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  • The gnssanalysis Python package is designed to provide the public with a source of useful python functions and classes that help with processing of GNSS observations. The functionality found within the package includes: - reading of many standard file formats commonly used in the geodetic community including SP3, SNX, RNX, CLK, PSD, etc. into pandas dataframes (Also writing certain file formats) - transformation of data, for example datetime conversions, helmert inversions, rotations, transforming geodata from XYZ to longitude-latitude-altitude, etc. - functions for the download of standard files and upload to other sources (e.g. s3)

  • Ginan is Geoscience Australia’s Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) analysis centre software that delivers a real-time positioning correction service through an open-source software, and additional positioning products to enable precise point positioning for Australian industry and users.