sedimentary basins
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Lithostratigraphy, grain sizes and down-hole logs of Site 1166 on the continental shelf, and Site 1167 on the upper slope, are analyzed to reconstruct glacial processes in eastern Prydz Bay and the development of the Prydz trough-mouth fan. In eastern Prydz Bay upper Pliocene-lower Pleistocene glaciomarine sediments occur interbedded with open-marine muds and grade upward into waterlaid tills and subglacial tills. Lower Pleistocene sediments of the trough-mouth fan consist of coarse-grained debrites interbedded with bottom-current deposits and hemipelagic muds, indicating repeated advances and retreats of the Lambert Glacier-Amery Ice Shelf system with respect to the shelf break. Systematic fluctuations in lithofacies and down-hole logs characterize the upper Pliocene-lower Pleistocene transition at Sites 1166 and 1167 and indicate that an ice stream advanced and retreated within the Prydz Channel until the mid Pleistocene. The record from Site 1167 shows that the grounding line of the Lambert Glacier did not extend to the shelf break after 0.78 Ma. Published ice-rafted debris records in the Southern Ocean show peak abundances in the Pliocene and the early Pleistocene, suggesting a link between the nature of the glacial drainage system as recorded by the trough-mouth fans and increased delivery of ice-rafted debris to the Southern Ocean.
Legacy product - no abstract available
This dataset is a pre-release copy of the Australian Geological Provinces Database. The dataset is the best available national coverage of geological provinces as at 1 November 2012. The dataset is not entirely complete for the whole of Australia, and has not undergone complete and rigorous QA/QC. This interim dataset is provided for use only by Geoscience Australia staff and their approved collaborators. The Australian Geological Provinces Database contains descriptions and polygon outlines of geological provinces of the Australian continent and the surrounding marine jurisdictional area. Province types include sedimentary basins, basement tectonic provinces, igneous provinces, and metallogenic provinces. Descriptive attributes include sedimentary, igneous and structural characteristics, age limits, parent and constituent units, relations to surrounding provinces, and mineral and petroleum resources. The province outlines are typically compiled from source data at around 1:1,000,000 scale, which may include outcrop mapping, drilling, and geophysical data. Province boundaries have a spatial accuracy of around 500 metres at best (ie, where constrained by outcrop), but where province boundaries are concealed and are interpreted only from geophysical or drilling data, spatial accuracy may be in the order of 1 km to greater than 10 km. Attribution of province boundaries with information about data source and accuracy is incomplete in this version of the dataset.
No product available. Removed from website 25/01/2019
Legacy product - no abstract available
Advanced burial and thermal geo-history modelling was carried out using Fobos Pro modelling software for the first time in Australia without relying on default or inferred values (such as heat flow or geothermal gradient). Our methodology is a substantial extension to the conventional approach.
The interpretation of two regional seismic reflection profiles and the construction of a balanced cross section through the southern Australian margin (Bight Basin) are designed to analyze the influence of the Australia-Antarctica continental breakup process on the kinematic evolution of the Cretaceous Ceduna delta system. The data shows that the structural architecture of this delta system consists of two stacked sub-delta systems. The lower White Pointer delta system (Late Albian-Santonian) is an unstable tectonic wedge, regionally detached seaward above Late Albian ductile shales. Sequential restorations suggest that the overall gravitational sliding behavior of the White Pointer delta wedge (~45 km of seaward extension, i.e., ~25%) is partially balanced by the tectonic denudation of the subcontinental mantle. We are able to estimate the horizontal stretching rate of the mantle exhumation between ~2 km Ma-1and 5 km Ma-1. The associated uplift of the distal part of the margin and associated flexural subsidence in the proximal part of the basin are partially responsible for the decrease of the gravitational sliding of the White Pointer delta system. Lithospheric failure occurs at ~84 Ma through the rapid exhumation of the mantle. The upper Hammerhead delta system (Late Santonian-Maastrichtian) forms a stable tectonic wedge developed during initial, slow seafloor spreading and sag basin evolution of the Australian side margin. Lateral variation of basin slope (related to the geometry of the underlying White Pointer delta wedge) is associated with distal raft tectonic structures sustained by high sedimentation rates. Finally, we propose a conceptual low-angle detachment fault model for the evolution of the Australian-Antarctica conjugate margins, in which the Antarctica margin corresponds to the upper plate and the Australian margin to the lower plate.
Many aspects of the evolution and overall architecture of the Australian southern rifted margin are consistent with current models for the development of non-volcanic rifted margins. However, when examined in detail, several key features of the southern margin provide useful points of comparison with the Atlantic and Alpine Tethyan margins from which these models derive. Extensive petroleum industry and government seismic and geophysical data sets have enabled detailed mapping of the basins of the southern margin and an improved understanding of its tectonostratigraphic evolution. Australia's southern rifted continental margin extends for over 4000 km, from the structurally complex margin south of the Naturaliste Plateau in the west, to the transform plate boundary adjacent to the South Tasman Rise in the east. The margin contains a series of Middle Jurassic to Cenozoic basins-the Bight, Otway, Sorell, Gippsland and Bass basins, and smaller depocentres on the South Tasman Rise (STR). These basins, and the architecture of the margin, evolved through repeated episodes of extension and thermal subsidence leading up to, and following, the commencement of sea-floor spreading between Australia and Antarctica. Break-up took place diachronously along the margin, commencing in the west at ~83 Ma and concluding in the east at ~ 34 Ma. In general, break-up was not accompanied by significant magmatism and the margin is classified as 'non-volcanic' (or magma-poor). Initial NW-SE ultra-slow to slow seafloor spreading (latest Santonian-Early Eocene), followed by N-S directed fast spreading (Middle Eocene-present), resulted in: (1) an E-W oriented obliquely- to normally-rifted marginal segment extending from the westernmost Bight Basin to the central Otway Basin; (2) an approximately N-S oriented transform continental margin in the east (western Tasmania-STR), and (3) a transitional zone between those end-members (southern Otway-Sorell basins).
Basin evolution of the Vlaming Sub-basin and the deep-water Mentelle Basin, both located offshore on the southwest Australian continental margin, were investigated using 2D and 3D petroleum system modelling. Compositional kinetics, determined on the main source sequences, were used to predict timing of hydrocarbon generation and migration as well as GOR evolution and phase behaviour in our 2D and 3D basin models. The main phase of petroleum generation in the Vlaming Sub-basin occurred at 150 Ma and ceased during following inversion and erosion episodes. Only areas which observed later burial have generated additional hydrocarbons during the Tertiary and up to present day. The modelling results indicate the likely generation and trapping of light oils for the Jurassic intervals for a variety of structural traps. It is these areas which are of greatest interest from an exploration point of view. The 2D numerical simulations in the Mentelle Basin indicate the presence of active hydrocarbon generating kitchen areas. Burial histories and generalized petroleum evolutionary histories are investigated.
Deep seismic reflection profiles collected offshore during a circum-navigation of Tasmania have provided fundamental information on the crustal architecture of the State. In particular, the profiles show the geometry of the boundaries between the major crustal elements, including the offshore continuation of the Arthur Lineament. These crustal element boundaries have apparent dips to the east or southeast and most of them appear to cut through the entire crust to the Moho. In eastern Tasmania, the seismic lines show an old mid-crustal extensional event followed by crustal shortening and duplexing, which probably occurred during the Cambrian-Ordovician Delamerian Orogeny. Thrusts that developed at this time were later reactivated as extensional faults during continental breakup of Pangea in the Cretaceous. Granites off the west coast have the geometry of flat, thin pancakes. In summary, the offshore seismic reflection program around Tasmania has led to a better understanding of the geometry and relationships between the basement elements of Tasmania and younger basins.