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  • The Australian Proterozoic Large Igneous Provinces GIS Dataset is designed for display at a nominal 1:5 000 000 scale, showing the time-space distribution of Proterozoic Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs) in Australia. Large Igneous Provinces are relatively rare magmatic events distinguished by exceptionally large volumes of mafic dominated magma emplaced over short geological periods of a few millions years or less. Five major LIPs have been recognised, or proposed, so far in Australia, beginning with the ~1780 Ma Hart LIP, followed by the ~1210 Ma Marnda Moorn LIP, the ~1070 Ma Warakurna LIP, the ~825 Ma Gairdner LIP, and the ~510 Ma Kalkarindji LIP. The early Cambrian Kalkarindji LIP is included in this Proterozoic compilation because of its size and importance. Only the youngest two of these LIPs (Gairdner and Kalkarindji) are established as comagmatic provinces based on both time correlation and geochemical equivalence. The other proposed LIPs (Hart, Marnda Moorn and Warakurna) are based on time equivalence alone. For further information on the five proposed Proterozoic LIPs refer to the guide to using the map of Australian Proterozoic Large Igneous Provinces (Geoscience Australia Record 2009/44). Earlier released extracts include two pdf maps of Australian Proterozoic Large Igneous Provinces and an accompanying Geoscience Australia Record. This release presents the Australian Proterozoic Large Igneous Provinces as a GIS dataset and it should be used in conjunction with the Australian Mafic Ultramafic Magmatic Events GIS Dataset released by Geoscience Australia in 2014 (<a href="">link</a>). This file geodatabase that contains points, lines and polygons representing mafic and ultramafic rocks in Australia which have been placed in a magmatic event framework in time and space, primarily based on geochronological data. Together, these datasets provide comprehensive information on the evolution of mafic-ultramafic magmatism associated with the Australian continent, and will be of interest to explorers in the search of magmatic ore deposits of nickel, platinum-group elements, chromium, titanium, and vanadium.

  • <div>The Northwest Northern Territory Seismic Survey (NW NT Seismic Survey) was acquired as part of the Australian Government's Exploring for the Future (EFTF) program, conducted from 5 August to 20 September 2023. This ambitious project is a collaboration between Geoscience Australia and the Northern Territory Geological Survey, aimed to systematically map the subsurface geology of a significant yet largely unexplored region of Australia. Covering an extensive area that includes the Birrindudu Basin, Kalkarindji Suite, Tanami, and Wolfe Basin, the survey successfully acquired about 846 kilometers of high-resolution seismic data across four seismic transects, specifically designated as 23GA-NT1 (54.5 km and 184.5 km in two separate sections), 23GA-NT2 (112 km), 23GA-NT3 (221.46 km), and 23GA-NT4 (274.2 km).</div><div><br></div><div>This seismic campaign is part of a strategic effort to illuminate the geological framework and evaluate the resource potential within these regions, which are considered highly prospective for minerals, geoenergy, geological storage and groundwater resources. By deploying advanced seismic acquisition technologies to capture detailed images of the Earth's crust, this survey provides foundational data for identifying the region's geological features and resource potential, such as basin geometry and fault systems. The data derived from this survey are expected to play a pivotal role in guiding future exploration activities, attracting investment to the region, and ultimately contributing to the sustainable development of Australia's natural resources.</div><div><br></div><div>The project underscores the commitment of the Australian Government and its partners to enhance the geoscientific understanding of the continent's frontier regions. The findings from the NW NT Seismic Survey will advance our knowledge of Australia's geology and unlock new opportunities for exploration and economic development in the northwest Northern Territory. Through the dissemination of precompetitive geoscience data, the EFTF program continues to foster innovation and collaboration across the exploration sector, ensuring that Australia remains at the forefront of global efforts to secure a sustainable and prosperous future.</div><div><br></div> <b>To access the survey data and related products, please contact and quote eCat#149287. The following products are available, with some accessible via direct download and others available upon request: Products Available for Direct Download: — Processed stack – DMO, Post-stack Time Migration, Prestack Time Migration — Published on 28/06/2024 – Prestack Depth Migration — Published on 30/07/2024 Products Available via Request: — Field data (Raw Shot Gathers, SPS files, Observer Logs, Ancillary Data, etc.) — Published on 13/03/2024 </b>