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Map showing the full area of the Kuuku Ya'u Native title claim to the outer edge of the Great Barrier Reef. Developed in June 2007 from previous map Geocat 64789 of June 2006. This map produced for the Australian Government Solicitor, Brisbane. Not for sale or public distribution.
Map showing the full area of the Kuuku Ya'u Native Title claim to the outer edge of the Great Barrier Reef. Territorial Sea Limit is developed as 3 nautical miles from the LAT of the mainland and islands only, LTEs not included in the baseline. Developed in July 2007 from previous map (GeoCat 64789 June 2006) extents of the map are similar to previous map (GeoCat 65265 June 2007). Produced for the use of Attorney Generals Department, Australian Government Solicitor, Brisbane. Not for public distribution or sale.