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Results of a micropalaeontological examination of samples from bores Nos. 3855 and 3859. Samples were from the depths of 7 to 427 feet down and 1 to 977 feet down respectively.
Report on mine maintenance, costs, equipment, employment, reserves, and workings.
Core samples from No.2 Bore, Government House Grounds, Perth, were submitted for microscopic examination to determine if a micro-fauna existed in the sediments. Micro-fossils have been found and the assemblage is considered to be of Upper Eocene age. In the bore under consideration, core samples received for examination were from the depths of 47 feet 6 inches, 45 to 55, 66, and 102 feet. A detailed description of the core samples is given in the report.
Report on mine maintenance, costs, equipment, employment, reserves, and workings.
The Pilot Bore is situated 130 feet north of the Lakes Entrance Shaft and 80 feet above mean tide level. The principal purpose of the bore was to provide information on the position and flow of aquifers and on the nature of the rock ahead of shaft sinking operations. Percussion drilling was used to ensure that information on water horizons should be as accurate as possible. This report summarises the information so far obtained from the Pilot Bore, Lakes Entrance, and should be regarded as an interim statement pending the completion of work on the cores. The task of correlating this information with that obtained from other sources and the discussion of its bearing on regional problems are reserved for a more detailed report when the work has been concluded.
During August, 1944, a mineral specimen received at this Branch from Mr. C.R. Wright of Alice Springs was tentatively identified as altered allanite, and on testing with the Geiger-Muller apparatus was found to be radio-active. In October, 1944, the site of the discovery was visited by the writer and further specimens were collected. A portion of these specimens, which are also radio-active, was forwarded to the Division of Industrial Chemistry, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Melbourne, where the sample forwarded was identified by R. Grenfell Thomas as triplite. Triplite is essentially a fluo-phosphate of manganese and iron. Later a further small parcel of specimens was received and it is now realised that the specimens so far examined contain more than one mineral, but apparently no allanite. This report comprises detailed descriptions of the deposit and the triplite.
The stock saleyards comprise Block 41, Gungahlin district and are on the southeastern side of Federal Highway, 3.5 miles north from Civic Centre. A smaller area on the western extremity of the block, including stock pens, huts etc. is without water supply. The topography, geology and possibilities of obtaining underground water are discussed in this report.
Four core samples were submitted by New Occidental Gold Mines N.L. on 4th December, 1944. The descriptions of the samples that follow are based on a brief megascopic examination of the cores by H.B. Owen, Geologist of the Mineral Resources Survey. The results of tests for magnetic orientation and susceptibility are described.
Note that this record includes Record 1945/015 by the same author. In the search for oil in Queensland, Drillers Limited, a subsidiary of Oil Search Limited, Sydney, put down a deep bore at Hutton Creek near Injune, in the parish of Simmie, county of Westgrove and 60 miles north of Roma. Drilling operations, which began in 1935 and ceased in 1938 when the depth of the bore was 4,688 feet, were carried out with a Commonwealth Government plant. The major part of the drilling was done by the percussion method, but cores were taken at various depths down to 4,678 feet. No samples were received for microscopic examination until the bore had reached the depth of 650 feet, but from this depth to the bottom of the bore-hole, 638 samples of cuttings and cores were examined. Core samples were taken at more frequent intervals towards the bottom of the bore-hole than higher up. The results of the study of the cores and cuttings from the bore-holes are described in this report.
Weilmoringle No. 9 Bore is situated about 60 miles northeast of Langbien's Bore. The results from a micro-examination of samples taken from 1650 feet down to 1742 feet are given in the report.