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  • <div>The Australian Government's Trusted Environmental and Geological Information program is a collaboration between Geoscience Australia and CSIRO. Part of this program includes baseline geological and environmental assessments. </div><div> Hydrogeological information has been collated for the Adavale, Cooper, Galilee and north Bowen basins and overlying basins, including the Eromanga and Lake Eyre basins. This information will provide a regionally-consistent baseline dataset that will be used to develop groundwater conceptualisation models.</div><div> Publicly-available data within these basin regions have been compiled from over 30&nbsp;000 boreholes, 120 stream gauges, and 1100 rainfall stations, resulting in revised hydrostratigraphic frameworks. From the published literature, 14 major hydrostratigraphic units are recognised within the basin regions. For each of these major hydrostratigraphic units, we determined the salinity, Darcian yield, specific yield/storativity, groundwater reserve volume for unallocated groundwater, groundwater levels/hydrological pressure, likelihood of inter-aquifer connectivity, rainfall, connectivity between surface water and groundwater, and water-use volume statistics, where relevant, for each basin, hydrogeological province and aquifer. We then adopted a play-based approach to develop holistic hydrostratigraphic conceptualisations of the basin regions. </div><div> Within the Adavale Basin we have defined a new hydrogeological province including two new aquifers defined as the moderate salinity and moderately overpressured Buckabie-Etonvale Aquifer, and the hypersaline and hyper-overpressured Lissoy-Log Creek-Eastwood Aquifer. Similarities between the upper Buckabie-Etonvale Aquifer of the Adavale Basin and lowermost Joe Joe Group of the Galilee Basin suggests connectivity between the upper Adavale and lower Galilee basins. Hydraulic pressures (up to 1500 m of excess freshwater head) calculated for the Lissoy–Log Creek–Eastwood Aquifer indicate that if the aquifer was to be breached, there is potential localised risk to overlying aquifers and surface environments, including infrastructure.</div><div><br></div><div><strong>Author Biography:</strong></div><div>Dr. Chris Gouramanis is a hydrogeologist working in the Trusted Environmental and Geological Information program, in the Minerals, Energy and Groundwater Division of Geoscience Australia. Chris was awarded his PhD from The Australian National University in 2009 and has held several water and environmental policy positions within the Australian Government. He worked for 10 years as an academic at the Earth Observatory of Singapore and the Geography Department at the National University of Singapore. He is also Australia’s National Focal Point to the Scientific and Technical Review Panel of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands.</div><div><br></div>This Abstract was submitted/presented to the 2022 Australasian Groundwater Conference 21-23 November (

  • Publicly available baseline surface water data are compiled to provide a common information base for resource development and regulatory decisions in the north Bowen Basin region. This data guide captures existing knowledge of the catchments and watercourses overlying the north Bowen Basin, including streamflow quality and quantity, inundation and climatological data. Most of the north Bowen Basin falls to the east of the Great Dividing Range within the Fitzroy River catchment. The basin also includes part of the Burdekin River catchment and small parts of the coastal catchments of Styx and Burnett river catchments. The data on the catchments overlying the north Bowen Basin have been summarised at a point in time to inform decisions on resource development activities. Key data sources are available from the Water Monitoring Information Portal (Queensland Government), Water Data Online (Bureau of Meteorology), DEA Water Observations (Geoscience Australia) and Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network.

  • Statements of existing knowledge are compiled for known mineral, coal, hydrocarbon and carbon capture and storage (CCS) resources and reserves in the Adavale Basin. This data guide illustrates the current understanding of the distribution of these key resource types within the Adavale Basin region based on trusted information sources. It provides important contextual information on the Adavale Basin and where additional details on discovered resources can be found. So far, mineral deposits have not been found in the Adavale Basin. There are no coal deposits found in the basin itself, but 6 large coal deposits exist in the overlying basins in the Adavale Basin region. Historically, some small conventional gas resources have been found in the basin. Currently, there are no commercial reserves or available resources identified in the Adavale Basin itself. There are no active or planned carbon capture and storage (CCS) projects in the Adavale basin.

  • Statements of existing knowledge are compiled for known mineral, coal, hydrocarbon and carbon capture and storage (CCS) resources and reserves in the north Bowen Basin. This data guide illustrates the current understanding of the distribution of these key resource types within the north Bowen Basin region based on trusted information sources. It provides important contextual information on the north Bowen Basin and where additional details on discovered resources can be found. The north Bowen Basin contains 17 metallic mineral deposits, with the majority containing gold. The basin also contains 152 thermal and metallurgical coal deposits. Most coal deposits contain metallurgical coal. This basin contains most of Queensland’s metallurgical coal resources, although many of the deposits supply a mix of thermal and metallurgical coal (Blake et al., 2018). The north Bowen Basin hosts very large coal tonnages, with known black coal resources of approximately 47 billion tonnes. Significant hydrocarbon resources are known to exist in the basin, the majority being coal seam gas (CSG). The basin contains more limited reserves and resources of conventional oil and gas and oil shale. At this time, there are no active or planned CCS projects in the basin.

  • Across Australia, groundwater is a vital resource that supports and strengthens communities, culture, the environment and numerous industries. Movement of groundwater is complicated, taking place horizontally, vertically and across different timescales from weeks to millions of years. It is affected by changes in climate, human use and geological complexities such as the type, geometry and distribution of rocks. Understanding how all these factors interact is known as a groundwater conceptual model and it is an important first step. This groundwater conceptualisation includes the Adavale Basin and the overlying Galilee Basin. Conceptualisation of the Galilee, Eromanga and Lake Eyre basins can be found in Hostetler et al. (2023). In the Adavale Basin this includes 1 aquifer in the Lake Eyre Basin, 5 aquifers in the Eromanga Basin, 3 aquifers in the Galilee Basin and 1 aquifer in the Adavale Basin (Wainman et al., 2023a, b). Confidence for each aquifer was calculated for both salinity and water levels (Gouramanis et al., 2023a, b, c, d). The confidence for each aquifer was added to show the overall confidence for the basin. The level of knowledge across all aquifers are moderate to low. The groundwater conceptualisations summarises the groundwater flow and potential connectivity between aquifers. Figures in this fact sheet show the distribution of the aquifers and aquitards, average salinity, potential aquifer yield and confidence over an area of 50 km along the cross section lines.

  • Across Australia, groundwater is a vital resource that supports and strengthens communities, culture, the environment and numerous industries. Movement of groundwater is complicated, taking place horizontally, vertically and across different timescales from weeks to millions of years. It is affected by changes in climate, human use and geological complexities such as the type, geometry and distribution of rocks. Understanding how all these factors interact is known as a groundwater conceptual model and it is an important first step. This groundwater conceptualisation includes the Cooper Basin and the overlying Eromanga and Lake Eyre basins as well as surface-groundwater interactions. Figure 1 shows the locations of the cross sections used to conceptualise groundwater in the Cooper Basin region. In the Cooper Basin this includes 1 aquifer in the Lake Eyre Basin, 5 aquifers in the Eromanga Basin and 1 aquifer in the Cooper Basin (Wainman et al., 2023a, b). Additional aquifers in the Permian sequence have not been included in this assessment, as they are yet to be fully investigated (Evans et al., 2020). Confidence for each aquifer was calculated for both salinity and water levels (Gouramanis et al., 2023a, b, c). The confidence for each aquifer was added to show the overall confidence for the basin. The level of knowledge across all aquifer is moderate to low. The groundwater conceptualisations summarises the groundwater flow and potential connectivity between aquifers. Figures also show the distribution of the aquifers and aquitards, average salinity, potential aquifer yield and confidence over an area of 50 km along the cross section lines.

  • Publicly available geology data are compiled to provide a common information base for resource development, environmental and regulatory decisions in the Galilee Basin region. This data guide gives examples of how these data can be used and supports the data package that provides the existing knowledge of the key geological intervals of the Galilee Basin and the overlying Eromanga, Lake Eyre and other Cenozoic basins. The key geological intervals identified by the Trusted Environmental and Geological Information (TEGI) Program for resource assessment and groundwater system characterisation are termed play intervals and hydrostratigraphic intervals respectively. The Galilee Basin includes 5 plays, which are consolidated into 3 hydrostratigraphic intervals (see Table 1). Overlying the Galilee Basin are 9 play intervals of the Eromanga Basin, which are consolidated into 7 hydrostratigraphic intervals and 1 Cenozoic play interval and 1 hydrostratigraphic interval for the Lake Eyre and other Cenozoic basins. The geological groups and formations included in the plays and hydrostratigraphic intervals are summarised in the stratigraphic charts of Wainman et al. (2023a). Gross depositional, depth structure and thickness maps are provided, with 3D model and cross-sections summarising the geology of the Galilee Basin and the overlying basins. The mapped depths and thicknesses of the key intervals are used to inform resource assessments and provide the framework for assigning groundwater data to hydrostratigraphic intervals.

  • Publicly available baseline surface water data are compiled to provide a common information base for resource development and regulatory decisions in the Galilee Basin region. This data guide captures existing knowledge of the catchments and watercourses overlying the Galilee Basin, including streamflow quality and quantity, inundation, and climatological data. The Galilee Basin straddles the Great Dividing Range and encompasses the headwaters of 9 major river basins, with the largest area underlying Cooper Creek, Diamantina River and Flinders River catchments. The Galilee Basin geological boundary also intersects parts of the catchment of the Burdekin River, Fitzroy River, Warrego River, Bulloo River, Paroo River and Condamine-Balonne rivers. The data on the catchments overlying the Galilee Basin have been summarised at a point in time to inform decisions on resource development activities. Key data sources are the Water Monitoring Information Portal (Queensland Government), Water Data Online (Bureau of Meteorology), DEA Water Observations (Geoscience Australia) and Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network.

  • Statements of existing knowledge are compiled for known mineral, coal, hydrocarbon and carbon capture and storage (CCS) resources and reserves in the Cooper Basin. This data guide illustrates the current understanding of the distribution of these key resource types within the Cooper Basin region based on trusted information sources. It provides important contextual information on the Cooper Basin and where additional details on discovered resources can be found. To date, mineral or coal deposits have not been found in the Cooper Basin, due to its depth. There are significant hydrocarbon resources found in the basin, including conventional and unconventional hydrocarbons. The Cooper Basin has been a major producer of oil and gas since the 1960s (Smith, Cassel and Evans, 2015). It is one of the largest sources of onshore hydrocarbon production in Australia. Some of the largest unconventional gas resources are contained in the basin. This is mostly basin-centred gas. The geology in the Cooper Basin is considered suitable for use in Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) projects. The Cooper Basin and overlying Eromanga Basin contain 2 CCS projects that are currently being developed.

  • Publicly available geological data in the Adavale Basin region are compiled to produce statements of existing knowledge for natural hydrogen, hydrogen storage, coal and mineral occurrences. This data guide also contains an assessment of the potential for carbon dioxide (CO2) geological storage and minerals in the basin region. Geochemical analysis of gas samples from petroleum boreholes in the basin shows various concentrations of natural hydrogen. However, the generation mechanism of the observed natural hydrogen concentration is still unknown. The Adavale Basin also has the potential for underground hydrogen storage in the Boree Salt. Given the depth of the Boree Salt (wells have intersected the salt at depths below 1800 m) and the high fluid pressure gradient in the basin, the construction of underground salt caverns should include consideration of stability and volume shrinkage. Mineral occurrences are all found in the basins overlying the Adavale region. However, they are small (thousands of tonnes range) and not currently of economic interest. The Adavale Basin has potential for base and precious metal deposits due to suitable formation conditions, but the depth of the basin makes exploration and mining difficult and expensive. There are no identified occurrences or resources of coal in the Adavale Basin. Given the depth of the basin, extraction of any identified coal would probably be uneconomic, with the potential exception of coal seam gas extraction. An assessment of CO2 geological storage also shows prospective storage areas in the Eromanga Basin within the Adavale Basin region in the Namur-Murta and Adori-Westbourne play intervals.