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  • Band ratio: B3/B2 Blue is low content Red is high content Use this image to help interpret the amount of "obscuring/complicating" green vegetation cover.

  • 1. Band ratio: B13/B10 Blue is low silica content Red is high silica content (potentially includes Si-rich minerals, such as quartz, feldspars, Al-clays) Geoscience Applications: Broadly equates to the silica content though the intensity (depth) of this reststrahlen feature is also affected by particle size <250 micron. Useful product for mapping: (1) colluvial/alluvial materials; (2) silica-rich (quartz) sediments (e.g. quartzites); (3) silification and silcretes; and (4) quartz veins. Use in combination with quartz index, which is often correlated with the Silica index.

  • B6/B5 (potential includes: pyrophyllite, alunite, well-ordered kaolinite) Blue is low content, Red is high content Useful for mapping: (1) different clay-type stratigraphic horizons; (2) lithology-overprinting hydrothermal alteration, e.g. high sulphidation, "advanced argillic" alteration comprising pyrophyllite, alunite, kaolinite/dickite; and (3) well-ordered kaolinite (warmer colours) versus poorly-ordered kaolinite (cooler colours) which can be used for mapping in situ versus transported materials, respectively.

  • 1. Band ratio: B5/B4 Blue is low ferrous iron content in carbonate and MgOH minerals like talc and tremolite. Red is high ferrous iron content in carbonate and MgOH minerals like chlorite and actinolite. Useful for mapping: (1) un-oxidised "parent rocks" - i.e. mapping exposed parent rock materials (warm colours) in transported cover; (2) talc/tremolite (Mg-rich - cool colours) versus actinolite (Fe-rich - warm colours); (3) ferrous-bearing carbonates (warm colours) potentially associated with metasomatic "alteration"; (4) calcite/dolomite which are ferrous iron-poor (cool colours); and (5) epidote, which is ferrous iron poor (cool colours) - in combination with FeOH content product (high).

  • 1. Band ratio: B1/B4 Blue is low abundance, Red is high abundance (potentially includes carbon black (e.g. ash), magnetite, Mn oxides, and sulphides in unoxidised envornments Useful for mapping: (1) magnetite-bearing rocks (e.g. BIF); (2) maghemite gravels; (3) manganese oxides; (4) graphitic shales. Note 1: (1) and (4) above can be evidence for "reduced" rocks when interpreting REDOX gradients. Combine with AlOH group Content (high values) and Composition (high values) products, to find evidence for any invading "oxidised" hydrothermal fluids which may have interacted with reduced rocks evident in the Opaques index product.

  • 1. Band ratio: B2/B1 Blue-cyan is goethite rich, Green is hematite-goethite, Red-yellow is hematite-rich (1) Mapping transported materials (including palaeochannels) characterised by hematite (relative to geothite). Combine with AlOH composition to find co-located areas of hematite and poorly ordered kaolin to map transported materials; and (2) hematite-rish areas in drier conditions (eg above the water table) whereas goethite-rich in wetter conditions (eg at/below the water or areas recently exposed). May also be climate driven.

  • 1. Band ratio: B7/B8 Blue-cyan is magnesite-dolomite, amphibole, chlorite Red is calcite, epidote, amphibole useful for mapping: (1) exposed parent material persisting through "cover"; (2) "dolomitization" alteration in carbonates - combine with Ferrous iron in MgOH product to help separate dolomite versus ankerite; (3) lithology-cutting hydrothermal (e.g. propyllitic) alteration - combine with FeOH content product and ferrous iron in Mg-OH to isolate chlorite from actinolite versus talc versus epidote; and (4) layering within mafic/ultramafic intrusives. useful for mapping: (1) exposed parent material persisting through "cover"; (2) "dolomitization" alteration in carbonates - combine with Ferrous iron in MgOH product to help separate dolomite versus ankerite; (3) lithology-cutting hydrothermal (e.g. propyllitic) alteration - combine with FeOH content product and ferrous iron in Mg-OH to isolate chlorite from actinolite versus talc versus epidote; and (4) layering within mafic/ultramafic intrusives. useful for mapping: (1) exposed parent material persisting through "cover"; (2) "dolomitization" alteration in carbonates - combine with Ferrous iron in MgOH product to help separate dolomite versus ankerite; (3) lithology-cutting hydrothermal (e.g. propyllitic) alteration - combine with FeOH content product and ferrous iron in Mg-OH to isolate chlorite from actinolite versus talc versus epidote; and (4) layering within mafic/ultramafic intrusives.

  • This is the parent datafile of a dataset that comprises a set of 14+ geoscience products made up of mosaiced ASTER (Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer) scenes across Australia. The individual geoscience products are a combination of bands and band ratios to highlight different mineral groups and parameters including: False colour composite CSIRO Landsat TM Regolith Ratios Green vegetation content Ferric oxide content Ferric oxide composition Ferrous iron index Opaque index AlOH group content AlOH group composition Kaolin group index FeOH group content MgOH group content MgOH group composition Ferrous iron content in MgOH/carbonate Surface mineral group distribution (relative abundance and composition)

  • 1. Band ratio: (B6+B9/(B7+B8) Blue is low content, Red is high content (potentially includes: calcite, dolomite, magnesite, chlorite, epidote, amphibole, talc, serpentine) Useful for mapping: (1) "hydrated" ferromagnesian rocks rich in OH-bearing tri-octahedral silicates like actinolite, serpentine, chlorite and talc; (2) carbonate-rich rocks, including shelf (palaeo-reef) and valley carbonates(calcretes, dolocretes and magnecretes); and (3) lithology-overprinting hydrothermal alteration, e.g. "propyllitic alteration" comprising chlorite, amphibole and carbonate. The nature (composition) of the silicate or carbonate mineral can be further assessed using the MgOH composition product.

  • 1. Band ratio: (B5+B7)/B6 Blue is low abundance, Red is high abundance potentially includes: phengite, muscovite, paragonite, lepidolite, illite, brammalite, montmorillonite, beidellite, kaolinite, dickite Useful for mapping: (1) exposed saprolite/saprock (2) clay-rich stratigraphic horizons; (3) lithology-overprinting hydrothermal phyllic (e.g. white mica) alteration; and (4) clay-rich diluents in ore systems (e.g. clay in iron ore). Also combine with AlOH composition to help map: (1) exposed in situ parent material persisting through "cover" which can be expressed as: (a) more abundant AlOH content + (b) long-wavelength (warmer colour) AlOH composition (e.g. muscovite/phengite).