to be established to place parameters around its utility in this context. We tested several approaches to collecting dust from different materials and determined the lowest quantity of dust that could be analysed for eDNA, geochemistry and mineralogy, whilst still yielding results capable of distinguishing between sites. We found that fungal eDNA profiles could be obtained from multiple sample types and that tape lifts were the optimum collection method for discriminating between sites. We successfully recovered both fungal and bacterial eDNA profiles down to 3&nbsp;mg of dust (the lowest tested quantity) and recovered elemental and mineralogical compositions for all tested sample quantities. We show that dust can be reliably recovered from different sample types, using different sampling techniques, and that fungal, bacterial, and elemental and mineralogical profiles, can be generated from small sample quantities, highlighting the utility of dust as a forensic provenance material.</div> <b>Citation:</b> Nicole R. Foster, Belinda Martin, Jurian Hoogewerff, Michael G. Aberle, Patrice de Caritat, Paul Roffey, Robert Edwards, Arif Malik, Priscilla Thwaites, Michelle Waycott, Jennifer Young, The utility of dust for forensic intelligence: Exploring collection methods and detection limits for environmental DNA, elemental and mineralogical analyses of dust samples, <i>Forensic Science International </i>, Volume 344, 2023, 111599, ISSN 0379-0738, ISSN 0379-0738,

  • This report contains new whole-rock and isotope geochemical data, associated sample metadata, an assessment of the data’s quality assurance, for 742 samples collected in and around the Curnamona and Delamerian provinces, across numerous drillcore sampling campaigns through 2021-23. The data can be downloaded via the Geoscience Australia EFTF portal ( or in the files attached with this record ( Geochemical sampling in the Curnamona region straddles both South Australia and New South Wales. The objective of sampling was to obtain representative coverage (both stratigraphically and spatially) to support developing regional geochemical baselines (in conjunction with existing geochemistry). Thus, this sampling included both the Curnamona Province and the overlying basins (Eromanga Basin, Lake Eyre Basin). Whole-rock geochemistry is reported for 562 samples, with a subset of 13 samples analysed for Pb and Sr isotopes, and another subset of 36 samples analysed by thin section petrography (all presented herein). Geochemical sampling in the Delamerian region has focussed on available legacy drill core in South Australia, New South Wales and Victoria. The objective of sampling was to (systematically) constrain the geochemical character of magmatic rocks across the mainland extent of the Delamerian Orogen, as well as younger volcanics within the Delamerian Orogen and/or overlying cover. This geochemical sampling was conducted in conjunction with geochronology, mineral systems sampling and stratigraphic drilling (all components of the DCD project) to reinterpret the timing, character and fertility of the Delamerian Orogen. Whole-rock geochemistry is reported for 180 samples. Version 2.0 (published 28 November 2023) has added whole rock geochemistry for 22 new samples in the Delamerian region. The data products and report have been updated accordingly.

  • <div>Geoscience Australia’s Exploring for the Future (EFTF) program aims to enhance decision-making on Australia's mineral, energy, and groundwater resources by providing comprehensive geoscience data. Launched in 2016 with a $225m investment, the program has spawned various national projects, including the Australia's Resources Framework (ARF). The ARF focuses on a national perspective of Australia's surface and subsurface geology, supporting economic and social benefits, including transition to net-zero emissions.</div><div><br></div><div>One key sub-project within EFTF is the Geochemistry for Basin Prospectivity (G4BP) module. It explores Australian basins for basin-hosted base metal systems. The current focus (2020-2024) is on the Stuart Shelf region in South Australia, in collaboration with the Geological Survey of South Australia (GSSA) and CSIRO. The efforts aim to refine our understanding of sediment-hosted copper-cobalt-silver (Cu-Co-Ag) potential in this area.</div><div><br></div><div>This work has two primary objectives:</div><div><br></div><div>Geochemical fingerprinting and baseline data collection: Comprehensive data collection and reanalysis of existing samples aim to establish baseline geochemistry for stratigraphic units.</div><div>Mineral system components: Identification of potential metal sources, fluid sources, and trap rocks using a mineral systems approach.</div><div><br></div><div>This data release forms the second stage release of new geochemical data for the Stuart Shelf region; the first stage release was detailed in Champion et al. (2023b). There is also an earlier data release (Champion et al., 2023a) featuring reanalysis, by modern analytical methods, of legacy mineralised and/or altered Stuart Shelf and underlying basement samples held at Geoscience Australia.</div>

  • <div>Geochemistry of soils, stream sediments, and overbank sediments, plays an important part in informing geochemical environmental baselines, mineral prospectivity, and environmental management practices. Australia has a large number of such surveys, but they are spatially isolated and often used in isolation. First released in 2020, the Levelled Geochemical Baseline of Australia focused on levelling such surveys across the North Australian Craton, so that they could be used as a seamless dataset. This data release acts as an update to the Levelled Geochemical Baseline of Australia by changing the focus to national scale and incorporating recently reanalysed legacy samples.</div><div><br></div><div>This work was undertaken as part of the Exploring for the Future program, an eight-year program by the Australian government. The Exploring for the Future program provides precompetitive information to inform decision-making by government, community and industry on the sustainable development of Australia's mineral, energy and groundwater resources. By gathering, analysing and interpreting new and existing precompetitive geoscience data and knowledge, we are building a national picture of Australia’s geology and resource potential. This leads to a strong economy, resilient society and sustainable environment for the benefit of all Australians. This includes supporting Australia’s transition to net zero emissions, strong, sustainable resources and agriculture sectors, and economic opportunities and social benefits for Australia’s regional and remote communities. The Exploring for the Future program, which commenced in 2016, was an eight year, $225m investment by the Australian Government.</div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div><br></div>

  • <div>Levelling of geochemical data between surveys is a vital step in using datasets together. This code can apply a number of approaches to eliminate inter-laboratory differences from multi-generational and spatially isolated geochemical surveys. This codes allow the use of a variety of levelling methods: re-analysis, single standards, and multiple standards. The methodology and effectiveness of each of these methods are outlined in Main, P.T. and Champion, D.C., 2022. Levelling of multi-generational and spatially isolated geochemical surveys. Journal of Geochemical Exploration.</div>

  • <div>With a higher demand for lithium (Li), a better understanding of its concentration and spatial distribution is important to delineate potential anomalous areas. This study uses a digital soil mapping framework to combine data from recent geochemical surveys and environmental covariates to predict and map Li content across the 7.6 million km2 area of Australia. Soil samples were collected by the National Geochemical Survey of Australia at a total of 1315 sites, with both top (0–10 cm depth) and bottom (on average 60–80 cm depth) catchment outlet sediments sampled. We developed 50 bootstrap models using a Cubist regression tree algorithm for both depths. The spatial prediction models were validated on an independent Northern Australia Geochemical Survey dataset, showing a good prediction with an RMSE of 3.82 mg kg-1 for the top depth. The model for the bottom depth has yet to be validated. The variables of importance for the models indicated that the first three Landsat bands and gamma radiometric dose have a strong impact on Li prediction. The bootstrapped models were then used to generate digital soil Li prediction maps for both depths, which could select and delineate areas with anomalously high Li concentrations in the regolith. The map shows high Li concentration around existing mines and other potentially anomalous Li areas. The same mapping principles can potentially be applied to other elements.&nbsp;</div> <b>Citation:</b> Ng, W., Minasny, B., McBratney, A., de Caritat, P., and Wilford, J.: Digital soil mapping of lithium in Australia, <i>Earth Syst. Sci. Data</i>, 15, 2465–2482,, <b>2023</b>.

  • <div>The ubiquitous nature of dust, along with localised chemical and biological signatures, makes it an ideal medium for provenance determination in a forensic context. Metabarcoding of dust can yield biological communities unique to the site of interest, similarly, geochemical and mineralogical analyses can uncover elements and minerals within dust than can be matched to a geographic location. Combining these analyses presents multiple lines of evidence as to the origin of collected dust samples. In this work, we investigated whether the time an item spent at a site collecting dust influenced the ability to assign provenance. We then integrated dust metabarcoding of bacterial and fungal communities into a framework amenable to forensic casework, (i.e., using calibrated log-likelihood ratios to predict the origin of dust samples) and assessed whether current soil metabarcoding databases could be utilised to predict dust origin. Furthermore, we tested whether both metabarcoding and geochemical/mineralogical analyses could be conducted on a single sample for situations where sampling is limited. We found both analyses could generate results capable of separating sites from a single swabbed sample and that the duration of time to accumulate dust did not impact site separation. We did find significant variation within sites at different sampling time periods, showing that bacterial and fungal community profiles vary over time and space – but not to the extent that they are non-discriminatory. We successfully modelled soil and dust samples for both bacterial and fungal diversity, developing calibrated log-likelihood ratio plots and used these to predict provenance for dust samples. We found that the temporal variation in community composition influenced our ability to predict dust provenance and recommend reference samples be collected as close to the sampling time as possible. Thus, our framework showed soil metabarcoding databases are capable of being used to predict dust provenance but the temporal variation in metabarcoded communities will need to be addressed to improve provenance estimates.&nbsp;</div> <b>Citation:</b> Nicole R. Foster, Duncan Taylor, Jurian Hoogewerff, Michael G. Aberle, Patrice de Caritat, Paul Roffey, Robert Edwards, Arif Malik, Michelle Waycott and Jennifer M. Young, The secret hidden in dust: Uncovering the potential to use biological and chemical properties of the airborne soil fraction to assign provenance and integrating this into forensic casework, <i>Forensic Science International: Genetics,</i> (2023) doi:

  • Geoscience Australia’s Exploring for the Future program provides precompetitive information to inform decision-making by government, community and industry on the sustainable development of Australia's mineral, energy and groundwater resources. By gathering, analysing and interpreting new and existing precompetitive geoscience data and knowledge, we are building a national picture of Australia’s geology and resource potential. This leads to a strong economy, resilient society and sustainable environment for the benefit of all Australians. This includes supporting Australia’s transition to net zero emissions, strong, sustainable resources and agriculture sectors, and economic opportunities and social benefits for Australia’s regional and remote communities. The Exploring for the Future program, which commenced in 2016, is an eight year, $225m investment by the Australian Government. This package contains data generated in the field as part of stratigraphic drilling operations in the Delamerian region of the western New South Wales during 2023 funded through the Exploring for the Future program. A range of geological, geophysical and geochemical data are included, as well as associated borehole information such as core photographs. The data can be viewed and downloaded via the Geoscience Australia Portal - The data that is available is from several databases which are associated to this record. <i>These data are published with the permission of the CEO, Geoscience Australia. </i>