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  • The following abstract was written in order to facilitate the compilation of the Queensland four-mile geological sheets and the explanatory notes accompanying them. The area described covers the Springsure, Emerald, Jericho and partly the Tambo and Baralaba four-mile sheets.

  • Two- and three-dimensional (2D and 3D) seismic stratigraphic interpretation, palaeobathymetric analysis from benthic foraminifera, and 2D forward tectonic modelling are combined to understand the genetic significance of prominent seismic discontinuity surfaces typically mapped as ?sequence boundaries? and ?flooding surfaces?, and their intervening sequences. Integration of these data has allowed interpretation of the Tertiary, heterozoan (i.e., non-photozoan) carbonate-dominated succession detailing the evolution of five prograding clinoformal sequences (2-5 m.y. duration), and 19 sub-sequences (<0.5-1 m.y. duration), along the Rankin Trend. Variations in accommodation space as modelled across the Dampier Sub-basin using 2D kinematic and flexural modelling are the combined result of synrift and postrift thermal subsidence, inversion and eustatic variations. The major observations and implications of this study are: ? Onlap onto the clinoform front of primary mappable surfaces is submarine with minimum estimated palaeo-water depths > 100 m at the shelf edge. Exposure surfaces identified in the middle Miocene are seismically less prominent, with potential karstification identified 6-8 km inboard of shelf edges. ? Systems tracts could not be consistently identified in the progradation-dominated succession. Lowstand basin-floor fans/aprons and transgressive systems tracts are largely absent on the seismic scale, resulting in downlap directly onto sequence boundaries. ? Linear, 30-80 km along strike, two-dimensional mapped sequences, are the integration of local sedimentary lobes up to 10 km in diameter. ? Canyon development may be controlled by inclination on gully failure walls rather than variations in sea level. Gully initiation is coincident with the mid-Miocene climatic Optimum. However, once established, erosion paths are maintained and enlarged by downslope sediment flows, derived from headward failure, regardless of proposed sea-level variations. ? The magnitude of inversion-related uplift is small, reaching a maximum of ~50-70 m at anticlinal crests focussed along the Rankin, Madeleine and Rosemary trends. Although this is of a similar scale to postulated eustatic variations that increase or decrease accommodation space across the entire margin, unconformities and onlap discontinuity surfaces related to these inversion structures are areally restricted.

  • The Bass Basin is a moderately explored Cretaceous to Cainozoic intracratonic rift basin on Australia?s southeastern margin. A basin-wide integration of seismic data, well logs, biostratigraphy and sequence stratigraphy has resulted in the identification of six basin phases and related megasequences/ supersequences. These sequences correlate to three periods of extension, a rift-transition phase, and two subsidence phases. The complex nature of facies relationships across the basin is attributed to the (mostly) terrestrial setting of the basin until the Middle Eocene, multiple phases of extension, strong compartmentalisation of the basin due to underlying basement fabric, and differential subsidence during extension and early subsidence phases. Evidence of the initial rift phase (Otway Megasequence) is only clearly observed in the Durroon Sub-basin and in the southwestern Cape Wickham Sub-basin. The second rift phase (Durroon Megasequence) is pervasive throughout the Bass Basin, although a full succession of this megasequence was only penetrated in the Durroon Sub-basin. The third-rift phase (Bass Megasequence) is also pervasive throughout the basin, but appears to have affected only particular depocentres such as the Pelican, Cormorant and Yolla troughs. Here, expanded syn-tectonic growth sections have been intersected. There is wide variation in facies type, environment and thickness of the Bass Megasequence due to differential rates of subsidence. Three component sequences have been recognised within the Bass Megasequence (Furneaux, Tilana and Narimba sequences), with each component sequence correlated to discrete periods of increased accommodation. The shift from rift-to-post-rift conditions (Aroo Megasequence) was signaled by waning subsidence rates and an increasing brackish influence. A wide variation in facies types, environments and thicknesses is also observed. The frequency and thickness of coals began to increase during the deposition of this megasequence, lasting from Early Eocene until the mid-Middle Eocene. A slowdown in subsidence rates allowed the aggradation of coaly facies (many geochemically characterised as ?hydrogen-rich?), indicating there was a balance between accommodation, sediment supply and peat production. The most important sequences for petroleum generation and trapping are the Bass and Aroo megasequences. Most of the coaly source rocks now typed to liquid hydrocarbon generation were deposited during the period of late Early Eocene to Middle Eocene rift-transition phase. The critical factor in sourcing accumulations from the coaly succession appears to be effective primary and secondary expulsion from the source rock and the volume of charge. Biostratigraphic studies have identified lacustrine cycles during the Late Cretaceous to Middle Eocene, with geological evidence indicating these lakes developed during times of increased accommodation. Lacustrine shales are likely to be more important as seal facies, rather than as potential source rocks. The Middle Eocene (Demons Bluff Sequence) and younger marine successions (Torquay Sequence) show low source potential and do not lie within the oil window. Optimal conditions for seal deposition occurred during lacustrine cycles in the Late Cretaceous to Early Eocene, and the mid-Eocene. Untested plays include reservoir/seal pairs associated with seven maximum flooding events in the western Bass Basin. The petroleum systems elements of the Durroon Sub-basin differ significantly from the Cape Wickham Sub-basin owing to the cessation of tectonically-driven subsidence in the eastern Bass Basin (Durroon Sub-basin) from the mid-Campanian onward.

  • The rifted margins of eastern and southern Australia formed during multiple periods of extension associated with the fragmentation and dispersal of Gondwana in the Late Jurassic to Early Eocene (Veevers & Ettreim 1988; Veevers et al. 1991). The sedimentary basins of the Southern Rift System (Stagg et al. 1990) extend from Broken Ridge in the west, to the South Tasman Rise (STR) in the east. Collectively, these depocentres cover an area in excess of 1 million square kilometres (excluding the STR), with the thickest sediments (up to 15 km) occurring in the Ceduna Sub-basin of the Bight Basin. Early phases of the extension during the late Middle Jurassic to Early Cretaceous resulted in the formation of a series of west-northwesterly trending continental rift basins along the southern margin of Australia and a series of north-northwest trending transtensional basins along the western margin of Tasmania. The amount of upper crustal extension varied between basins of the rift system. This phase of upper crustal extension preceded eventual breakup between the Australian and Antarctic plates off the Bight Basin in the latest Santonian to earliest Campanian (Sayers et al. 2001). The nature of source rocks within the rift basins reflects the eastward propagation of the rift system through time, with largely terrestrial systems dominating in the early rift stages, followed by marine inundation from the Aptian onwards (west of the Otway Basin). In the Otway Basin, the first marine influence is recorded during the early Turonian, while in the Sorell and Bass basins marine conditions prevailed from ?Maastrichtian and middle Eocene time, respectively. Terrestrial progradational systems in the Late Cretaceous are important in the maturation of potential source rocks in the Bight and Otway basins, while Neogene carbonate-dominated systems are important in the Sorell, Bass and Gippsland basins. Outside of the Gippsland Basin where exploration has reached a mature status, the southern margin basins remain frontier to moderately exploration areas, with an overall drilling density (excluding the Gippsland Basin) of approximately 1 well per 6,000 square kilometres. Key Words: Australian Southern Margin, Southern Rift System, petroleum systems References SAYERS, J., SYMONDS, P.A., DIREEN, N.G. and BERNARDEL, G., 2001. Nature of the continent-ocean transition on the non-volcanic rifted margin of the central Great Australian Bight. In, Wilson, R.C.L., Whitmarsh, R.B., Taylor, B., and Froitzheim, N., (Eds), Non-Volcanic Rifting of Continental Margins; A Comparison of Evidence from Land and Sea. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 187, 51?77. STAGG, H.M.J., COCKSHELL, C.D., WILLCOX, J.B., HILL, A., NEEDHAM, D.J.L., THOMAS, B., O?BRIEN, G.W. and HOUGH, P., 1990. Basins of the Great Australian Bight region, geology and petroleum potential. Bureau of Mineral Resources, Australia, Continental Margins Program Folio 5. VEEVERS, J.J. and ETTREIM, S.L., 1988. Reconstruction of Australia and Antarctica at breakup (95 ? 5 Ma) from magnetic and seismic data at the continental margin. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 35, 355?362. VEEVERS, J.J., POWELL, C.MCA. and ROOTS, S.R., 1991. Review of seafloor spreading around Australia, I. Synthesis of the patterns of spreading. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 38, 373?389. WILLCOX, J.B. and STAGG, H.M.J., 1990. Australia?s southern margin, a product of oblique extension. Tectonophysics, 173, 269?281.

  • Conference volume and CD are available through the Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia

  • A new sequence stratigraphic framework has been developed for the Otway Basin based on the interpretation and integration of offshore wells, key onshore wells, new biostratigraphic results and a regional grid of 2D seismic data. In the new tectonostratigraphic framework, seven major basin phases and their eight component supersequences are recognised as follows: 1) Tithonian?-Barremian rifting of the Crayfish Supersequence 2) Aptian-Albian post-rift deposition of the Eumeralla Supersequence 3) mid-Cretaceous compression and inversion 4) Late Cretaceous rifting of the Shipwreck and Sherbrook Supersequences 5) latest Maastrichtian to Middle Eocene basin reorganisation and early thermal subsidence of the Wangerrip Supersequence 6) local inversion and thermal subsidence of the Nirranda Supersequence (Middle Eocene to Early Oligocene) followed by thermal subsidence and progressive compression of the Heytesbury Supersequence (Late Oligocene to Late Miocene) leading to Late Miocene uplift and erosion and 7) Plio-Pleistocene deposition of the Whalers Bluff Supersequence. Basin phases are distinguished by their different tectonic driving mechanisms as the primary control on the creation of accommodation space. The supersequences are bounded by regional unconformities and define major episodes of sedimentation within each basin phase. Supersequences are related to second-order transgressive-regressive cycles within the basin and are regionally mappable. The new sequence stratigraphic framework is then used as the basis for correlation to deep-water regions where well-control is limited or absent. The framework is also used to help place existing, complex, facies-dependent lithostratigraphic schemes into depositional and petroleum systems context.

  • Poorly exposed Paleoproterozoic sandstones and siltstones of the Killi Killi Formation record developement of a large turbidite complex. Killi Killi Formation sediments were eroded from the uplifted ~1860 Ma Nimbuwah and Hooper Orogens as indicated by detrital zircons with sediment deposition at ~1840 Ma. Facies analysis, isopach maps and detrital zircon populations, combined with Sm-Nd data from the Tanami region and Halls Creek Orogen, confirm the previously suggested correlation of the Paleoproterozoic successions in the Eastern zone of the Halls Creek Orogen and the Tanami region. Detrital zircons from the Aileron Province suggest the turbidite complex extends into the Arunta region, however, high metamorphic grade precludes direct facies comparisons in the Arunta region. Portions of the turbidite complex in the Tanami region are dominated by mudstones, consisting of low-density turbidites and associated hemipelagites, that potentially acted as a redox boundary to gold-bearing fluid. Gold prospectivity in turbiditic systems is increased within these mudstone sequences with the potential for further gold discoveries.

  • The Bight Basin in offshore southern Australia is one of the few remaining major frontier basins in the world. Following the initiation of sea-floor spreading between Australia and Antarctica in the late Santonian, a large deltaic system, known as the Hammerhead Delta, built out into the Ceduna Sub-basin. At the end of the Cretaceous the major influx of siliciclastic sediment ceased. Most of the area of the former delta has been subsequently dominated by marly sedimentation in relatively deepwater. The Hammerhead delta strata extend over an area of over 100,000 km2 and are up to 5000 m thick. Although the Hammerhead Delta built out on a continental margin, the strata have a number of marked differences to strata in well-documented late Cenozoic deltas that built out in such settings. There is a very limited progradation of the Upper Cretaceous shelf break in the Ceduna basin. Instead there is a high preservation of the delta topset strata which are composed predominantly of highstand system tracts with progradational and aggradational parasequence sets. Coal-bearing strata occur landward of the shoreface deposits. In places the parasequence stacking patterns result in large clinoform structures that are up to 700 m in amplitude. The scale of these clinoforms suggest the possibility that they were steep enough for the generation of turbidity currents and consequently there may well be some submarine fan deposits preserved at the base of the clinoforms, landward of the Upper Cretaceous shelf break.

  • Techtonostratigraphic synthesis - Compilation and analysis of Geoscience Australia's studies of basins along Australia's southern margin over the last 10 years.

  • Two facies models are proposed to explain siliciclastic and carbonate depositional systems of 1800 Ma to 1640 Ma age in the Western Fold Belt of the Mt Isa Inlier. Both models record the response of depositional systems to storm-driven processes of sediment transport, dispersal and deposition on a shallow water shelf. The same suite of facies belts can also be identified in sedimentary successions of the Eastern Fold Belt. Slope driven processes of sediment transport and dispersal characterise turbidite and debrite deposits of the Soldiers Cap Group and Kuridala Formation and provide evidence for significantly greater water depths in this part of the basin from ~1685 Ma. Through the recognition of unconformity surfaces, their correlative conformities, maximum flooding and ravinement surfaces the facies belts are packaged into 7 supersequences for the interval 1800-1640 Ma. The new correlations are shown in an Event Chart that correlates linked depositional systems across the entire Mt Isa Inlier. Thick successions of turbidite and debrite deposits are restricted to the eastern parts of the Mt Isa Inlier and do not occur in the Western Fold Belt. A major phase of extension and rifting commenced at ~1740 Ma and by ~1690 Ma led to significant crustal thinning and increased rates of accommodation over an area east of the Selwyn Fault and Burke River Structural Belt. In the Mitakoodi and Selwyn Blocks the rapid transition from shallow water shelf depositional systems of the Prize Supersequence to significantly deeper water slope environments of the Gun Supersequence coincided with the development of a platform margin, the deposition of turbidite and debrite deposits in deep water on the continental slope and the intrusion of mafic sills and dykes. Turbidite and debrite depositional systems of the Soldiers Cap Group and Kuridala Formations are restricted to a lowstand wedge of siliciclastic facies deposited basinward of a platform margin. Basin geometries and sediment architectures associated with this extensional event and recorded in the Gun Supersequence (~1685 Ma to 1650 Ma) provide an explanation for the geographic separation and fluid evolution pathways responsible for the Mt Isa Type and Broken Hill Type Zn-Pb-Ag deposits.