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  • This set is composed of a selection of geoscience booklets, paper models and an image set - Climate Change booklet - Time and Life Booklet - Volcanoes booklet - Earthquakes booklet - Australian Earthquakes image set - Plate Tectonics booklet - Plate tectonics 3D paper model set Suitable for secondary Year levels 7-12

  • Geoscience Australia will publish a new book on Australia's geology for the 34th International Geological Congress (IGC) to be held in Brisbane in 2012. Shaping a continent-building a nation: a geology of Australia will tell the story of Australia's geological evolution through the lens of human impacts - both the challenges and the opportunities presented by the 'lucky country'. The book will not attempt to be a definitive authority on all aspects of Australia's diverse geology, nor will it follow the 'traditional' time-based treatment of the topic. The main aim of the book is to showcase the excellence of Australian Geoscience and how the understanding of the unique geology has shaped the Australian continent and thus impacted the Australian people. The book will be novel in that it will integrate many disciplines of the geosciences in a systems framework to answer 'big questions' relevant to Australians. The book will be a high-quality desirable product written for the broader geoscientific community, with an enduring message relevant to society. The first two chapters will define Australia and Australians, and will set the spatial-temporal and cultural framework for the rest of the book. The following eight chapters will be arranged into themes around geological influences on society, environment and wealth, with time being the unifying dimension. This 500 page full colour book will be a hard backed book at A4-plus size. Full use will be made of the beauty of the visual images of Australia's geology to illustrate our message. The theme of the 34th IGC meeting is 'Unearthing our Past and Future'. This book will make a significant contribution to this theme in presenting Australia's unique geology in a new light.

  • Abstract for submission to 11th IEA GHG International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies. Conference paper to follow pending selection for oral or poster presentation. Abstract covers the GA-ACCA21 China Australia Geological Storage of CO2 (CAGS) Project run through PMD/ED 2009-2012.

  • The comprehensive Landslides Kit contains the following education products; - Landslides student activities booklet of 11 reproducible activities and suggested answers (catalogue item 23853) - Australian Landslide slide set - (item 25330) - Landslide A4 paper 3D model - class set of 30 (item 33165) - Slump A4 paper 3D model - class set of 30 (item 33186) Suitable for primary Years 5-6 and Secondary Years 7-10.

  • Did you know that landslides kill more people in Australia than earthquakes. Using these activities, encourage your students to understand landslide hazards and how to reduce their own risks. This education resource consists of: - 44 page booklet - 11 reproducible activitities - suggested answers Please note: this booklet does not contain teacher notes. Suitable for secondary levels 7-12

  • Between 2009 and 2012, Australia and China successfully completed the first phase of a bilateral project that aimed to build capacity in the area of geological storage of carbon dioxide among Chinese researchers, students, policy makers and professionals from academia, government and industry. This paper details the activities and results of the International CCS CAGS project, Phase I.

  • The Gold Rush Technology slide set is a joint education project with the Sovereign Hill Ballarat Education Service and comprises - 14 page booklet with background information and descriptions of each image. Includes equipment used by Gold Rush miners, from simple alluvial panning to underground mining. Also includes modern gold exploration methods using geology and geophysics. - 15 slides - student question/s for each slide Suitable for primary levels Years 5-6 and secondary levels Years 7-8

  • One page article discussing aspects of Australian stratigraphy; this article discusses new unit definitions, ne regional publications and changes to the membership of the Australian Stratigraphy Commission.

  • The Map Reading Guide is an ideal resource for a wide range of map users and is an excellent and simplistic introduction to topographic maps which are suitable for anyone with an interest in maps. It contains: - an explanation of what is a topographic map - steps on how to read topographic maps, including explanations of map scale and how to use a map scale to calculate distance - the differences between grid north, true north and magnetic north - an explanation of symbols used on topographic map symbols - how hills and mountains are shown on maps using relief shading, hypsometric tinting, and contours - what a datum is and why there are different datum - explanations of the difference between geographic and grid coordinates - how to quote grid references from topographic maps - how to plan a successful trip using topographic maps - using Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers and magnetic compasses with topographic maps - using a topographic map to find your current position and to set a course. This product is the guide/map roamer card combination.

  • This product includes the remote sensing information booklet + student activities + one set of five A4 image cards. Discovering Remote Sensing - an introduction does not contain any overhead projection images. Suitable for secondary Years 8-12.