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  • <div>A set of Foundation Spatial Data Framework (FSDF) datasets built as Linked-Data RDF triples. Includes Electrical Infrastructure, Emergency Facilities, and Placenames. (Sits alongside other Geoscience RDF data bases and their APIs). An API built over this RDF database supplies mapped detail of each individual feature along with metadata, geometry, alternate views and profiles. RDF provides a standardized schema for use with any other datasets based on RDF Triples. The API is human readable and machine readable. Machine readability allows web based APIs and dashboards to consume the data in a number of standardized formats, to value add and build specialized tools for a great variety of uses, including emergency use dashboards and higher level APIs.</div><div><br></div><div>The API conforms with the OGC LA API standard and uses VocPrez and SpacePrez technology.</div>