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  • Record for source data hosted in the National Spectral Database (NSD) Aquatic Library Citation: Phinn, S. Roelfsema, C. Scarth, P., Dekker, A.G., Brando, V.E., Anstee, J.M. and Marks, A., (2005) An integrated remote sensing approach for adaptive management of complex coastal waters. Final Report – Moreton Bay Remote Sensing Tasks (MR2). Phinn, S. and Dekker, A.G (eds), Published by the CRC for Coastal Zone, Estuary and Waterway Management, Indooroopilly, Qld, Australia Publication: Dekker A.G., Phinn S.R., Anstee J.M., Bissett P. Brando V.E., Casey B., Fearns P., Hedley J., Klonowski W., Lee Z.P., Lynch M., Lyons M., Mobley C. and Roelfsema C. (2011) Intercomparison of shallow water bathymetry, hydro-optics and benthos mapping techniques in Australian and Caribbean coastal environments; Limnology & Oceanography Methods. 9:pp 396-425. | For further information and instructions to access the database go to the following URL:

  • The National Spectral Database (NSD) houses data taken by Australian remote sensing scientists. The database includes spectra covering targets as diverse as mineralogy, soils, plants, water bodies and various land surfaces.<br /> Currently the database holds spectral information from multiple locations across the country and as the collection grows in spatial / temporal coverage, the NSD will service continental scale validation requirements of the Earth observation community for satellite-based measurements of surface reflectance. The NSD is accessed with information provided at the NSD Geoscience Australia Content Management Interface (CMI) web page: <b>Value:</b> Curated spectral data provides a wealth of knowledge to remote sensing scientists. For other parties interested in calibration and validation (Cal/Val) of surface reflectance products, the Geoscience Australia (GA) Cal/Val dataset provides a useful resource of ground-truth data to compare to reflectance captured by Landsat 8 and Sentinel 2 satellites. The Aquatic Library is a robust collection of Australian datasets from 1994 to present time, primarily of end-member and substratum measurements. The University of Wollongong collection represents immense value in end-member studies, both terrestrial and aquatic. <b>Scope:</b> The NSD covers Australian data including historical datasets as old as 1994. Physical study sites encompass locations around Australia, with spectra captured in every state. <b>Data types:</b> - Spectral data: raw digital numbers (DN), radiance and reflectance.  - From spectral bands VIS-NIR, SWIR1 & SWIR2: wavelengths 350nm - 2500nm collected with instruments in the field or lab setting. Contact for further information: <b>To view the entire collection click on the keyword "HVC 144490" in the below Keyword listing <b>

  • Record for source data hosted in the National Spectral Database (NSD) Aquatic Library Citation: Rodney Borrego-Acevedo, Chris M. Roelfsema, Stuart R. Phinn & Alistair R. Grinham (2014) Predicting distribution of microphytobenthos abundance on a reef platform by combining in situ underwater spectrometry and pigment analysis, Remote Sensing Letters, 5:5, 461-470, DOI: 10.1080/2150704X.2014.922723 For further information and instructions to access the database go to the following URL:

  • Record for source data hosted in the National Spectral Database (NSD) Aquatic Library For further information and instructions to access the database go to the following URL:

  • Record for source data hosted in the National Spectral Database (NSD) Aquatic Library Citation: Jupp, D., Byrne, G. T., Anstee, J. M. McDonald, E.R., McVicar, T.R. ,Parkin, D; 1996 Port Phillip Bay benthic habitat mapping project task G2.2, CSIRO Division of Water Resources, Consultancy Report 96/43, 47 pp, CSIRO Australia For further information and instructions to access the database go to the following URL:

  • Record for source data hosted in the National Spectral Database (NSD) Aquatic Library Citation: Blackburn, D. T, and Dekker, A. G. (2007). “Remote sensing study of marine and coastal features and interpretation of changes in relation to natural and anthropogenic processes. Final Technical Report”. ACWS Technical Report No.6 prepared for the Adelaide Coastal Waters Study Steering Committee, July 2007 David Blackburn Environmental Pty Ltd and CSIRO Land and Water. For further information and instructions to access the database go to the following URL:

  • Record for source data hosted in the National Spectral Database (NSD) Aquatic Library Citation: Halina T. Kobryn, Kristin Wouters, Lynnath E. Beckley, Thomas Heege and Nicole Pinnel. Benthic habitat, topography and geomorphic classifications of Ningaloo reef with hyperspectral imagery. In: Ningaloo Collaboration Cluster Final Report No.1b. p.9-96, June, 2011. For further information and instructions to access the database go to the following URL:

  • Record for source data hosted in the National Spectral Database (NSD) Aquatic Library Citation: Jupp, D., Byrne, G. T., Anstee, J. M. McDonald, E.R., McVicar, T.R. ,Parkin, D; 1996 Port Phillip Bay benthic habitat mapping project task G2.2, CSIRO Division of Water Resources, Consultancy Report 96/43, 47 pp, CSIRO Australia For further information and instructions to access the database go to the following URL:

  • Record for source data hosted in the National Spectral Database (NSD) Aquatic Library For further information and instructions to access the database go to the following URL:

  • Record for source data hosted in the National Spectral Database (NSD) Aquatic Library For further information and instructions to access the database go to the following URL: