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  • This report provides an initial summary of the hydrogeochemistry of the McBride Basalt Province (MBP) and Nulla Basalt Province (NBP) of the Upper Burdekin Region of North Queensland, completed as part of Exploring for the Future (EFTF)—an eight year, $225 million Australian Government funded geoscience data and information acquisition program focused on better understanding the potential mineral, energy and groundwater resources across Australia. Groundwater hydrogeochemistry studies can improve system understanding by reflecting host formation compositions and groundwater processes. These studies also provide regional baseline groundwater datasets that can inform environmental monitoring, resource use and decision making. During 2017 and 2018 Geoscience Australia collected 38 groundwater samples and 80 surface water samples (including quality control samples) to evaluate groundwater system processes including potential flow paths, recharge and groundwater-surface water-interactions. These surveys were conducted across three months of fieldwork, sampling water for a comprehensive suite of hydrogeochemical parameters. The present report includes surface water and groundwater data and information on: 1) sampling sites; 2) field physicochemical parameters (EC, pH, Eh, DO and T); 3) field measurements of total alkalinity (HCO3-); 4) laboratory results of major anion and cation results; 5) laboratory results for isotopes of water (δ18O and δD), DIC (δ13C), and dissolved strontium (87Sr/86Sr); and 6) hydrogeochemical maps representing the spatial distribution of these parameters. Pending analyses include: CFCs, SF6 and radiogenic isotopes δ14C and δ36Cl. Analysis that were largely below detection limit include: trace element concentrations, dissolved sulfide (S2-), ferrous iron (Fe2+), and dissolved sulfate (affecting sampling of δ34S and δ18O). This study demonstrates that hydrogeochemistry surveys, with full suites of chemical parameters including isotopes, can reveal fundamental groundwater system processes such as groundwater flow paths, groundwater recharge and groundwater-surface water interactions. The chemical ‘fingerprints’ identified here indicate groundwater flow paths are largely restricted to within the MBP and NBP aquifers, which have little interaction with adjacent and underlying non-basaltic rocks. The results also indicate groundwater is largely recharged from rainfall in higher elevations of the basalt provinces, with variable rainfall inputs to groundwater from lower elevation and rivers along flow paths. Groundwater-surface water interactions show several chemical signatures linking groundwater to springs, tributary rivers and the Burdekin River. Results from the Upper Burdekin Hydrogeochemistry Survey for the MBP and NBP have been plotted and mapped with initial interpretations presented below. Further detailed interpretation of this hydrogeochemistry data will be the focus of future publications. This data release is part in a series of staged outputs from the EFTF program. Relevant data, information and images are available through the Geoscience Australia website.

  • Geometric representations of major surface water features of Australia, such as rivers, lakes, reservoirs, dams, canals and catchments. Also includes hydrologic features such as catchment boundaries and drainage basins. <b>Value:</b> This data is not authoritative, but represent a valuable resource for visualisation, decision support and planning activities. <b>Scope:</b> This is a National dataset at resolution relevant for presentation of regional spatial data such as digital maps.