Administrative Boundary
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Using AMBIS and other primary source data to show contemporary changes to coastal waters around Scott Reefs. To be used during the consultation phase with the states. Not for publication or public release until further noticee
Consolidated Maritime Boundary Treaties between Australia and Indonesia (including the unratified 1997 Treaty) and the 1997 Memorandum of Understanding. Diagram AU/INDON-04 Refer previous GeoCat 69558 Treaty text and coordinates can be found at: and http:// Note: This is a signed text but has not yet entered into force
Consolidated seabed boundaries under Article 1 of the 1971 Agreement and Articles 1 & 2 of the 1972 Agreement between the Governments of the Commonwealth of Australia and the Republic of Indonesia Diagram AU/INDON-01 Refer to GeoCat 73148 Treaty text and coordinates can be found at:
Exclusive economic zone boundary under Article 2 of the Treaty between the Government of Australia and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia Establishing an Exclusive Economic Zone Boundary (1997) Diagram AU/INDON-13 Refer previous GeoCat 65366 Treaty text and coordinates can be found at: Note: This is a signed text but has not yet entered into force
Water Column Jurisdiction Boundary under Article 8 of the Treaty between Australia and the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste on Certain Maritime Arrangements in the Timor Sea (2006) Diagram AU/TL-06 Refer previous GeoCat 65643 Treaty text and coordinates can be found at:
Boundary of Traditional Indonesian Fishers Permitted Access pursuant to the Memorandum of Understanding Between the Government of Australia and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia Regarding the Operations of Indonesian Traditional Fishermen in Areas of the Australian Exclusive Fishing Zone and Continental Shelf (1974) Diagram AU/INDON-08 Refer to previous GeoCat 65268
This map shows the boundary of the security regulated port for the purpose of the Maritime Transport & Office Security Act 2003. 1 Sheet (Colour) May 2010 Not for sale or public distribution Contact Manager LOSAMBA project, PMD
5 maps showing the offshore petroleum blocks in the Shared Area of the Perth Treaty. Also supplied were 4 Excel spreadsheets containing the listing of the blocks within the Perth Treaty. Requested by NOPTA 5th December 2012. Supplied as DRAFT in December, resubmitted without draft & new title on 12th February 2013 to RET & DFAT. LOSAMBA register 674.
This map shows the boundary of the security regulated port for the purpose of the Maritime Transport & Office Security Act 2003. 4 sheets (Colour) October 2009 Not for sale or public distribution Contact Manager LOSAMBA project, PMD
Map showing the whole extent of Australia's Maritime Jurisdiction with a simplified legend showing April 08 confirmed CS and unconfirmed areas. Produced for the Australian Customs Service in November 2009 as a development of GeoCat 69120 May 2009. To be found in losamba base products as "simplified_maritime_jurisdiction_1310_v5..." files. Subsequently reproduced as Version 6 for the Australian Hydrographic Service for inclusion in the Australian Seafarers Handbook 2009. "simplified_maritime_jurisdiction_1310_v6-600..." (600dpi jpegs).