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  • <div>This was the last of five presentations held on 31 July 2023 as part of the National Groundwater Systems Workshop. Towards developing a 3D hydrogeological framework for Australia: A common chronostratigraphic framework for aquifers&nbsp;</div><div><br></div>

  • Geoscience Australia’s regional assessments and basin inventories are investigating Australia’s groundwater systems to improve knowledge of the nation’s groundwater potential under the Exploring for the Future (EFTF) Program and Geoscience Australia’s Strategy 2028. Where applicable, integrated basin analysis workflows are being used to build geological architecture advancing our understanding of hydrostratigraphic units and tie them to a nationally consistent chronostratigraphic framework. Here we focus on the Great Artesian Basin (GAB) and overlying Lake Eyre Basin (LEB), where groundwater is vital for pastoral, agricultural and extractive industries, community water supplies, as well as supporting indigenous cultural values and sustaining a range of groundwater dependent ecosystems such as springs and vegetation communities. Geoscience Australia continued to revise the chronostratigraphic framework and hydrostratigraphy for the GAB infilling key data and knowledge gaps from previous compilations. In collaboration with Commonwealth and State government agencies, we compiled and standardised thousands of boreholes, stratigraphic picks, 2D seismic and airborne electromagnetic data across the GAB. We undertook a detailed stratigraphic review on hundreds of key boreholes with geophysical logs to construct consistent regional transects across the GAB and LEB, using geological time constraints from hundreds of boreholes with existing and newly interpreted biostratigraphic data. We infilled the stratigraphic correlations along key transects across Queensland, New South Wales, South Australia and Northern Territory borders to refine nomenclature and stratigraphic relationships between the Surat, Eromanga and Carpentaria basins, improving chronostratigraphic understanding within the Jurassic to Cretaceous units. We extended the GAB geological framework to the overlying LEB to better resolve the Cenozoic stratigraphy and potential hydrogeological connectivity. New data and information fill gaps and refine the previous 3D hydrogeological model of the entire GAB and LEB. The new 3D geological and hydrostratigraphic model provides a framework to integrate additional hydrogeological and rock property data. It assists in refining hydraulic relationships between aquifers within the GAB and provides a basis for developing more detailed hydrogeological system conceptualisations. This is a step towards the future goal of quantifying hydraulic linkages with underlying basins, and overlying Cenozoic aquifers to underpin more robust understanding of the hydrogeological systems within the GAB. This approach can be extended to other regional hydrogeological systems. This Abstract was submitted/presented at the 2023 Australasian Exploration Geoscience Conference (AEGC) 13-18 March (

  • <div>The Exploring for the Future program is a world leading program, delivering public geoscientific data and information required to empower decision-makers and attract future investment in resource exploration and development. Geoscience Australia engaged Alluvium Consulting Australia to quantify the impact and value of groundwater activities and outputs to the quadruple bottom line through an evaluation of 2 case studies, namely: • National Hydrogeological Mapping • The Southern Stuart Corridor project. This involved understanding the impact pathways for these case studies and the collection of data to be used in a cost benefit analysis. The work sought to provide feedback to Geoscience Australia, stakeholder groups and the broader community on the value of Geoscience Australia’s groundwater activities. The case study evaluations were facilitated by a series of specific questions, which were developed to guide data collection and the building of a knowledge base around the impact and value of the work in each case study and associated outputs. The questions broadly fell under the following categories: 1. Uptake and Usage 2. Impact 3. Benefit These evaluations were framed around the program impact pathway developed for each case study. This is a description of how inputs are used to deliver activities, which in turn result in outcomes and impacts (changes) for stakeholders, including the environment. The primary means of data collection to help answer the key evaluation questions was through online workshops and interviews with key stakeholders for each case study. These were undertaken between March 10 and March 24, 2023. In these workshops and interviews, representatives from industry, community and government agencies were asked if they could identify instances where case study program outputs were used for particular purposes, such as prioritising research or investment, advising Members of Parliament, or education and training. These examples were then explored further to understand what outcomes and benefits were derived from the use of the case study outputs, and how critical were the case study outputs to achieving those outcomes and benefits</div>

  • This was the fourth of five presentations held on 31 July 2023 as part of the National Groundwater Systems Workshop - Detailed Groundwater Science Inventory Geology, hydrogeology and groundwater systems in the Kati Thanda-Lake Eyre Basin.

  • The document summarises new seismic interpretation metadata for two key horizons from Base Jurassic to mid-Cretaceous strata across the western and central Eromanga Basin, and the underlying Top pre-Permian unconformity. New seismic interpretations were completed during a collaborative study between the National Groundwater Systems (NGS) and Australian Future Energy Resources (AFER) projects. The NGS and AFER projects are part of Exploring for the Future (EFTF)—an eight year, $225 million Australian Government funded geoscience data and precompetitive information acquisition program to inform decision-making by government, community and industry on the sustainable development of Australia's mineral, energy and groundwater resources. By gathering, analysing and interpreting new and existing precompetitive geoscience data and knowledge, we are building a national picture of Australia’s geology and resource potential. This will help support a strong economy, resilient society and sustainable environment for the benefit of all Australians. The EFTF program is supporting Australia’s transition to a low emissions economy, industry and agriculture sectors, as well as economic opportunities and social benefits for Australia’s regional and remote communities. Further details are available at The seismic interpretations build on previous work undertaken as part of the ‘Assessing the Status of Groundwater in the Great Artesian Basin’ (GAB) Project, commissioned by the Australian Government through the National Water Infrastructure Fund – Expansion (Norton & Rollet, 2022; Vizy & Rollet, 2022; Rollet et al., 2022; Rollet et al., in press.), the NGS Project (Norton & Rollet, 2023; Rollet et al., 2023; Vizy & Rollet, 2023) and the AFER Project (Bradshaw et al., 2022 and in press, Bernecker et al., 2022, Iwanec et al., 2023; Iwanec et al., in press). The recent iteration of revisions to the GAB geological and hydrogeological surfaces (Vizy & Rollet, 2022) provides a framework to interpret various data sets consistently (e.g., boreholes, airborne electromagnetic, seismic data) and in a 3D domain, to improve our understanding of the aquifer geometry, and the lateral variation and connectivity in hydrostratigraphic units across the GAB (Rollet et al., 2022). Vizy and Rollet (2022) highlighted some areas with low confidence in the interpretation of the GAB where further data acquisition or interpretation may reduce uncertainty in the mapping. One of these areas was in the western and central Eromanga Basin. New seismic interpretations are being used in the western Eromanga, Pedirka and Simpson basins to produce time structure and isochore maps in support of play-based energy resource assessment under the AFER Project, as well as to update the geometry of key aquifers and aquitards and the GAB 3D model for future groundwater management under the NGS Project. These new seismic interpretations fill in some data and knowledge gaps necessary to update the geometry and depth of key geological and hydrogeological surfaces defined in a chronostratigraphic framework (Hannaford et al., 2022; Bradshaw et al., 2022 and in press; Hannaford & Rollet, 2023). The seismic interpretations are based on a compilation of newly reprocessed seismic data (Geoscience Australia, 2022), as part of the EFTF program, and legacy seismic surveys from various vintages brought together in a common project with matching parameters (tying, balancing, datum correcting, etc.). This dataset has contributed to a consolidated national data coverage to further delineate groundwater and energy systems, in common data standards and to be used further in integrated workflows of mineral, energy and groundwater assessment. The datasets associated with the product provides value added seismic interpretation in the form of seismic horizon point data for two horizons that will be used to improve correlation to existing studies in the region. The product also provides users with an efficient means to rapidly access a list of core data used from numerous sources in a consistent and cleaned format, all in a single package. The following datasets are provided with this product: 1) Seismic interpretation in a digital format (Appendix A), in two-way-time, on key horizons with publically accessible information, including seismic interpretation on newly reprocessed data: Top Cadna-owie; Base Jurassic; Top pre-Permian; 2) List of surveys compiled and standardised for a consistent interpretation across the study area (Appendix B). 3) Isochore points between Top Cadna-owie and Base Jurassic (CC10-LU00) surfaces (Appendix C). 4) Geographical layer for the seismic lines compiled across Queensland, South Australia and the Northern Territory (Appendix D). These new interpretations will be used to refine the GAB geological and hydrogeological surfaces in this region and to support play-based energy resource assessments in the western Eromanga, Pedirka and Simpson basins.

  • <div><strong>Output Type: </strong> Exploring for the Future Extended Abstract</div><div><br></div><div><strong>Short Abstract: </strong>Geoscience Australia and the Bureau of Meteorology manage national groundwater datasets and hydrogeological information. To continue building common, trusted and nationally consistent datasets, Geoscience Australia and the Bureau of Meteorology collaborated with state and territory jurisdictions as part of the National Groundwater Systems Project. The National Groundwater Systems Project has developed new national scale datasets to refine the understanding of groundwater systems and improve data standards and workflows of groundwater assessment. The collaboration assessed the currency and availability of national groundwater data, while ensuring consistency between national and state/territory government datasets. The updates include aligning the Bureau’s National Aquifer Framework and the National Groundwater Information System with current geological understanding and Geoscience Australia’s Australian Stratigraphic Units Database. Through collaboration, we also conducted a comprehensive review of dataset differences held by each organisation, from groundwater provinces to aquifer boundaries. This, with outcomes from stakeholder engagement with each jurisdiction, led to proposed data alignments and further development of priorities for future work programs. Together Geoscience Australia and the Bureau of Meteorology have improved dataset alignments, such as dynamically linking the National Aquifer Framework and National Groundwater Information System with the Australian Stratigraphic Units Database such that they synchronously update if changes are made. This enhances their accuracy, consistency, and use across the groundwater community and beyond. Further linkages will need to be developed to increase the use of national hydrogeological datasets, bringing mutual benefits to stakeholders and the broader groundwater community in Australia. This work supports the delivery of the Australian Government’s National Groundwater Strategic Framework.</div><div><br></div><div><strong>Citation: </strong>Rollet, N., Nation, E., Harrison, A., Northey, J., Peljo, M., Bishop, C., Boronkay, A., Ahmad, Z., Vizy, J., Lewis, S., Sundaram, B., Carey, H., Zhang, S., Thiele, Z., Hostetler, S., Brooks, M. &amp; Wethasinghe, C., 2024. Collaborating to update and align national groundwater datasets. In: Czarnota, K. (ed.) Exploring for the Future: Extended Abstracts. Geoscience Australia, Canberra.</div>

  • <div>This dataset represents the second version of a compilation of borehole stratigraphic unit data on a national scale (Figure 1). It builds on the previous Australian Borehole Stratigraphic Units Compilation (ABSUC) Version 1.0 (Vizy &amp; Rollet, 2023a) with additional new or updated stratigraphic interpretation on key boreholes located in Figure 2. Its purpose is to consolidate and standardise publicly accessible information from boreholes, including those related to petroleum, stratigraphy, minerals, and water. This compilation encompasses data from states and territories, as well as less readily available borehole logs and interpretations of stratigraphy.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>This study was conducted as part of the National Groundwater Systems (NGS) Project within the Australian Government's Exploring for the Future (EFTF) program. Geoscience Australia’s Exploring for the Future program provides precompetitive information to inform decision-making by government, community and industry on the sustainable development of Australia's mineral, energy and groundwater resources. By gathering, analysing and interpreting new and existing precompetitive geoscience data and knowledge, we are building a national picture of Australia’s geology and resource potential. This leads to a strong economy, resilient society and sustainable environment for the benefit of all Australians. This includes supporting Australia’s transition to net zero emissions, strong, sustainable resources and agriculture sectors, and economic opportunities and social benefits for Australia’s regional and remote communities. The Exploring for the Future program, which commenced in 2016, is an eight year, $225m investment by the Australian Government. More information is available at and</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>As our understanding of Australian groundwater systems expands across states and territories, including legacy data from the 1970s and recent studies, it becomes evident that there is significant geological complexity and spatial variability in stratigraphic and hydrostratigraphic units nationwide. Recognising this complexity, there is a need to standardise diverse datasets, including borehole location and elevation, as well as variations in depth and nomenclature of stratigraphic picks. This standardisation aims to create a consistent, continent-wide stratigraphic framework for better understanding groundwater system for effective long-term water resource management and integrated resource assessments.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>This continental-scale compilation consolidates borehole data from 53 sources, refining 1,117,693 formation picks to 1,010,483 unique records from 171,396 boreholes across Australia. It provides a consistent framework for interpreting various datasets, enhancing 3D aquifer geometry and connectivity. Each data source's reliability is weighted, prioritising the most confident interpretations. Geological units conform to the Australian Stratigraphic Units Database (ASUD) for efficient updates. Regular updates are necessary to accommodate evolving information. Borehole surveys and dip measurements are excluded. As a result, stratigraphic picks are not adjusted for deviation, potentially impacting true vertical depth in deviated boreholes.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>This dataset provides:</div><div>ABSUC_v2&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Australian stratigraphic unit compilation dataset (ABSUC)</div><div>ABSUC_v2_TOP&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A subset of preferred top picks from the ABSUC_v2 dataset</div><div>ABSUC_v2_BASE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A subset of preferred base picks from the ABSUC_v2 dataset</div><div>ABSUC_BOREHOLE_v2&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ABSUC Borehole collar dataset</div><div>ASUD_2023&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A subset of the Australia Stratigraphic Units Database (ASUD)</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>Utilising this uniform compilation of stratigraphic units, enhancements have been made to the geological and hydrogeological surfaces of the Great Artesian Basin, Lake Eyre Basin and Centralian Superbasin. This compilation is instrumental in mapping various regional groundwater systems and other resources throughout the continent. Furthermore, it offers a standardised approach to mapping regional geology, providing a consistent foundation for comprehensive resource impact assessments.</div>

  • <div> Airborne electromagnetic (AEM) data has been acquired at 20km line spacing across much of the Australian continent and conductivity models generated by inverting these data are freely available. Despite the wide line spacing these data are suitable for imaging the near surface and better understanding groundwater systems. Twenty-kilometre spaced AEM data acquired over the Cooper Creek floodplain using a fixed-wing towed system were inverted using deterministic and probabilistic methods. The Cooper Creek is an anabranching ephemeral river system in arid eastern central Australia. We integrated conductivity data with a range of surface and subsurface data to characterise the hydrogeology of the region and infer groundwater salinity from the shallow alluvial aquifer across a more than 14,000 km2 Cooper Creek floodplain. The conductivity data also revealed several examples of focused recharge through a river channel forming a freshwater lens within the more regional shallow saline groundwater system.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>This work demonstrates that regional AEM conductivity data can be a valuable tool for understanding groundwater processes at various scales with implications for how to responsibly manage water resources. This work is especially important in the Australian context where high quality borehole data is typically sparse, but high-quality geophysical and satellite data are often accessible.</div><div> </div> This presentation was given to the 8th International Airborne Electromagnetics Workshop (AEM2023) (

  • <div>As part of the Exploring for the Future (EFTF) programme, the groundwater team undertook an in-depth investigation into characterising surface water -- groundwater interaction in the Cooper Creek floodplain using airborne electromagnetics (AEM). This work is to be released as part of the Lake Eyre Basin detailed inventory and as an EFTF extended abstract. As part of Geoscience Australia's commitment to transparent science, the scientific workflows that underpinned a large component of this investigation are to be released as a jupyter notebook. This notebook contains python code, figures and explanatory text that the reader can use to understand how the AEM data were processed, visualised, integrated with other data and interpreted.</div>

  • This was the third of five presentations held on 31 July 2023 as part of the National Groundwater Systems Workshop - WaMSTeC: Water Monitoring and Standardisation Technical Committee National Industry Guidelines for hydrometric monitoring WaMSTeC GUIDELINE REVISIONS UPDATE FOR GROUNDWATER COMPONENTS: GROUNDWATER SUBCOMMITTEE