geological sequestration
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A geomechanical assessment of the Naylor Field, Otway Basin has been undertaken by the Cooperative Research Centre for Greenhouse Gas Technologies (CO2CRC) to investigate the possible geomechanical effects of CO2 injection and storage. The study aims to: - further constrain the geomechanical model (in-situ stresses and rock strength data) developed by van Ruth and Rogers (2006), and; - evaluate the risk of fault reactivation and failure of intact rock. The stress regime in the onshore Victorian Otway Basin is: - strike-slip if maximum horizontal stress is calculated using frictional limits, and; - normal if maximum horizontal stress is calculated using the CRC-1 leak-off test. The NW-SE maximum horizontal stress orientation (142ºN) determined from a resistivity image log of the CRC-1 borehole is broadly consistent with previous estimates and verifies a NW-SE maximum horizontal stress orientation in the Otway Basin. The estimated maximum pore pressure increase (Delta-P) which can be sustained within the target reservoir (Waarre Formation Unit C) without brittle deformation (i.e. the formation of a fracture) was estimated to be 10.9 MPa using maximum horizontal stress determined by frictional limits and 14.5 MPa using maximum horizontal stress determined using CRC-1 extended leak-off test data. The maximum pore pressure increase which can be sustained in the seal (Belfast Mudstone) was estimated to be 6.3 MPa using maximum horizontal stress determined by frictional limits and 9.8 MPa using maximum horizontal stress determined using CRC-1 extended leak-off test data. The propensity for fault reactivation was calculated using the FAST (Fault Analysis Seal Technology) technique, which determines fault reactivation propensity by estimating the increase in pore pressure required to cause reactivation (Mildren et al., 2002). Fault reactivation propensity was calculated using two fault strength scenarios; cohesionless faults (C = 0; ? = 0.60) and healed faults (C = 5.4; ?= 0.78). The orientations of faults with high and low reactivation propensity are similar for healed and cohesionless faults. In addition, two methods of determining maximum horizontal stress were used; frictional limits and the CRC-1 extended leak-off test. Fault reactivation analyses differ as a result in terms of which fault orientations have high or low fault reactivation propensity. Fault reactivation propensity was evaluated for three key faults within the Naylor structure with known orientations. The fault segment with highest fault reactivation propensity in the Naylor Field is on the Naylor South Fault near the crest of the Naylor South sub-structure. Therefore, leakage of hydrocarbons from the greater Naylor structure may have occurred through past reactivation of the Naylor South Fault, thus accounting for the pre-production palaeo-column in the Naylor field. The highest reactivation propensity (for optimally-orientated faults) ranges from an estimated pore pressure increase (Delta-P) of 0.0 MPa to 28.6 MPa depending on assumptions made about maximum horizontal stress magnitude and fault strength. Nonetheless, the absolute values of Delta-P presented in this study are subject to large errors due to uncertainties in the geomechanical model. In particular, the maximum horizontal stress and rock strength are poorly constrained.
Many industries and researchers have been examining ways of substantially reducing greenhouse gas emissions. No single method is likely to be a panacea, however some options do show considerable promise. Geological sequestration is one option that utilises mature technology and has the potential to sequester large volumes of CO2. In Australia geological sequestration has been the subject of research for the last 2? years within the Australian Petroleum Cooperative Research Centre's GEODISC program. A portfolio of potential geological sequestration sites (?sinks?) has been identified across all sedimentary basins in Australia, and these have been compared with nearby known or potential CO2 emission sources. These sources have been identified by incorporating detailed analysis of the national greenhouse gas emission databases with other publicly available data, a process that resulted in recognition of eight regional emission nodes. An earlier generic economic model for geological sequestration in Australia has been updated to accommodate the changes arising from this process of ?source to sink? matching. Preliminary findings have established the relative attractiveness of potential injection sites through a ranking approach. It includes the ability to accommodate the volumes of sequesterable greenhouse gas emissions predicted for the adjacent region, the costs involved in transport, sequestration and ongoing operations, and a variety of technical geological risks. Some nodes with high volumes of emissions and low sequestration costs clearly appear to be suitable, whilst others with technical and economic issues appear to be problematic. This assessment may require further refinement once findings are completed from the GEODISC site-specific research currently underway.
CO2CRC Project 1 - Site Specific Studies for Geological Storage of carbon Dioxide Part 1: Southeast Queensland CO2 Storage Sites - Basin Desk-top, Geological Interpretation and Reservoir Simulation of Regional Model
The presence of abundant bedded sulfate deposits before 3.2 Ga and after 1.8 Ga, the peak in iron formation abundance between 3.2 and 1.8 Ga, and the aqueous geochemistry of sulfur and iron together suggest that the redox state, and the abundances of sulfur and iron in the hydrosphere varied widely during the Archean and Proterozoic. We propose a layered hyddrosphere prior to 3.2 Ga in which sulfate produced by atmospheric photolytic reactions was enriched in an upper layer, whereas the underlying layer was reduced and sulfur-poor. Between 3.2 and 2.4 Ga, biolotical and/or inorganic sulfate reduction reactions removed sulfate from the upper layer, producing broadly uniform, reduced, sulfur-poor and iron-rich oceans. As a result of increasing atmospheric oxygenation around 2.4 Ga, the flux of sulfate into the hydrosphere by oxidative weathering was greatly enhanced, producing layered oceans, with sulfate-rich, iron-poor surface waters and reduced, sulfur-poor and iron-rich bottom waters. This process continued so that by 1.8 Ga, the hydrosphere was generally oxidized, sulfate-rich and iron-poor throughout. Variations in sulfur and iron abundances suggest that the redox state of the oceans was buffered by iron before 2.4 Ga and by sulfur after 1.8 Ga.
In July 2010 Geoscience Australia and CSIRO Marine & Atmospheric Research jointly commissioned a new atmospheric composition monitoring station (' Arcturus') in central Queensland. The facility is designed as a proto-type remotely operated `baseline monitoring station' such as could be deployed in areas that are likely targets for commercial scale carbon capture and geological storage (CCS). It is envisaged that such a station could act as a high quality reference point for later in-fill, site based, atmospheric monitoring associated with geological storage of CO2. The station uses two wavelength scanned cavity ringdown instruments to measure concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), water vapour and the isotopic signature (?13C) of CO2. Meteorological parameters such as wind speed and wind direction are also measured. In combination with CSIRO's TAPM (The Air Pollution Model), data will be used to understand the local variations in CO2 and CH4 and the contributions of natural and anthropogenic sources in the area to this variability. The site is located in a region that supports cropping, grazing, cattle feedlotting, coal mining and gas production activities, which may be associated with fluxes of CO2 and CH4. We present in this paper some of the challenges found during the installation and operation of the station in a remote, sub-tropical environment and how these were resolved. We will also present the first results from the site coupled with preliminary modelling of the relative contribution of large point source anthropogenic emissions and their contribution to the background.
A question and answer style brochure on geological storage of carbon dioxide. Questions addressed include: - What is geological storage? - Why do we need to store carbon dioxide? - How can you store anything in solid rock? - Could the carbon dioxide contaminate the fresh water supply? - Could a hydrocarbon seal leak? - Are there any geological storage projects in Australia?
This paper briefly summaries how intrinsic uncertainties in reservoir characterization, at the proposed Otway Basin Naylor Field carbon-dioxide geo-sequestration site, were risk managed by a process of creation and evaluation of a series of geo-models (term to describe the geo-cellular geological models created by PETREL software) that cover the range of plausible geological possibilities, as well as extreme case scenarios. Optimization methods were employed, to minimize simulation run time, whilst not compromising the essential features of the basic geo-model. For four different Cases, 7 geo-models of the reservoir were created for simulation studies. The reservoir simulation study relies primarily on production history matching and makes use of all available information to help screen and assess the various geo-models. The results suggest that the bulk reservoir permeability is between 0.5 - 1Darcy, the original gas-water-contact was about 2020 mSS and there is a strong aquifer drive.
This geomechanical analysis of the Browse Basin was undertaken as part of the CO2CRC's Browse Basin Geosequestration Analysis. This study aims to constrain the geomechanical model (in situ stresses), and to evaluate the risk of fault reactivation. The stress regime in the Browse Basin is one of strike-slip faulting i.e. maximum horizontal stress (~ 28.3 MPa/km) > vertical stress (22 MPa/km) > minimum horizontal stress (15.7 MPa/km). Pore pressure is near hydrostatic in all wells except for two, which exhibit elevated pore fluid pressures at depths greater than 3500 m. A maximum horizontal stress orientation of 095' was considered to be most appropriate for the Barcoo sub-basin, which was the area of focus in this study. The risk of fault reactivation was calculated using the FAST (Fault Analysis Seal Technology) technique, which determines fault reactivation risk by estimating the increase in pore pressure required to cause reactivation. Fault reactivation risk was calculated using two fault strength scenarios; cohesionless faults (C = 0; ? = 0.6) and healed faults (C = 5; ? = 0.75). The orientations of faults with high and low reactivation risks is almost identical for healed and cohesionless faults. High angle faults striking N-S are unlikely to reactivate in the current stress regime. High angle faults orientated ENE-WSW and ESE-WNW have the highest fault reactivation risk. Due to the fact that the SH gradient was determined using frictional limits, the most unfavourably oriented cohesionless faults cannot sustain any pore pressure increase without reactivating. By contrast, using a cohesive fault model indicates that those same faults would be able to sustain a pore pressure increase (Delta P) of 9.6 MPa. However, it must be emphasized that the absolute values of Delta P presented in this study are subject to large errors due to uncertainties in the geomechanical model, in particular for the maximum horizontal stress. Therefore, the absolute values of Delta-P presented herein should not be used for planning purposes. Fault reactivation risk was evaluated for 10 faults with known orientations. All faults were interpreted as extending from below the Jurassic target reservoir formation to the surface. The dominant fault in the Barcoo sub-basin is the large fault which extends from Trochus 1 to Sheherazade 1 to Arquebus 1. This deeply penetrating, listric fault initially formed as a normal fault and was subsequently reactivated in thrust mode. Most of the faults in the Barcoo sub-basin trend broadly N-S and are therefore relatively stable with respect to increases in pore pressure. However, there are sections within some individual faults where fault orientation becomes close to optimal. In these sections, small increases in pore pressure (<5 MPa) may be sufficient to cause fault reactivation. If this were to occur, then significant risk of CO2 leakage would exist, as these sections cross-cut the regional seal.
The GEODISC Geographic Information System (GIS) Overview and Demonstration With the understanding that "better information leads to better decisions", Geoscience Australia has produced a Geographic Information System (GIS) that showcases the research completed within Projects 1, 2, and 8 of the GEODISC Program (Geological CO2 storage program in the Australian Petroleum Cooperative Research Centre, 1999-2003). The GIS is an interactive archive of Australia-wide regional analysis of CO2 sources and storage potential, incorporating economic modelling (Projects 1 and 8), as well as four site specific studies of the Dongara Gas field, Carnarvon Basin, Petrel Sub-basin and Gippsland Basin (Project 2). One of the major objectives of a collaborative research program such as GEODISC is to share results and knowledge with clients and fellow researchers, as well as to be able to rapidly access and utilise the research in future technical and policy decisions. With this in mind, the GIS is designed as a complete product, with a user-friendly interface developed with mainstream software to maximise accessibility to stakeholders. It combines tabular results, reports, models, maps, and images from various geoscientific disciplines involved in the geological modelling of the GEODISC site specific studies (ie geochemistry, geomechanics, reservoir simulations, stratigraphy, and geophysics) into one media. The GEODISC GIS is not just an automated display system, but a tool used to query, analyse, and map data in support of the decision making process. It allows the user to overlay different themes and facilitates cross-correlation between many spatially-related data sources. There is a vast difference between seeing data in a table of rows and columns and seeing it presented in the form of a map. For example, tabular results such as salinity data, temperature information and pressure tests, have been displayed as point data linked to well locations. These, in turn, have been superimposed on geophysical maps and images, to enable a better understanding of spatial relationships between features of a potential CO2 injection site. The display of such information allows the instant visualisation of complex concepts associated with site characterisation. In addition, the GEODISC GIS provides a tool for users to interrogate data and perform basic modelling functions. Economic modelling results have been incorporated into the regional study so that simple calculations of source to sink matching can be investigated. The user is also able to design unique views to meet individual needs. Digital and hardcopy map products can then be created on demand, centred on any location, at any scale, and showing selected information symbolised effectively to highlight specific characteristics. A demonstration of the GIS product will illustrate all of these capabilities as well as give examples of how site selection for CO2 sources and storage locations might be made.