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  • This report describes the structure and tectonic history of the Palaeozoic sediments in the Mossman Sheet area. It is a preliminary report based on field mapping completed during the 1960 field season; a final report will be compiled when mapping of the Palaeozoic sediments in the adjacent Cooktown Sheet area is completed in 1961

  • Submarine phosphorite deposits, believed to be relatively common on the ocean floor, have been most thoroughly investigated off the coasts of California and Mexico. The conditions under which these deposits formed are believed to be applicable to most of the world's phosphorite deposits. Similar conditions may exist on the continental shelf to the south of Australia which therefore seems to be the most logical place to look for submarine phosphorite. The Californian deposits are of immense size and their economic exploitation seems to be feasible.

  • The R502 series of maps has been replaced by the National Topographic Map Series (NTMS). The R502 series consists of 542 map sheets and covers Australia at a scale of 1:250,000. It was compiled from aerial photography, but only about one quarter of the series was contoured. The standard sheet size is 1 degree of latitude by 1.5 degrees of longitude. Transverse Mercator map projection and Clark 1858 datum were used. Coverage of the country was completed in 1968.

  • Legacy product - no abstract available

  • The Record consists of reports completed by the chemical personnel of the Bureau laboratory during 1957.

  • Results are given of two geophysical surveys carried out by the Bureau of Mineral Resources for the proposed Great Lake Power Development on behalf of the Hydro-Electric Commission of Tasmania. In the 1957-58 survey seismic reflection, seismic refraction, resistivity, gravity, and magnetic methods were used. Although no reflections were recorded from the bottom of the dolerite sill, the magnetic and seismic surveys provide supporting evidence for features indicated by the interpretation of a gravity survey in 1951. In the 1959 survey a new tunnel line was investigated with seismic refraction, gravity, magnetic, and resistivity methods. Estimates are made of the thickness of scree material, glacial deposits or weathered layers. Some shear zones were located and information was obtained on the nearly vertical subsurface boundary between sediments and dolerite.

  • The Bowen Basin, in Central Queensland, is one of the sedimentary basins in which the search for oil is being pursued. In the second half of 1960 the Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics did a seismic survey lasting four months in the central portion of the Bowen Basin. This Record describes briefly the work done and the principal results obtained. A single, discontinuous seismic traverse was surveyed across the Basin in an east-west direction. The results provided information on the structure and minimum thicknesses of sediments in the area.

  • The R502 series of maps has been replaced by the National Topographic Map Series (NTMS). The R502 series consists of 542 map sheets and covers Australia at a scale of 1:250,000. It was compiled from aerial photography, but only about one quarter of the series was contoured. The standard sheet size is 1 degree of latitude by 1.5 degrees of longitude. Transverse Mercator map projection and Clark 1858 datum were used. Coverage of the country was completed in 1968.

  • A geological reconnaissance of the area was made by the Bureau of Mineral Resources in 1955, and gravity readings were taken by a geologist of West Australian Petroleum Pty Ltd, who accompanied the party. Astrofixes were taken by the Western Australian Lands and Survey Department in the same year. In 1956 surveyors from the Department of the Interior observed astrofixes and instrument-levelled heights along the Canning Stock Route as far south as Well 48. In 1957, as part of the Bureau of Mineral Resources helicopter survey of the Canning Basin, gravity observations were made in the south western sector of the Cornish Sheet.