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  • <div>Reliable water availability is critical to supporting communities and industries such as mining, agriculture and tourism. In remote and arid areas such as in the Officer – Musgrave region of central Australia, groundwater is the only viable source of water for human and environmental use. Groundwater systems in remote regions such as the Musgrave Province are poorly understood due to sparse geoscientific data and few detailed scientific investigations. The Musgrave palaeovalley module will improve palaeovalley groundwater system understanding in the Musgrave Province and adjacent basins to identify potential water sources for communities in the region. This report summarises the state of knowledge for the region on the landscape, population, water use, geology and groundwater systems. An analysis of the current and potential future water needs under different development scenarios captures information on how water is used in an area covering three jurisdictions and several potentially competing land uses.</div><div>The Musgrave Palaeovalley study area is generally flat, low-lying desert country. The Musgrave, Petermann, Mann and Warburton ranges in the centre of the area are a significant change in elevation and surface materials, comprising rocky hills, slopes and mountains with up to 800&nbsp;m of relief above the sand plains. Vegetation is generally bare or sparse, with isolated pockets of grassy or woody shrub lands. Soils are typically Tenosols, Rudosols and Kandosols.</div><div><br></div><div>There are four main hydrogeological systems in the study area. These are the fractured and basement rocks, local Quaternary sediments regional sedimentary basins and palaeovalley aquifers. These systems are likely to be hydraulically connected. Within palaeovalleys, three main hydrostratigraphic units occur. The upper Garford Formation is a sandy unconfined aquifer with a clay rich base (lower Garford Formation) which acts as a partial aquitard where present. The Pidinga Formation represents a coarser sandy or gravelly channel base, which is partly confined by the lower Garford Formation aquitard. The aquifers are likely to be hydraulically connected on a regional scale. Further to the west, equivalent units are identified and named in palaeovalley systems on the Yilgarn Craton. </div><div><br></div><div>Groundwater is recharged by episodic, high-intensity rainfall events and mostly discharges via evapotranspiration. Recharge is higher around the ranges, and lower over the flatter sand plains. Palaeovalley aquifers likely receive some groundwater inflow from underlying basin systems and fractured rock systems. Regional groundwater movement is topographically controlled, moving from the ranges towards surrounding areas of lower elevation. In some palaeovalleys groundwater discharges at playa lakes. Water table gradients are very low. More groundwater isotope and tracer data is required to understand potential connectivity between basin, fractured rock and palaeovalley systems.</div><div>Groundwater quality is brackish to saline, although pockets of fresher groundwater occur close to recharge areas and within the deeper and coarse-grained Garford Formation. Groundwater resources generally require treatment prior to use Most groundwater in the region is suitable for stock use. </div><div><br></div><div>Existing palaeovalley mapping is restricted to inferring extents based on landscape position and mapped surface materials. Utilising higher resolution digital elevation models and more recently acquired remotely sensed data will refine mapped palaeovalley extents. Improving the modelling of the distribution and depth of palaeovalleys in greater detail across the region is best aided through interpretation of airborne electromagnetic (AEM) data.</div><div>Based on the successes of integrating AEM with other geoscientific data in South Australia, we have acquired 25,109 line km of new AEM across the WA and NT parts of our study area. We will integrate this data with reprocessed and inverted publicly available AEM data, existing borehole information, existing and newly acquired hydrochemical data, and new surface magnetic resonance data to model the three dimensional distribution of palaeovalleys in the study area. We will use these models and data as the basis for conceptualising the hydrogeology of the palaeovalley systems, and provide information back to local communities and decision-makers to inform water management decisions. The data will also provide valuable precompetitive information for future economic development in the region.</div><div><br></div>

  • This was the third of five presentations held on 31 July 2023 as part of the National Groundwater Systems Workshop - WaMSTeC: Water Monitoring and Standardisation Technical Committee National Industry Guidelines for hydrometric monitoring WaMSTeC GUIDELINE REVISIONS UPDATE FOR GROUNDWATER COMPONENTS: GROUNDWATER SUBCOMMITTEE

  • This was the first of five presentations held on 31 July 2023 as part of the National Groundwater Systems Workshop - A clear and consistent inventory of knowledge about Australia’s major hydrogeological provinces.

  • <div>Groundwater is a finite and largely hidden resource. Enhancing scientific understanding of groundwater systems improves decisions about its planning, allocation and use. This benefits all Australians through improved water management.</div><div>Australia’s groundwater resources underpin billions of dollars of economic activity, provide safe and reliable drinking water for millions of people, and sustain life and cultural values across the country. Sustainably managing our critical groundwater resources is vital to improving water security and protecting the environment.</div><div>Geoscience Australia and the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) collaborate on initiatives funded by the Australian Government. We work together to deliver innovative solutions to nationally significant issues affecting Australia’s groundwater resources.</div><div>With world‑class expertise and facilities, we are at the forefront of groundwater science. Our combined hydrogeological capabilities are best applied to regional and national-scale challenges that extend beyond the remit of individual jurisdictions or private industry.</div><div>This publication highlights the scientific approaches, technologies, and methods that we apply to better understand and characterise Australia’s groundwater and includes case studies that demonstrate the unique value of our collaboration.</div><div><br></div>

  • <div>Groundwater dependent ecosystems (GDEs) rely on access to groundwater on a permanent or intermittent basis to meet some or all of their water requirements (Richardson et al., 2011). The <a href="">Tasselled Cap percentile products</a> created by Digital Earth Australia (2023) were used to identify potential GDEs for the upper Darling River floodplain study area. These percentile products provide statistical summaries (10th, 50th, 90th percentiles) of landscape brightness, greenness and wetness in imagery acquired between 1987 and present day. The 10th percentile greenness and wetness represent the lowest 10% of values for the time period evaluated, e.g. 10th greenness represents the least green period. In arid regions, areas that are depicted as persistently green and/or wet at the 10th percentile have the greatest potential to be GDEs. For this reason, and due to accessibility of the data, the 10th percentile Tasselled Cap greenness (TCG) and Tasselled Cap wetness (TCW) products were used as the basis for the assessment of GDEs for the upper Darling River floodplain study area. </div><div><br></div><div>This data release is an ESRI geodatabase, with layer files, including:</div><div><br></div><div>-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;original greenness and wetness datasets extracted; </div><div><br></div><div>-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;classified 10th percentile greenness and wetness datasets (used as input for the combined dataset); </div><div><br></div><div>-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;combined scaled 10th percentile greenness and wetness dataset (useful for a quick glance to identify potential groundwater dependent vegetation (GDV) that have high greenness and wetness e.g. river red gums)</div><div><br></div><div>-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;combined classified 10th percentile greenness and wetness dataset (useful to identify potential GDV/GDE and differentiate between vegetation types)</div><div><br></div><div>-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;coefficient of variation of 50th percentile greenness dataset (useful when used in conjunction with the scaled/combined products to help identify GDEs)</div><div><br></div><div>For more information and detail on these products, refer to <a href=""></a>.</div><div><br></div><div><strong>References</strong></div><div>Digital Earth Australia (2023). <em><a href="">Digital Earth Australia User Guide</a></em>. </div><div>Richardson, S., E. Irvine, R. Froend, P. Boon, S. Barber, and B. Bonneville. 2011a. <em>Australian groundwater-dependent ecosystem toolbox part 1: Assessment framework.</em> Waterlines Report 69. Canberra, Australia: Waterlines.</div>

  • <div>This report presents key results from the Upper Darling River Floodplain groundwater study conducted as part of the Exploring for the Future (EFTF) program in north-western New South Wales. The Australian Government funded EFTF program aimed to improve understanding of potential mineral, energy, and groundwater resources in priority areas for each resource.</div><div><br></div><div>The Upper Darling River Floodplain study area is located in semi-arid zone northwest New South Wales is characterised by communities facing critical water shortages and water quality issues, along with ecosystem degradation. As such, there is an imperative to improve our understanding of groundwater systems including the processes of inter-aquifer and groundwater-surface water connectivity. The key interest is in the fresh and saline groundwater systems within alluvium deposited by the Darling River (the Darling alluvium - DA) which comprises sediment sequences from 30 m to 140 m thick beneath the present-day floodplain.</div><div><br></div><div>The study acquired airborne, surface and borehole geophysical data plus hydrochemical data, and compiled geological, hydrometric, and remote sensing datasets. The integration of airborne electromagnetic (AEM) data with supporting datasets including surface and borehole magnetic resonance, borehole induction conductivity and gamma, and hydrochemistry data has allowed unprecedented, high resolution delineation of interpreted low salinity groundwater resources within the alluvium and highly saline aquifers which pose salination risk to both the river and fresher groundwater. Improved delineation of the palaeovalley architecture using AEM, seismic, and borehole datasets has permitted interpretation of the bedrock topography forming the base of the palaeovalley, and which has influenced sediment deposition and the present-day groundwater system pathways and gradients.</div><div><br></div><div>The integrated assessment demonstrates that the alluvial groundwater systems within the study area can be sub-divided on the basis of groundwater system characteristics relevant to water resource availability and management. Broadly, the northern part of the study area has low permeability stratigraphy underlying the river and a generally upward groundwater gradient resulting in limited zone of freshwater ingress into the alluvium around the river. A bedrock high south of Bourke partially restricts groundwater flow and forces saline groundwater from deeper in the alluvium to the surface in the vicinity of the Upper Darling salt interception scheme. From approximately Tilpa to Wilcannia, sufficiently permeable stratigraphy in hydraulic connection with the river and a negligible upward groundwater gradient allows recharge from the river, creating significant freshwater zones around the river within the alluvium.</div><div><br></div><div>Hydrometric and hydrochemical tracer data demonstrate that the alluvial groundwater systems are highly coupled with the rivers. Results support the conceptual understanding that bank-exchange processes and overbank floods associated with higher river flows are the primary recharge mechanism for the lower salinity groundwater within the alluvium. When river levels drop, tracers indicative of groundwater discharge confirm that groundwater contributes significant baseflow to the river. Analysis of groundwater levels and surface water discharge indicates that the previously identified declining trends in river discharge are likely to produce the significant decline in groundwater pressure observed across the unconfined aquifer within the alluvium. Improved quantification and prediction of groundwater-surface water connectivity, water level and flux is considered a high priority for both the Darling River and the wider Murray–Darling Basin. This information will assist in understanding and managing water resource availability in these highly connected systems, and enhance knowledge regarding cultural values and groundwater dependent ecosystems (GDEs).</div><div><br></div><div>This study identifies several aquifers containing groundwater of potentially suitable quality for a range of applications in the south of the study area between Wilcannia and Tilpa and assessed the geological and hydrological processes controlling their distribution and occurrence. Potential risks associated with the use of this groundwater, such as unsustainable extraction, impacts on GDEs, and saline intrusion into aquifers or the river, are outside the scope of this work and have not been quantified.</div>

  • <div>The Kati Thanda – Lake Eyre Basin (KT–LEB) covers about 1.2 million square kilometres of outback Australia. Although the basin is sparsely populated and relatively undeveloped it hosts nationally significant environmental and cultural heritage, including unique desert rivers, sweeping arid landscapes, and clusters of major artesian springs. The basin experiences climatic extremes that intermittently cycle between prolonged droughts and massive inland floods, with groundwater resources playing a critical role in supporting the many communities, industries, ecological systems, and thriving First Nations culture of the KT–LEB.</div><div><br></div><div>As part of Geoscience Australia’s National Groundwater Systems Project (in the Exploring for the Future Program) this report brings together contemporary data and information relevant to understanding the regional geology, hydrogeology and groundwater systems of Cenozoic rocks and sediments of the KT–LEB. This work represents the first whole-of-basin assessment into these vitally important shallow groundwater resources, which have previously received far less scientific attention than the deeper groundwater systems of the underlying Eromanga Basin (part of the Great Artesian Basin). The new knowledge and insights about the geology and hydrogeology of the basin generated by this study will benefit the many users of groundwater within the region and will help to improve sustainable management and use of groundwater resources across the KT–LEB.</div><div><br></div>

  • <div>Geoscience Australia's Exploring for the Future Program (EFTF) is supporting regional and national-scale initiatives to address Australia’s hydrogeological challenges using an integrated geoscience systems approach. An important early step in the EFTF groundwater program focused on developing a national hydrogeological inventory of Australia’s major groundwater basins and fractured rock provinces. The inventory has its roots in the seminal 1987 Hydrogeology of Australia map, the first continental-scale map of groundwater systems and principal aquifers (Jacobson and Lau, 1987). Seeking to enhance and modernise the supporting information base for the national map, the inventory combines a curated selection of geospatial data attributes supported by focused narrative on the geology and hydrogeology of each basin and fractured rock province.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>The national hydrogeological inventory has a broad range of benefits for Australian groundwater users, managers and policy makers. These include the provision of an updated knowledge base covering the hydrogeology and groundwater systems of the major hydrogeological provinces of the nation, as well as important contextual information. The extensive catalogue of knowledge contained in the inventory also enables an objective approach to identify and prioritise areas for further regional assessment.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>Based on analysis of data compiled for the national inventory, the Lake Eyre Basin in arid central Australia was the first region prioritised for more detailed hydrogeological assessment during EFTF. The integration of a variety of basin- to national-scale geoscience datasets enabled significant advances in geological and hydrogeological understanding and the development of a new geological model for the three main basin depo-centres, namely the Tirari and Callabonna Sub-basins, and the Cooper Creek Palaeovalley. The geological modelling has further supported a range of hydrogeological applications, including substantial improvements in the number of bores with aquifer attribution, as well as the first regional watertable map across the basin. Abstract submitted and presented at the 2023 AGC NZHS Joint Conference Auckland, NZ (

  • <div>This study investigates the feasibility of mapping potential groundwater dependent vegetation (GDV) at a regional scale using remote sensing data. Specifically, the Digital Earth Australia (DEA) Tasseled Cap Percentiles products, integrated with the coefficient of greenness and/or wetness, are applied in three case study regions in Australia to identify and characterise potential terrestrial and aquatic groundwater dependent ecosystems (GDE). The identified high potential GDE are consistent with existing GDE mapping, providing confidence in the methodology developed. The approach provides a consistent and rapid first-pass approach for identifying and assessing GDEs, especially in remote areas of Australia lacking detailed GDE and vegetation information.</div>

  • Groundwater is critical to Australia’s future economic development and is the only reliable water source for many regional and rural communities. It also sustains environmental and cultural assets including springs and groundwater-dependent ecosystems. The demand for groundwater in Australia is expected to increase with population growth, economic development and climate change. Geoscience Australia, in partnership with Commonwealth, State and Territory governments is delivering national and regional groundwater investigations through the Exploring for the Future (EFTF) Program to support water management decisions. Geoscience Australia’s groundwater studies apply innovative geoscience tools and robust geoscientific workflows to increase knowledge and understanding of groundwater systems and assessment of groundwater resource potential for economies, communities and the environment. Through integrating geological and hydrogeological data, airborne electromagnetic and ground-based geophysical, hydrogeochemical and remote sensing data, we have developed new geological and hydrogeological conceptual models and identified potential managed aquifer recharge sites in a number of areas across Northern Australia. The EFTF program is focussed on improving our understanding of Australia's groundwater through a National Groundwater Systems project as well as two regional-scale groundwater investigations in Southern Australia. We are commencing an inventory of Australia’s groundwater systems in onshore basins that includes a compilation and broad interpretation of hydrogeological information. This is the basis for the collation and curation of nationally seamless groundwater information to support informed decision making and water resource coordination across jurisdictions. All data and value-added products are freely available for public use via the Exploring for the Future Data Discovery portal ( This Abstract was submitted to the 2022 Australasian Groundwater Conference 21-23 November (