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  • Sustainable development and the transition to a clean-energy economy drives ever-increasing demand for base metals, substantially outstripping the discovery rate of new deposits and necessitating dramatic improvements in exploration success. This talk presents the tale of the surprising discovery that 85% of sediment-hosted base metals, including all giant deposits, in Australia and around the world, occur above the transition between thick and thin portions of tectonic plates. It is a story of integrated geoscience, which builds on decades of research in geology, geochemistry and geophysics through a global partnership, which has transformed the search for new exploration frontiers.

  • One annoying geodetic variable is a treasure trove of information to meteorologists. This talk will focus on a project in partnership with the BoM, RMIT and FrontierSI turned our estimates of the tropospheric delay in our GPS analysis into useful information for weather forecasting systems. The system works by measuring the time it takes GPS signals from satellites to reach ground receivers. Signals can be slightly delayed by moisture in the troposphere, causing what's known as a zenith total delay, so scientists measure this delay to assess air moisture While the technology could be applied almost anywhere, it is particularly valuable in a sparsely populated country like Australia where there is a lack of ground-based meteorological observation stations. Atmospheric water vapour is highly variable and non-linear in nature, yet it is important for accurate weather forecasting of storms. Having a direct observation from GPS provides an exciting opportunity for near and real-time weather forecasting systems.

  • Salinity of groundwater directly affects its suitability for different uses, from human consumption, agricultural use, to mineral and energy extraction. Traditionally, direct measurements of groundwater salinity at monitoring bores have been used to create salinity maps. However, drilling is expensive and logistically challenging, while leaving us with a small set of salinity measurements over large areas. Airborne electromagnetic (AEM) surveying provides a cost effective solution to this problem. We have developed a scripted geostatistical methodology, which can be repeated on a computer cluster as new AEM data are acquired or boreholes are drilled. We also provide uncertainties on the knowledge gained, allowing remote communities to manage their land and water resources effectively.

  • Satellite navigation is an important capability in our modern lives—we use it to find the nearest petrol station, order food at home, and track an arriving package. Accurate satellite-enabled positioning and timing technology is also becoming vital in many industrial sectors of the economy, including transport, agriculture, resources, and utilities. On behalf of the Australian government and in partnership with New Zealand, Geoscience Australia is improving satellite navigation capability for everyone with the Southern Positioning Augmentation Network, or SouthPAN. SouthPAN is a Satellite-Based Augmentation System that will use new spacecraft, ground sensors, and other infrastructure to broadcast corrections that complement existing Global Navigation Satellite Systems—like GPS, for example. SouthPAN services will commence in 2022 and be progressively improved in the coming years, ultimately being used in their most critical application: by aircraft to land at airports.

  • From being a poorly understood qualitative mapping tool, airborne electromagnetic (AEM) geophysics has become a mainstay for rapidly imaging the top few hundred metres of buried earth for a variety of geoscientific and environmental purposes. In this talk, we will detail GA’s quest to provide high quality, quantitative interpretation of AEM sounding data. Beginning with a 20-year historical perspective, we will shed light on how persistent focus on AEM technology directly led to AusAEM, the world’s largest (ongoing) AEM survey. We will then discuss how continuing focus on AEM has led to the development of an open source framework written in the Julia language, for subsurface imaging AND uncertainty quantification. This codebase is useful for geophysical methods beyond AEM, such as magnetotellurics and magnetic resonance. Finally, we will dwell on some real life examples using the new codebase and will look to the future of AEM@GA and its untapped potential.

  • This talk will discuss the current state of carbon capture and storage (CCS) in Australia, and the role it plays for mitigating CO2 emissions. In the talk, work that has been done at Geoscience Australia over the past decade will be discussed. CCS work will also be a part of the future Exploring for the Future Program, which will also be highlighted in the talk.

  • In geoscience we often use ‘quality’ to describe our activities and products, but what does ‘quality’ actually look like? How do we measure it and determine if something is the ‘quality’ facility or ‘quality’ data we say it is? This is not simply an esoteric thought experiment – it matters: end-users and stakeholders are already making decisions potentially affecting whole communities and worth millions of dollars based on their understanding of the quality of our geochemical analytical data. These products are the foundation of Geoscience Australia’s reputation as a trusted advisor to government, communities and industry. This talk will guide you through the Geoscience Australia Laboratory, paying particular focus to our role in quality control and assurance for a range of analytical data products, including our core analytical capabilities in Organic Geochemistry, Microanalysis and Physical Properties. You will hear how the labs are evolving as we build new facilities and build on our capabilities. You will learn more about the importance of quality, how it is defined and some tools to apply in your own work.

  • Title: Earth observations for water resources management - Crawford Fund Derek Tribe Address Overview: During the Derek Tribe Address, Dr Lisa-Maria Rebelo will discuss the critical role which new applications and tools, based on earth observation data and ICT technologies, have to play in transforming agricultural systems and ensuring the sustainable management of natural resources under current and future climate conditions. The address will highlight from many examples in Africa and Asia how these tools are currently being used to inform policy and investment decisions. This suite of data tools and databases for improved land and water management, have typically used innovative approaches to address data gaps and provide critically needed information to assess water availability and use. These developments have kept apace and harnessed rapidly developing advances in satellite and other sources of imagery as well as data modeling and analytical techniques. Applicable at global to regional scales, these data tools have included an earth observation-based approach to understanding just how much water is available and where/how this is being used on an operational basis in data scarce areas. This information is invaluable to water and agriculture planners and decision-makers, as they grapple with decreasing water availability and the growing impacts of climate change which is undermining the historical records they have relied on to date, to support their work. In recent advances, climate change scenarios have been used to develop an understanding of future trajectories of water accounts in a river basin and helps to answer the critical question of “Will there be water?” In many agricultural and natural resources management arenas, lack of data is cited as the major impediment to effective and realistic decision-making. Lisa’s drive to innovate approaches to filling that data gap has led to evidence-based informed strategic policy developments and day-to-day management of critical water resources across sectors in many African and Asian countries. Background: Dr Lisa-Maria Rebelo has been awarded the Derek Tribe Award for 2022 by the Crawford Fund. She has been recognized for her work across the African continent, and in South and Southeast Asia, in water productivity, remote sensing, natural resource management, wetland monitoring and assessment, basin water accounting, water productivity. The Derek Tribe Award was inaugurated in 2001 to mark the outstanding contributions of Emeritus Professor Derek Tribe AO OBE FTSE, Foundation Director of the Crawford Fund, to the promotion of international agricultural research. The Derek Tribe Award is made biennially to a citizen of a developing country in recognition of their distinguished contributions to the application of research in agriculture or natural resource management in a developing country or countries. The Crawford Fund is pleased to partner with Geosciences Australia to support Lisa-Maria to visit Australia to share her experiences and to deliver the 2022 Derek Tribe Address. Title: Digital Earth Africa: empowering African led solutions for climate action with Australian innovation - Geoscience Australia Distinguished Lecture Award Overview: Digital Earth Africa (DE Africa) is a flagship investment for the Australian aid program in Africa, deploying world-class Australian innovation at unprecedented scales to deliver development outcomes across the African continent. Since 2019, DE Africa has been delivered through successful African - Australian partnerships, with Australian innovation supporting African leadership to support sustainable development, as well as build resilience and adapt to climate change. By providing access to freely available, decision ready earth observation information, Digital Earth Africa is now supporting a diverse range of governments, communities and industry partners to make more informed decisions on topics of national significance, such as supporting community-led climate action through mangrove conservation in Tanzania, high-level government decision-making on unregulated mining in Ghana and giraffe conservation in Kenya. The new DE Africa Coastline monitoring tool enables users to analyse coastal erosion and growth trends on an annual basis, and is now being used by partners in Senegal to support climate adaptation and mitigation efforts. Leveraging innovation from DE Australia, DE Africa Coastlines exemplifies how global to regional scale earth observation-based tools can successfully empower locally led decision making. Other continent wide, earth observation based services available through DE Africa, include Water Observations from Space, a provisional Crop Extent map and Vegetation Fractional cover. These innovative tools have immense potential to fill key data gaps needed to improve assessments of water use and availability and to support agricultural and natural resources management across the African continent. Background: Cedric will be presenting this talk on behalf of the Digital Earth Africa establishment team as part of Geoscience Australia’s Distinguished Geoscience Australia Lecture series

  • The AusAEM survey is the world's largest airborne electromagnetic (AEM) survey flown to date, extending across an area exceeding 3.5 million km2 over Western Australia, the Northern Territory, Queensland, New South Wales Victoria and South Australia. Airborne electromagnetics is a geophysical method at the forefront in addressing the challenge of exploration under cover. In collaboration with the state and territory geological surveys, Geoscience Australia has led a national initiative whose goal is to acquire AEM data at a nominal line spacing of 20 km across Australia. The interpreted AEM conductivity sections were inverted using Geoscience Australia's open source Layered Earth Inversion Sample-By-Sample Time Domain Electromagnetics (GALEISBSTDEM) inversion. Horizontal along-flight line resolution is 12.5 m, and the vertical resolution varies exponentially with depth. Inversion cell sizes increase from 4.0 m at the surface to ~55 m in the bottom cell of the conductivity sections, ~500 m below surface. Consequently, the ability to resolve fine detail varies with depth. Using this dataset, we interpret the depth to chronostratigraphic surfaces, assembled stratigraphic relationship information, and delineated structural and electrically conductive features. Our results improved understanding of upper-crustal geology, led to 3D mapping of palaeovalleys, prompted further investigation of electrical conductors and their relationship to structural features and mineralisation, and helped us continuously connect correlative outcropping units separated by up to hundreds of kilometres. Our interpretation is designed to improve targeting and outcomes for mineral, energy and groundwater exploration, and contributes to our understanding of the chronostratigraphic, structural and upper-crustal evolution of northern Australia. Almost 200,000 regional depth measurements have been collected, each attributed with detailed geological information, are an important step towards a national geological framework, and offer a regional context for more detailed, smaller-scale AEM surveys. The AusAEM programme delivers much more than just reliable depth-to-cover estimates and the location of paleochannels. It can reveal basin architecture and regionally map structures, making it a crucial layer of data for mineral, energy and groundwater and exploration. It has become an essential part of data-driven decision making for conservation and environmental management.

  • Earthquake hazard was not fully recognised in Australian building design until the mid-1990's. This oversight has resulted in a legacy of vulnerable buildings that can be readily damaged in moderate to severe Australian earthquakes. In particular, older unreinforced masonry buildings are particularly vulnerable and very common in the centres of our large cities and towns with significant heritage value. What can be done to cost-effectively address the risk they represent to people in the community and to protect these valued assets from future damaging earthquakes? With a focus on the Heritage town of York and the state capital of Melbourne, strategies have been examined as to effectiveness which have included a virtual retrofit to progressively reduce damage, injury, economic losses and emergency management logistics. Communication products derived from this work are described and initiatives to apply them in other Australian communities highlighted.