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  • The ‘Australia’s Future Energy Resources’ (AFER) project is a four-year multidisciplinary investigation of the potential energy commodity resources in selected onshore sedimentary basins. The resource assessment component of the project incorporates a series of stacked sedimentary basins in the greater Pedirka-western Eromanga region in eastern central Australia. Using newly reprocessed seismic data and applying spatially enabled, exploration play-based mapping tools, a suite of energy commodity resources have been assessed for their relative prospectivity. One important aspects of this study has been the expansion of the hydrocarbon resource assessment work flow to include the evaluation of geological storage of carbon dioxide (GSC) opportunities. This form of resource assessment is likely to be applied as a template for future exploration and resource development, since the storage of greenhouse gases has become paramount in achieving the net-zero emissions target. It is anticipated that the AFER project will be able to highlight future exploration opportunities that match the requirement to place the Australian economy firmly on the path of decarbonisation.

  • <div>The Adavale Basin is located approximately 850 km west-northwest of Brisbane and southwest of Longreach in south-central Queensland. The basin system covers approximately 100,000 km2 and represents an Early to Late Devonian (Pragian to Famennian) depositional episode, which was terminated in the Famennian by widespread contractional deformation, regional uplift and erosion. </div><div>Burial and thermal history models were constructed for nine wells using existing open file data to assess the lateral variation in maturity and temperature for potential source rocks in the Adavale Basin, and to provide an estimate of the hydrocarbon generation potential in the region.</div>

  • Natural hydrogen is receiving increasing interest as a potential low-carbon fuel. There are various mechanisms for natural hydrogen generation but the reduction of water during oxidation of iron in minerals is recognised to be the major source of naturally generated H2. While the overall reaction is well known, the identity and nature of the key rate limiting steps is less understood. This study investigates the dominant reaction pathways through the use of kinetic modelling. The modelling results suggest there are a number of conditions required for effective H2 production from iron minerals. These include the presence of ultramafic minerals that are particularly high in Fe rather than Mg content, pH in the range of 8 to 10, solution temperatures in the 200 to 300oC range, and strongly reducing conditions. High reaction surface area is key and this could be achieved by the presence of finely deposited material and/or assemblages of high porosity or with mineral assemblages with surface sites that are accessible to water. Finally, conditions favouring the co-deposition of Ni together with FeO/Fe(OH)2-containing minerals such as brucite (and, possibly, magnetite) could enhance H2 generation

  • The discovery of strategically located salt structures, which meet the requirements for geological storage of hydrogen, is crucial to meeting Australia’s ambitions to become a major hydrogen producer, user and exporter. The use of the AusAEM airborne electromagnetic (AEM) survey’s conductivity sections, integrated with multidisciplinary geoscientific datasets, provides an excellent tool for investigating the near-surface effects of salt-related structures, and contributes to assessment of their potential for underground geological hydrogen storage. Currently known salt in the Canning Basin includes the Mallowa and Minjoo salt units. The Mallowa Salt is 600-800 m thick over an area of 150 × 200 km, where it lies within the depth range prospective for hydrogen storage (500-1800 m below surface), whereas the underlying Minjoo Salt is generally less than 100 m thick within its much smaller prospective depth zone. The modelled AEM sections penetrate to ~500 m from the surface, however, the salt rarely reaches this level. We therefore investigate the shallow stratigraphy of the AEM sections for evidence of the presence of underlying salt or for the influence of salt movement evident by disruption of near-surface electrically conductive horizons. These horizons occur in several stratigraphic units, mainly of Carboniferous to Cretaceous age. Only a few examples of localised folding/faulting have been noted in the shallow conductive stratigraphy that have potentially formed above isolated salt domes. Distinct zones of disruption within the shallow conductive stratigraphy generally occur along the margins of the present-day salt depocentre, resulting from dissolution and movement of salt during several stages. This study demonstrates the potential AEM has to assist in mapping salt-related structures, with implications for geological storage of hydrogen. In addition, this study produces a regional near-surface multilayered chronostratigraphic interpretation, which contributes to constructing a 3D national geological architecture, in support of environmental management, hazard mapping and resource exploration. <b>Citation: </b>Connors K. A., Wong S. C. T., Vilhena J. F. M., Rees S. W. & Feitz A. J., 2022. Canning Basin AusAEM interpretation: multilayered chronostratigraphic mapping and investigating hydrogen storage potential. In: Czarnota, K (ed.) Exploring for the Future: Extended Abstracts, Geoscience Australia, Canberra,

  • The integrated use of seismic and gravity data can help to assess the potential for underground hydrogen storage in salt caverns in the offshore Polda Basin, South Australia. Geophysical integration software was trialled to perform simultaneous modelling of seismic amplitudes and traveltime information, gravity, and gravity gradients within a 2.5D cross-section. The models were calibrated to existing gravity data, seismic and well logs improving mapping of the salt thickness and depth away from well control. Models included known salt deposits in the offshore parts of the basin and assessed the feasibility for detection of potential salt deposits in the onshore basin, where there is limited well and seismic coverage. The modelling confirms that candidate salt cavern storage sites with salt thicknesses greater than 400-500 m should be detectable on low altitude airborne gravity surveys. Identification of lower cost onshore storage sites will require careful calibration of gravity models against measured data, rather than relying on the observation of rounded anomalies associated with salt diapirism. Ranking of the most prospective storage sites could be optimized after the acquisition of more detailed gravity and gradiometry data, preferably accompanied by seismic reprocessing or new seismic data acquisition.

  • <div>This document provides metadata for the gross depositional environment (GDE) interpretations that have been generated in support of the energy resource assessments under the Australia’s Future Energy Resources (AFER) project.&nbsp;&nbsp;</div><div>The AFER projects is part of Geoscience Australia’s Exploring for the Future (EFTF) Program—an eight year, $225 million Australian Government funded geoscience data and precompetitive information acquisition program to inform decision-making by government, community and industry on the sustainable development of Australia's mineral, energy and groundwater resources. By gathering, analysing and interpreting new and existing precompetitive geoscience data and knowledge, we are building a national picture of Australia’s geology and resource potential. This will help support a strong economy, resilient society and sustainable environment for the benefit of all Australians. The EFTF program is supporting Australia’s transition to a low emissions economy, industry and agriculture sectors, as well as economic opportunities and social benefits for Australia’s regional and remote communities. Further details are available at;</div><div>The GDE data sets provide high level classifications of interpreted environments where sediments were deposited within each defined play interval in the Pedirka, Simpson and Western Eromanga basins. Twelve gross depositional environments have been interpreted and mapped in the study (Table 1). A total of 14 play intervals have been defined for the Pedirka, Simpson and Western Eromanga basins by Bradshaw et al. (2022, in press), which represent the main chronostratigraphic units separated by unconformities or flooding surfaces generated during major tectonic or global sea level events (Figure 1). These play intervals define regionally significant reservoirs for hydrocarbon accumulations or CO2 geological storage intervals, and often also include an associated intraformational or regional seal.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</div><div>GDE interpretations are a key data set for play-based resources assessments in helping to constrain reservoir presence. The GDE maps also provide zero edges showing the interpreted maximum extent of each play interval, which is essential information for play-based resource assessments, and for constructing accurate depth and thickness grids.&nbsp;&nbsp;</div><div>GDE interpretations for the AFER Project are based on integrated interpretations of well log and seismic data, together with any supporting palynological data. Some play intervals also have surface exposures within the study area which can provide additional published paleo-environmental data. The Pedirka, Simpson and Western Eromanga basins are underexplored and contain a relatively sparse interpreted data set of 42 wells and 233 seismic lines (Figure 2). Well and outcrop data provide the primary controls on paleo-environment interpretations, while seismic interpretations constrain the interpreted zero edges for each play interval. The sparse nature of seismic and well data in the study area means there is some uncertainty in the extents of the mapped GDE’s.&nbsp;&nbsp;</div><div>The data package includes the following datasets:&nbsp;&nbsp;</div><div>Play interval tops for each of the 42 wells interpreted – provided as an ‘xlsx’ file.&nbsp;</div><div>A point file (AFER_Wells_GDE) capturing the GDE interpretation for each of the 14 play intervals in each of the 42 wells – provided as both a shapefile and within the AFER_GDE_Maps geodatabase.&nbsp;</div><div>Gross depositional environment maps for each of the 14 play intervals (note that separate GDE maps have been generated for the Namur Sandstone and Murta Formation within the Namur-Murta play interval, and for the Adori Sandstone and Westbourne Formation within the Adori-Westbourne play interval) – provided as both shapefiles and within the AFER_GDE_Maps geodatabase.&nbsp;</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>These GDE data sets are being used to support the AFER Project’s play-based energy resource assessments in the Western Eromanga, Pedirka and Simpson basins.&nbsp;</div><div><br></div>

  • The Adavale Basin, home to the Boree Salt, is a potential option for underground hydrogen storage (UHS) due to its close proximity to industrial infrastructure, existing pipelines and significant renewable energy sources. This study builds upon a previously constructed 3D geological model to examine the feasibility of developing salt caverns for UHS. The study integrates well data and regional geology, as well as analyses on mineralogy, geochemistry and petrophysical and geomechanical properties of the Boree Salt. Results highlight that the Boree Salt is predominantly halite (96.5%), with a net salt thickness of ~540 m encountered in Bury 1, and has excellent seal properties. Furthermore, the formation overburden pressure gradient implies favourable conditions for storing hydrogen in the Boree Salt. To illustrate the feasibility of UHS, a conceptual design of a cylindrical salt cavern at depth intervals of 1600 – 1950 m is presented. A single 60 m diameter cavern could provide up to 203 GWh (or ~ 6000 tonnes) of hydrogen energy storage. Further investigation to improve our understanding on the Boree Salt extent is recommended.

  • Underground hydrogen storage (UHS) in halite caverns will become an essential technology to supplement energy supply networks. This study examines the feasibility of UHS in the offshore Polda Basin by integrating previous seismic interpretation, well data and regional geology information. The Mercury structure in the central – east Polda Basin has extensive halite accumulations (both vertically and laterally) and has been identified as an area with high UHS potential. The net halite thickness is more than 1000 m, while the total potential area is about 217 km². Well data from the Mercury 1 well show a low thermal gradient (1.7–2.1 °C/100m) and overburden pressure gradient of approximately 18 ppg, providing effective gas operation pressure for UHS. To illustrate the feasibility of UHS, a conceptual design of a halite cavern is provided for a depth range of 1650–2000 m. Caverns with diameters of 60 m and 100 m are estimated to have storage capacities of approximately 240 GWh and 665 GWh, respectively. Multiple halite caverns could be constructed within the extensive Mercury halite accumulation. Further investigation into the potential for salt accumulations in the onshore Polda Basin is recommended. <b>Citation: </b>Feitz A. J., Wang L., Rees S. & Carr L., 2022. Feasibility of underground hydrogen storage in a salt cavern in the offshore Polda Basin. In: Czarnota, K. (ed.) Exploring for the Future: Extended Abstracts, Geoscience Australia, Canberra,

  • All commercially produced hydrogen worldwide is presently stored in salt caverns. In eastern Australia, the only known thick salt accumulations are found in the Boree Salt of the Adavale Basin in central Queensland. Although the number of wells penetrating the basin is limited, salt intervals up to 555 m thick have been encountered. The Boree Salt consists predominantly of halite and is considered to be suitable for hydrogen storage. Using well data and historical 2D seismic interpretations, we have developed a 3D model of the Adavale Basin, particularly focussing on the thicker sections of the Boree Salt. Most of the salt appears to be present at depths greater than 2000 m, but shallower sections are found in the main salt body adjacent to the Warrego Fault and to the south at the Dartmouth Dome. The preliminary 3D model developed for this study has identified three main salt bodies that may be suitable for salt cavern construction and hydrogen storage. These are the only known large salt bodies in eastern Australia and therefore represent potentially strategic assets for underground hydrogen storage. There are still many unknowns, with further work and data acquisition required to fully assess the suitability of these salt bodies for hydrogen storage. Recommendations for future work are provided. <b>Citation:</b> Paterson R., Feitz A. J., Wang L., Rees S. & Keetley J., 2022. From A preliminary 3D model of the Boree Salt in the Adavale Basin, Queensland. In: Czarnota, K. (ed.) Exploring for the Future: Extended Abstracts, Geoscience Australia, Canberra,

  • CO<sub>2</sub> enhanced oil recovery (CO<sub>2</sub>-EOR) is a proven technology that can extend the life of oil fields, permanently store CO<sub>2</sub>, and improve the recovery of oil and condensate over time. Although CO<sub>2</sub>-EOR has been used successfully for decades, particularly in the United States, it has not gained traction in Australia to date. In this study, we assemble and evaluate data relevant to CO<sub>2</sub>-EOR for Australia’s key oil and condensate producing basins, and develop a national-scale, integrated basin ranking that shows which regions have the best overall conditions for CO<sub>2</sub>-EOR. The primary goals of our study are to determine whether Australia’s major hydrocarbon provinces exhibit suitable geological and oil characteristics for successful CO<sub>2</sub>-EOR activities and to rank the potential of these basins for CO<sub>2</sub>-EOR. Each basin is assessed based on the key parameters that contribute to a successful CO<sub>2</sub>-EOR prospect: oil properties (API gravity), pressure, temperature, reservoir properties (porosity, permeability, heterogeneity), availability of CO<sub>2</sub> for EOR operations, and infrastructure to support EOR operations. The top three ranked basins are the onshore Bowen-Surat, Cooper-Eromanga and offshore Gippsland Basins, which are all in relatively close proximity to the large east coast energy/oil markets. A significant factor that differentiates these three basins from the others considered in this study is their relatively good access to CO<sub>2</sub> and well-developed infrastructure. The next three most suitable basins are located offshore on the Northwest Shelf (Browse, Carnarvon, and Bonaparte Basins). While these three basins have mostly favourable oil properties and reservoir conditions, the sparse CO<sub>2</sub> sources and large distances involved lead to lower scores overall. The Canning and Amadeus Basins rank the lowest among the basins assessed, being relatively immature and remote hydrocarbon provinces, and lacking the required volumes of CO<sub>2</sub> or infrastructure to economically implement CO<sub>2</sub>-EOR. In addition to ranking the basins for successful implementation of CO<sub>2</sub>-EOR, we also provide some quantification of the potential recoverable oil in the various basins. These estimates used the oil and condensate reserve numbers that are available from national databases combined with application of internationally observed tertiary recovery factors. Additionally, we estimate the potential mass of CO<sub>2</sub> that would be required to produce these potential recoverable oil and condensate resources. In the large oil- and condensate-bearing basins, such as the Carnarvon and Gippsland Basins, some scenarios require over a billion tonnes of CO<sub>2</sub> to unlock the full residual resource, which points to CO<sub>2</sub> being the limiting factor for full-scale CO<sub>2</sub>-EOR development. Even taking a conservative view of the available resources and potential extent of CO<sub>2</sub>-EOR implementation, sourcing sufficient amounts of CO<sub>2</sub> for large-scale deployment of the technology presents a significant challenge. <b>Citation:</b> Tenthorey, E., Kalinowski, A., Wintle, E., Bagheri, M., Easton, L., Mathews, E., McKenna, J., Taggart, I. 2022. Screening Australia’s Basins for CO2-Enhanced Oil Recovery (December 6, 2022). <i>Proceedings of the 16th Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies Conference (GHGT-16) 23-24 Oct 2022</i>, Available at SSRN: <a href=""></a> or <a href=""></a>