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  • <div>This record presents nine new zircon and titanite U–Pb geochronological data, obtained via Sensitive High Resolution Ion Microprobe (SHRIMP) for seven samples of plutonic rocks from the Lachlan Orogen and the Cobar Basin, plus one garnet-bearing skarn vein from the Cobar region. Many of these new ages improve existing constraints on the timing of mineralisation in the Cobar Basin, as part of an ongoing Geochronology Project (Metals in Time), conducted by the Geological Survey of New South Wales (GSNSW) and Geoscience Australia (GA) under a National Collaboration Framework (NCF) agreement. The results herein (summarised in Table 1.1) correspond to zircon and titanite U–Pb SHRIMP analysis undertaken on GSNSW Mineral Systems projects over July 2017–June 2019.</div><div><br></div><div>Our new data establish an episode of c. 427–425 Ma I-type plutonism, coeval with regional S-type granites, which marginally predated opening of the Cobar Basin. Widespread S-type and high-level I-type magmatism accompanied 423–417 Ma basin development. At least two episodes of skarn-related mineralisation are recognised in the southern Cobar Basin: c. 387 Ma (from pre-mineralisation skarn veins) at Kershaws prospect, and c. 403 Ma at the adjacent Hera mine (Fitzherbert et al., 2021).</div><div><br></div><div>Three intrusive rocks were dated at the Norma Vale prospect in the southwestern Cobar Basin, where calcic iron-copper skarn mineralisation is thought to have been caused by I-type but compositionally complex high-level intrusive rocks emplaced along a northeast-oriented fault related to the nearby Rookery Fault (Fitzherbert et al., 2017). A 423 ± 8 Ma I-type quartz diorite potentially constrains the timing of skarn mineralisation, but is indistinguishable in age from a 421.3 ± 3.0 Ma S-type cordierite-biotite granite and a 417.5 ± 3.3 Ma coarse-grained S-type granite, both from deeper in the same drillhole. These results suggest that at least some of the coeval S-type and high-level I-type magmatic activity accompanying opening of the Cobar Basin was associated with early mineralisation, although skarn-forming processes regionally are complex and episodic (Fitzherbert et al., 2021).</div><div><br></div><div>In the Cobar mining belt, our new date of 422.8 ± 2.8 Ma for I-type rhyolitic porphyry at Carissa Shaft (which is one of the southernmost high-level intrusions associated with the Perseverance and Queen Bee orebodies) is coeval with the 423.2 ± 3.5 Ma ‘Peak rhyolite’ (Black, 2007), but marginally older than the 417.6 ± 3.0 Ma Queen Bee Porphyry (Black, 2005). At Gindoono, a 423.0&nbsp;±&nbsp;2.6&nbsp;Ma unnamed dacitic porphyry intruded and hornfelsed the undated I-type Majuba Volcanics, thereby establishing a minimum age for that unit.</div><div><br></div><div>East of Cobar, the I-type Wild Wave Granodiorite intruded the Ordovician Girilambone Group, but was exhumed and eroded to form clasts within pebble conglomerates of the lowermost Cobar Basin. Its new U–Pb SHRIMP zircon age of 424.1 ± 2.8 Ma constrains the timing of I-type plutonism which marginally predated formation of the Cobar Basin. A similar zircon age of 426.7 ± 2.3 Ma was obtained from the concealed Fountaindale Granodiorite north of Condoblin, indicating that this I-type pluton is coeval with the nearby and much larger c. 427 Ma S-type Erimeran Granite. Titanite from the same sample of Fountaindale Granodiorite yielded an age of 421.6 ± 2.7 Ma, which is significantly younger than the zircon age, and is interpreted to constrain the timing of ‘deuteric’ (chlorite-albite-epidote-titanite-sericite-carbonate) alteration during post-magmatic hydrothermal activity (e.g. Blevin, 2003b).</div><div><br></div><div>A garnet-bearing skarn vein at Kershaws prospect, adjacent to the Hera orebody (Fitzherbert et al., 2021), predates the main phase of mineralisation, and yielded a titanite age of 387.2 ±&nbsp;6.2&nbsp;Ma. This indicates that the skarn-forming hydrothermal event at Kershaws prospect is significantly younger than the c. 403 Ma age for the main mineralising event at Hera mine (Fitzherbert et al., 2021).</div>

  • Geoscience Australia’s Exploring for the Future (EFTF) program provides precompetitive information to inform decision-making by government, community and industry on the sustainable development of Australia's mineral, energy and groundwater resources. By gathering, analysing and interpreting new and existing precompetitive geoscience data and knowledge, we are building a national picture of Australia’s geology and resource potential. This leads to a strong economy, resilient society and sustainable environment for the benefit of all Australians. This includes supporting Australia’s transition to a low emissions economy, strong resources and agriculture sectors, and economic opportunities and social benefits for Australia’s regional and remote communities. The Exploring for the Future program, which commenced in 2016, is an eight year, $225m investment by the Australian Government. Further detail is available at The National Groundwater Systems (NGS) project, is part of the Australian Government’s Exploring for the Future (EFTF) program, led by Geoscience Australia (, to improve understanding of Australia’s groundwater resources to better support responsible groundwater management and secure groundwater resources into the future. The project is developing new national data coverages to constrain groundwater systems, develop a new map of Australian groundwater systems and improve data standards and workflows of groundwater assessment to populate a consistent data discovery tool and web-based mapping portal to visualise, analyse and download hydrogeological information. While our hydrogeological conceptual understanding of Australian groundwater systems continues to grow in each State and Territory jurisdiction, in addition to legacy data and knowledge from the 1970s, new information provided by recent studies in various parts of Australia highlights the level of geological complexity and spatial variability in stratigraphic and hydrostratigraphic units across the continent. We recognise the need to standardise individual datasets, such as the location and elevation of boreholes recorded in different datasets from various sources, as well as the depth and nomenclature variations of stratigraphic picks interpreted across jurisdictions to map such geological complexity in a consistent, continent-wide stratigraphic framework that can support effective long-term management of water resources and integrated resource assessments. This stratigraphic units data compilation at a continental scale forms a single point of truth for basic borehole data including 47 data sources with 1 802 798 formation picks filtered to 1 001 851 unique preferred records from 171 367 boreholes. This data compilation provides a framework to interpret various borehole datasets consistently, and can then be used in a 3D domain as an input to improve the 3D aquifer geometry and the lateral variation and connectivity in hydrostratigraphic units across Australia. The reliability of each data source is weighted to use preferentially the most confident interpretation. Stratigraphic units are standardised to the Australian Stratigraphic Units Database (ASUD) nomenclature ( and assigned the corresponding ASUD code to update the information more efficiently when needed. This dataset will need to be updated as information grows and is being revised over time. This dataset provides: 1. ABSUC_v1 Australian stratigraphic unit compilation dataset (ABSUC) 2. ABSUC_v1_TOP A subset of preferred top picks from the ABSUC_v1 dataset 3. ABSUC_v1_BASE A subset of preferred base picks from the ABSUC_v1 dataset 4. ABSUC_BOREHOLE_v1 ABSUC Borehole collar dataset 5. ASUD_2023 A subset of the Australia Stratigraphic Units Database (ASUD) This consistent stratigraphic units compilation has been used to refine the Great Artesian Basin geological and hydrogeological surfaces in this region and will support the mapping of other regional groundwater systems and other resources across the continent. It can also be used to map regional geology consistently for integrated resource assessments.

  • This Record presents new zircon U–Pb geochronological data, obtained via Sensitive High Resolution Ion Microprobe (SHRIMP) for six samples of volcanic and intrusive rocks from the Cobar Basin, NSW. The work is part of an ongoing Geochronology Project, conducted by the Geological Survey of New South Wales (GSNSW) and Geoscience Australia (GA) under a National Collaborative Framework (NCF) agreement, to better understand the geological evolution and mineralisation history of the Cobar Basin. The results herein correspond to zircon U–Pb SHRIMP analysis undertaken by the GSNSW-GA Geochronology Project during the July 2018 – June 2019 reporting period.

  • This record presents new zircon U-Pb geochronological data, obtained via Sensitive High Resolution Ion Microprobe (SHRIMP) for eleven samples of plutonic and volcanic rocks from the Lachlan Orogen, and the New England Orogen. The work is part of an ongoing Geochronology Project (Metals in Time), conducted by the Geological Survey of New South Wales (GSNSW) and Geoscience Australia (GA) under a National Collaborative Framework (NCF) agreement, to better understand the geological evolution of New South Wales. The results herein (summarised in Table 1.1 and Table 1.2) correspond to zircon U-Pb SHRIMP analysis undertaken on GSNSW mineral systems projects for the reporting period July 2015-June 2016. Lachlan Orogen In the Lachlan Orogen, the age of 418.9 ± 2.5 Ma for the Babinda Volcanics is consistent with the accepted stratigraphy of its parent Kopyje Group, agrees with the ages of other I-type volcanic rocks within the Canbelego-Mineral Hill Volcanic Belt and indicates eruption and emplacement of this belt during a single event. The age of the Shuttleton Rhyolite Member (421.9 ± 2.7 Ma) of the Amphitheatre Group is compatible with recent U-Pb dating of the Mount Halfway Volcanics, which interfingers with the Amphitheatre Group (MacRae, 1987). The age is also similar to nearby S-type granite intrusions, which suggests that the limited eruptive volcanic activity in the region was accompanied by local coeval plutonism. The results for the Babinda Volcanics and Shuttleton Rhyolite Member, in conjunction with previous GA dating and other dating and studies (summarised in Downes et al., 2016) establishes that significant igneous activity occurred between ~423 and ~418 Ma within the Cobar region but comprised two compositionally distinct but broadly contemporaneous belts of volcanics and comagmatic granite intrusions. The new age for the unnamed quartz monzonite at Hobbs Pipe constrains the maximum age of the hosted gold mineralisation to 414.7 ± 2.6 Ma. The wide range in ages for granites along the Gilmore Suture suggests that mineralisation in this region is not necessarily constrained to a single short-lived event. The new age of 413.5 ± 2.3 Ma for volcanics at Yerranderie indicates that that the Bindook Volcanic Complex was erupted over a relatively short period, and also indicates that the epithermal mineralisation at Yerranderie was not genetically related to the host volcanics but probably to a younger rifting event in the east Lachlan. New England Orogen Four units were dated from the Clarence River Supersuite in the New England Orogen. All four are between 255 and 256 Ma, demonstrating that these granites are related chemically, spatially, and temporally. While these four ages are indistinguishable, the current age span for Clarence River Supersuite is more than 40 million years. This wide age range indicates that classification of granites into the Clarence River Supersuite needs further refinement. The new age for the Newton Boyd Granodiorite (252.8 ± 1.0 Ma) is similar to some previously dated units within the Herries Supersuite, but both the Herries Supersuite and Stanthorpe Supersuite (into which the Herries Supersuite was reclassified by Donchak, 2013) incorporate units with a broad range of ages: the age distribution for the Stanthorpe Supersuite spans 50 million years. Classification of granites in the New England Orogen in New South Wales is worth revisiting. Two units were dated from the Drake Volcanics, nominally in the Wandsworth Volcanic Group and indicate that the middle to upper section of the Drake Volcanics, including the mineralising intrusions, were emplaced within the space of 1-2 million years. These results support a genetic and temporal link between the Au-Ag epithermal mineralisation at White Rock and Red Rock and their host Drake Volcanic packages rather than to younger regional plutonism (i.e., Stanthorpe Supersuite) or volcanism (i.e., Wandsworth Volcanics). The almost 10 Ma gap between the Drake Volcanics and the next lowest units of the Wandsworth Volcanic Group supports the argument for considering the Drake Volcanics a distinct unit.

  • The geology and mineral prospectivity of the southern Thomson Orogen is poorly understood because the vast majority of its extent is buried beneath younger regolith and/or sedimentary rocks. To address this issue a collaborative program to drill 16 stratigraphic boreholes was proposed to collect samples of the basement geology that can be comprehensively analysed to improve the understanding of the geological evolution of this region. To reduce the uncertainty associated with intersecting the target stratigraphy at each of the borehole sites, estimates of the cover thickness were obtained by applying the geophysical techniques of refraction seismic, audio-magnetotellurics (AMT) and targeted magnetic inversion modelling (TMIM) prior to drilling. Refraction seismic was acquired at all 16 proposed borehole sites using a system with 48 single-component geophones and a propelled weight drop primary-wave source. At 14 of the sites clear basement refractors were observed in the data. At the two other sites, Nantilla 1 and Barrygowan 1, loss of signal due to seismic attenuation at far offsets meant that a clear basement refractor was not observed. With the exception of these two sites, three distinct refractors are generally observed in the data. Those with velocities ranging from 0.4 km/s to 1.5 km/s are interpreted as regolith, those ranging from 1.8 km/s to 2.4 km/s are interpreted as Eromanga Basin sediments, and those ranging from 3.9 km/s to 5.7 km/s are interpreted as metamorphic/igneous basement. Two-dimensional velocity models of the subsurface geology were then generated using the time-term inversion method, which allowed for the thickness of each layer to be estimated. Cover thickness estimates using refraction data vary widely from site to site, with the shallowest estimate being Overshot 1 (49 m - 55 m) and the deepest Adventure Way 1 (295 m - 317 m). These variations in cover thickness estimates from site to site are indicative of basement topography variations and are not error margins. Audio-magnetotelluric data was collected at ten sites by simultaneously deploying four porous pot electrodes, to collect the two orthogonal components of telluric data (Ex and Ey), and three magnetic induction coils, to collect the three components of magnetic data (Hx, Hy and Hz). For each dataset, a one-dimensional inversion model was produced, from which resistivity contrasts were identified and used to describe electrical conductivity discontinuities in the subsurface geology. In general, the models show a near-surface conductive layer with resistivity values ≤10 Ω·m overlying layers with continuously increasing resistivities with depth (up to 102-103 Ω·m). Those layers which were >10 Ω·m were interpreted as metamorphic/igneous basement rocks and were observed to occur at depths of ~100 m to ~300 m across the survey sites, except at Overshot 1 (38 m ±10%) and Barrygowan 1 (480 m ±10%). Targeted magnetic inversion modelling (TMIM) was applied to freely available, good quality, regional airborne magnetic survey data. Depth to magnetic source estimates were generated for 53 targets, with confidence ratings, using a dipping tabular source body to model targeted magnetic anomalies in the vicinity of the borehole sites. A combined depth estimate was generated using a distance and confidence weighted average from multiple depth estimates at all but two borehole sites. Only a single depth estimate was available at Adventure Way 1 while no depth estimates were generated at Eulo 1. These combined depth estimates provide cover thickness estimates at the sites as they are likely sourced from, or near, the top of basement. Of the ten proposed borehole sites with coincident AMT and refraction seismic data, five sites have overlapping cover thickness estimates. Cover thickness estimates from the TMIM overlap both the AMT and refraction data at four sites and at two sites where only the refraction depth estimates were available. 2 Estimating Cover Thickness in the Southern Thomson Orogen The cover thickness estimates presented in this report lower the risks associated with the proposed southern Thomson Orogen stratigraphic drilling program by reducing the uncertainty in intersecting the target stratigraphy at each of the borehole sites as well as allowing for better project and program planning. Successful completion of the stratigraphic drilling program in the southern Thomson Orogen will allow for each of these geophysical methods for estimating cover thickness to be benchmarked using actual cover thicknesses measured in the boreholes.

  • The Pre-Cenozoic Geology of South Australia, New South Wales and Victoria removes Cenozoic geology. It is largely based on (1) the 1:1,000,000 Surface Geology by Geoscience Australia (2012) for New South Wales; (2) the Victoria seamless geology (2014); and (3) solid geology layers of South Australia by the Geological Survey of South Australia (2016), plus interpretation in GA of potential filed geophysical datasets, particularly magnetic data. The South Australia solid geology layers available on SARIG were used for Archaean to Ordovician geology of the state. Post-Ordovician geology of South Australia were interpreted in GA using magnetic data. The 1:1,000,000 surface geology map of the Mount Painter Region by S.B. Hore (2015) was also used. Solid geology was produced with the aid of interpretation of magnetic data for that region. For the Murray Basin and surrounding areas drill hole data were used to determine the geology under cover. Because extents of drill hole intercepted geology are not know in most cases. Such geology are shown as tiny circular polygons. The author thanks a number of state and GA geologists for their inputs at various stages of the project, particularly those who reviewed the data.

  • <p>This record presents new zircon and titanite U–Pb geochronological data, obtained via Sensitive High Resolution Ion Microprobe (SHRIMP) for twelve samples of plutonic and volcanic rocks from the Lachlan Orogen and the New England Orogen, and two samples of hydrothermal quartz veins from the Cobar region. Many of these new ages improve existing constraints on the timing of mineralisation in New South Wales, as part of an ongoing Geochronology Project (Metals in Time), conducted by the Geological Survey of New South Wales (GSNSW) and Geoscience Australia (GA) under a National Collaborative Framework (NCF) agreement. The results herein (summarised in Table 1.1 and Table 1.2) correspond to zircon and titanite U–Pb SHRIMP analysis undertaken on GSNSW mineral systems projects for the reporting period July 2016–June 2017. Lachlan Orogen <p>The Lachlan Orogen samples reported herein are sourced from operating mines, active prospects, or regions with historical workings. The new dates constrain timing of mineralisation by dating the units which host or crosscut mineralisation, thereby improving understanding of the mineralising systems, and provide stronger constraints for mineralisation models. <p>In the eastern Lachlan Orogen, the new dates of 403.9 ± 2.6 Ma for the Whipstick Monzogranite south of Bega, and 413.3 ± 1.8 Ma for the Banshea Granite north of Goulburn both provide maximum age constraints for the mineralisation they host (Whipstick gold prospect and Ruby Creek silver prospect, respectively). At the Paupong prospect south of Jindabyne, gold mineralisation is cut by a dyke with a magmatic crystallisation age of 430.9 ± 2.1 Ma, establishing a minimum age for the system. <p>The 431.1 ± 1.8 Ma unnamed andesite and the 428.4 ± 1.9 Ma unnamed felsic dyke at the Dobroyde prospect 10 km north of Junee are just barely distinguishable in age, in the order that is supported by field relationships. The andesite is the same age as the c. 432 Ma Junawarra Volcanics but has different geochemical composition, and is younger than the c. 437 Ma Gidginbung Volcanics. The two unnamed units pre-date mineralisation, and are consistent with Pb-dating indicating a Tabberaberran age for mineralisation at the Dobroyde gold deposit. <p>Similarly, the 430.5 ± 3.4 Ma leucogranite from Hickory Hill prospect (north of Albury) clarifies that this unit originally logged as Jindera Granite (since dated at 403.4 ± 2.6 Ma) is instead affiliated with the nearby Mount Royal Granite, which has implications for the extent of mineralisation hosted within this unit. <p>Cobar Basin <p>Titanite ages of 382.5 ± 2.6 Ma and 383.4 ± 2.9 Ma from hydrothermal quartz veins that crosscut and postdate the main phase of mineralisation at the Hera mine in the Cobar region constrain the minimum age for mineralisation. These ages are indistinguishable from a muscovite age of 381.9 ± 2.2 Ma interpreted to be related to late- or post-Tabberaberan deformation event, and these results indicate that mineralisation occurred at or prior to this deformation event. <p>New England Orogen <p>The new ages from granites of the New England Orogen presented in this record aid in classification of these plutons into various Suites and Supersuites, and these new or confirmed relationships are described in detail in Bryant (2017). Many of these plutons host mineralisation, so the new ages also provide maximum age constraints in the timing of that mineralisation. <p>The 256.1 ± 1.3 Ma age of the Deepwater Syenogranite 40 km north of Glen Innes indicates that it is coeval with the 256.4 ± 1.6 Ma (Black, 2006) Arranmor Ignimbrite Member (Emmaville Volcanics) that it intrudes, demonstrating that both intrusive and extrusive magmatism was occurring in the Deepwater region at the same time. The 252.0 ± 1.2 Ma age for the Black Snake Creek Granite northeast of Tenterfield is consistent with its intrusive relationship with the Dundee Rhyodacite (254.34 ± 0.34 Ma; Brownlow et al., 2010). Similarly, the 251.2 ± 1.3 Ma age for the Malara Quartz Monzodiorite southeast of Tenterfield is consistent with field relationships that demonstrate that it intrudes the Drake Volcanics (265.3 ± 1.4 Ma–264.4 ± 2.5 Ma, Cross and Blevin, 2010; Waltenberg et al., 2016). <p>The 246.7 ± 1.5 Ma Cullens Creek Granite north of Drake was dated in an attempt to provide a stronger age constraint on mineral deposits that also cut the Rivertree and Koreelan Creek plutons (249.1 ± 1.3 Ma and 246.3 ± 1.4 Ma respectively, Chisholm et al., 2014a). However, the new age is indistinguishable from the Koreelan Creek Granodiorite, and timing of mineralisation is not further constrained, but the new age demonstrates a temporal association between the Cullens Creek and Koreelan Creek plutons. <p>The 239.1 ± 1.2 Ma age for the Mann River Leucogranite west of Grafton is indistinguishable in age from plutons in the Dandahra Suite and supports its inclusion in this grouping. The new age also constrains the timing of the distal part of the Dalmorton Gold Field, and implies that the gold vein system postdates the Hunter-Bowen orogeny. <p>The 232.7 ± 1.0 Ma Botumburra Range Monzogranite east of Armidale is younger than most southern New England granites, but this age is very consistent with the Coastal Granite Association (CGA), and the new age, along with the previously noted petrographic similarities (Leitch and McDougall, 1979) supports incorporation of the Botumburra Range Monzogranite into the Carrai Supersuite of the CGA (Bryant, 2017).

  • The East Australian Current (EAC) onshore encroachment drives coastal upwelling and shelf circulations, changes slope-shelf bio-physical dynamics, and consequently exerts significant influence on coastal marine ecosystem along the south-eastern Australian margin. The EAC is a highly dynamic eddy-current system which exhibits high-frequency intrinsic fluctuations and eddy shedding. As a result, low-frequency variability in the EAC is usually overshadowed and rarely detectable. For decades, despite many efforts into the ocean current observations, the seasonality of EAC’s shoreward intrusion remains highly disputable. In this study, for the first time we use a long-term (26 years) remotely sensed AVHRR Sea Surface Temperature (SST) dataset spanning 1992-2018 to map the EAC off the coast of northern New South Wales (NSW), between 28°S - 32.5°S. A Topographic Position Index (TPI) image processing technique was applied to conduct the quantitative mapping. The mapping products have enabled direct measurement (area and distance) of the EAC’s shoreward intrusion. Subsequent spatial and temporal analyses have shown that the EAC move closer to the coast in austral summer and autumn than in austral winter, with the mean distance-to-coast ~6 km shorter and occupying the shelf area ~12% larger. This provides quantitative and direct evidence of the seasonality of the EAC’s shoreward intrusion. Such seasonal migration pattern of the EAC thus provides new insights into the seasonal upwelling and shelf circulations previously observed in this region. As a result, we were able to confirm that the EAC is a driving force of the seasonal ocean dynamics for the northern NSW coast.

  • This data package, completed as part of Geoscience Australia’s National Groundwater Systems (NGS) Project, presents results of the second iteration of the 3D Great Artesian Basin (GAB) and Lake Eyre Basin (LEB) (Figure 1) geological and hydrogeological models (Vizy & Rollet, 2023) populated with volume of shale (Vshale) values calculated on 2,310 wells in the Surat, Eromanga, Carpentaria and Lake Eyre basins (Norton & Rollet, 2023). This provides a refined architecture of aquifer and aquitard geometry that can be used as a proxy for internal, lateral, and vertical, variability of rock properties within each of the 18 GAB-LEB hydrogeological units (Figure 2). These data compilations and information are brought to a common national standard to help improve hydrogeological conceptualisation of groundwater systems across multiple jurisdictions. This information will assist water managers to support responsible groundwater management and secure groundwater into the future. This 3D Vshale model of the GAB provides a common framework for further data integration with other disciplines, industry, academics and the public and helps assess the impact of water use and climate change. It aids in mapping current groundwater knowledge at a GAB-wide scale and identifying critical groundwater areas for long-term monitoring. The NGS project is part of the Exploring for the Future (EFTF) program—an eight-year, $225 million Australian Government funded geoscience data and precompetitive information acquisition program. The program seeks to inform decision-making by government, community, and industry on the sustainable development of Australia's mineral, energy, and groundwater resources, including those to support the effective long-term management of GAB water resources. This work builds on the first iteration completed as part of the Great Artesian Basin Groundwater project (Vizy & Rollet, 2022; Rollet et al., 2022), and infills previous data and knowledge gaps in the GAB and LEB with additional borehole, airborne electromagnetic and seismic interpretation. The Vshale values calculated on additional wells in the southern Surat and southern Eromanga basins and in the whole of Carpentaria and Lake Eyre basins provide higher resolution facies variability estimates from the distribution of generalised sand-shale ratio across the 18 GAB-LEB hydrogeological units. The data reveals a complex mixture of sedimentary environments in the GAB, and highlights sand body development and hydraulic characteristics within aquifers and aquitards. Understanding the regional extents of these sand-rich areas provides insights into potential preferential flow paths, within and between the GAB and LEB, and aquifer compartmentalisation. However, there are limitations that require further study, including data gaps and the need to integrate petrophysics and hydrogeological data. Incorporating major faults and other structures would also enhance our understanding of fluid flow pathways. The revised Vshale model, incorporating additional boreholes to a total of 2,310 boreholes, contributes to our understanding of groundwater flow and connectivity in the region, from the recharge beds to discharge at springs, and Groundwater Dependant Ecosystems (GDEs). It also facilitates interbasinal connectivity analysis. This 3D Vshale model offers a consistent framework for integrating data from various sources, allowing for the assessment of water use impacts and climate change at different scales. It can be used to map groundwater knowledge across the GAB and identify areas that require long-term monitoring. Additionally, the distribution of boreholes with gamma ray logs used for the Vshale work in each GAB and LEB units (Norton & Rollet, 2022; 2023) is used to highlight areas where additional data acquisition or interpretation is needed in data-poor areas within the GAB and LEB units. The second iteration of surfaces with additional Vshale calculation data points provides more confidence in the distribution of sand bodies at the whole GAB scale. The current model highlights that the main Precipice, Hutton, Adori-Springbok and Cadna-owie‒Hooray aquifers are relatively well connected within their respective extents, particularly the Precipice and Hutton Sandstone aquifers and equivalents. The Bungil Formation, the Mooga Sandstone and the Gubberamunda Sandstone are partial and regional aquifers, which are restricted to the Surat Basin. These are time equivalents to the Cadna-owie–Hooray major aquifer system that extends across the Eromanga Basin, as well as the Gilbert River Formation and Eulo Queen Group which are important aquifers onshore in the Carpentaria Basin. The current iteration of the Vshale model confirms that the Cadna-owie–Hooray and time equivalent units form a major aquifer system that spreads across the whole GAB. It consists of sand bodies within multiple channel belts that have varying degrees of connectivity' i.e. being a channelised system some of the sands will be encased within overbank deposits and isolated, while others will be stacked, cross-cutting systems that provide vertical connectivity. The channelised systemtransitions vertically and laterally into a shallow marine environment (Rollet et al., 2022). Sand-rich areas are also mapped within the main Poolowanna, Brikhead-Walloon and Westbourne interbasinal aquitards, as well as the regional Rolling Downs aquitard that may provide some potential pathways for upward leakage of groundwater to the shallow Winton-Mackunda aquifer and overlying Lake Eyre Basin. Further integration with hydrochemical data may help groundtruth some of these observations. This metadata document is associated with a data package including: • Seventeen surfaces with Vshale property (Table 1), • Seventeen surfaces with less than 40% Vshale property (Table 2), • Twenty isochore with average Vshale property (Table 3), • Twenty isochore with less than 40% Vshale property (Table 4), • Sixteen Average Vshale intersections of less than 40% Vshale property delineating potential connectivity between isochore (Table 5), • Sixteen Average Vshale intersections of less than 40% Vshale property delineating potential connectivity with isochore above and below (Table 6), • Seventeen upscaled Vshale log intersection locations (Table 7), • Six regional sections showing geology and Vshale property (Table 8), • Three datasets with location of boreholes, sections, and area of interest (Table 9).

  • Multi-element geochemical surveys of rocks, soils, stream/lake/floodplain sediments, and regolith are typically carried out at continental, regional and local scales. The chemistry of these materials is defined by their primary mineral assemblages and their subsequent modification by comminution and weathering. Modern geochemical datasets represent a multi-dimensional geochemical space that can be studied using multivariate statistical methods from which patterns reflecting geochemical/geological processes are described (process discovery). These patterns form the basis from which probabilistic predictive maps are created (process validation). Processing geochemical survey data requires a systematic approach to effectively interpret the multi-dimensional data in a meaningful way. Problems that are typically associated with geochemical data include closure, missing values, censoring, merging, levelling different datasets, and adequate spatial sample design. Recent developments in advanced multivariate analytics, geospatial analysis and mapping provide an effective framework to analyze and interpret geochemical datasets. Geochemical and geological processes can often be recognized through the use of data discovery procedures such as the application of principal component analysis. Classification and predictive procedures can be used to confirm lithological variability, alteration, and mineralization. Geochemical survey data of lake/till sediments from Canada and of floodplain sediments from Australia show that predictive maps of bedrock and regolith processes can be generated. Upscaling a multivariate statistics-based prospectivity analysis for arc related Cu-Au mineralization from a regional survey in the southern Thomson Orogen in Australia to the continental scale, reveals a number of regions with similar (or stronger) multivariate response and hence potentially similar (or higher) mineral potential throughout Australia. <b>Citation:</b> E. C. Grunsky, P. de Caritat; State-of-the-art analysis of geochemical data for mineral exploration. <i>Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis</i> 2019; 20 (2): 217–232. doi: This article appears in multiple journals (Lyell Collection & GeoScienceWorld)