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  • Paleoproterozoic-earliest Mesoproterozoic sequences in the Mount Isa region of northern Australia preserve a 200 Myr record (1800-1600 Ma) of intracontinental rifting, culminating in crustal thinning, elevated heat flow and establishment of a North American Basin and Range-style crustal architecture in which basin evolution was linked at depth to bimodal magmatism, high temperature-low pressure metamorphism and the formation of extensional shear zones. This geological evolution and record is amenable to investigation through a combination of mine visits and outcrop geology, and is the principal purpose of this field guide. Rifting initiated in crystalline basement -1840 Ma old and produced three stacked sedimentary basins (1800-1750 Ma Leichhardt, 1730-1670 Ma Calvert and 1670-1575 Ma Isa superbasins) separated by major unconformities and in which depositional conditions progressively changed from fluviatile-lacustrine to fully marine. By 1685 Ma, a deep marine, turbidite-dominated basin existed in the east and basaltic magmas had evolved in composition from continental to oceanic tholeiites as the crust became increasingly thinned and attenuated. Except for an episode of minor deformation and basin inversion at c. 1640 Ma, sedimentation continued across the region until onset of the Isan Orogeny at 1600 Ma.

  • The Australian earth sciences have been recognized as part of Australia's key scientific capability to understand the structure and evolution of the Australian continent. Over the last five years, Geoscience Australia, through its Onshore Energy Security Program (OESP), in conjunction with the State and Territory Geological Surveys, the Predictive Mineral Discovery Cooperative Research Centre (pmd*CRC), the AuScope Earth Imaging (under Australian Government's National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy) and the Australian National Seismic Imaging Resource has acquired over 6,500 line kilometres of new world-class seismic reflection data and over 3,700 kilometres of magnetotelluric (MT) data from more than 640 stations. Geoscience Australia acquires high quality deep seismic reflection data in most of Australia's economically significant geological regions, by collecting at least one deep seismic reflection traverse across the key structures. The acquisition parameters for regional vibroseis surveys have been selected from broad experience in hard rock environments and experimental programs prior to seismic acquisition. Three IVI HEMI-50 or 60 peak force vibrators are used with three 12 s varisweeps with 80 m between vibration points, 40 m group interval, and 20 s listening time to image down to approximately 60 km in depth. Geoscience Australia continues to provide expertise in deep crustal seismic reflection processing and mineral province interpretation to collaborative research programmes which focus on understanding the 3D crustal architecture and mineral systems within `hard-rock' mineral provinces. As part of this program , broadband and long period MT data have been acquired along 12 deep seismic reflection transects across potential mineral provinces and frontier sedimentary basins.

  • The northern Perth Basin is an under-explored part of the southwest continental margin of Australia. Parts of this basin have proven hydrocarbon potential. The basin is extensively covered by mostly 2D seismic reflection data and marine gravity and magnetic data. The seismic data helps to resolve the structural framework of the basin, but in deepwater regions, the basement-cover contact and deeper basement structure are generally not well imaged. To help overcome this limitation, integrated 3D gravity modelling was used to investigate crustal structure in onshore and offshore parts of the basin. Such modelling also relies on knowledge of crustal thickness variations, but these variations too are poorly constrained in this area. Multiple models were constructed in which the seismic data were used to fix the geometry of sedimentary layers and the fit to observed gravity was examined for various different scenarios of Moho geometry. These scenarios included: 1) a Moho defined by Airy isostatic balance, 2) a Moho based on independently-published Australia-wide gravity inversion, and 3) attempts to remove the Moho gravity effect by subtracting a long-wavelength regional trend defined by GRACE/GOCE satellite data. The modelling results suggest that the best fit to observed gravity is achieved for a model in which the thickness of the crystalline crust remains roughly constant (i.e. deeper Moho under sediment depocentres) for all but the outermost parts of the basin. This finding has implications for understanding the evolution of the Perth Basin, but remains susceptible to uncertainties in sediment thickness.

  • Preserved within the Glenelg River Complex of SE Australia is a sequence of metamorphosed late Neoproterozoic-early Cambrian deep marine sediments intruded by mafic rocks ranging in composition from continental tholeiites to mid-ocean ridge basalts. This sequence originated during breakup of the Rodinia supercontinent and is locally host to lenses of variably sheared and serpentinised mantle-derived peridotite (Hummocks Serpentinite) representing the deepest exposed structural levels within the metamorphic complex. Direct tectonic emplacement of these rocks from mantle depths is considered unlikely and the ultramafites are interpreted here as fragments of sub-continental lithosphere originally exhumed at the seafloor during continental breakup through processes analogous to those that produced the hyper-extended continental margins of the North Atlantic. Subsequent to burial beneath marine sediments, the exhumed ultramafic rocks and their newly acquired sedimentary cover were deformed and tectonically dismembered during arc-continent collision accompanying the early Paleozoic Delamerian Orogeny, and transported to higher structural levels in the hangingwalls of west-directed thrust faults. Thrust-hosted metasedimentary rocks yield detrital zircon populations that constrain the age of mantle exhumation and attendant continental breakup to be no later than late Neoproterozoic-earliest Cambrian. A second extensional event commencing ca. 490 Ma overprints the Delamerian-age structures; it was accompanied by granite magmatism and low pressure-high temperature metamorphism but outside the zone of magmatic intrusion failed to erase the original, albeit modified, rift geometry. This geometry originally extended southward into formerly contiguous parts of the Ross Orogen in Antarctica where mafic-ultramafic rocks are similarly hosted by a deformed continental margin sequence.

  • The Antarctic Ice Sheet plays a fundamental role in influencing global climate, ocean circulation patterns and sea levels. Currently, significant research effort is being directed at understanding ice sheet dynamics, ice mass balance, ice sheet changes and the potential impact on, and magnitude of, global climate change. An important boundary condition parameter, critical for accurate modelling of ice sheet dynamics, is geothermal heat flux, the product of natural radiogenic heat generated within the earth and conducted to the earths surface. The total geothermal heat flux consists of a mantle heat component and a crustal component. Ice sheet modelling generally assume an 'average' crustal heat production value with the main variable in geothermal heat flux due to variation of the mantle contribution as a function of crustal thickness. The mantle contribution is typically estimated by global scale seismic tomography studies or other remote methods. While the mantle contribution to the geothermal heat flux is a necessary component, studies of ice sheet dynamics do not generally consider local heterogeneity of heat production within the crust, which can vary significantly from global averages. Heterogeneity of crustal heat production can contribute to significant local variation of geothermal heat flux and may provide crucial information necessary for understanding local ice sheet behaviour and modelling.

  • <div>The architecture of the lithosphere controls the distribution of thermal, compositional and rheological interfaces. It therefore plays a fundamental role in modulating key ore-forming processes including the generation, transport, fractionation, and contamination of melts.&nbsp;Recognition of its importance has led to renewed efforts in recent years to incorporate constraints on lithospheric structure into the targeting of prospective regions for mineral exploration. One example is a suggested relationship between the genesis of porphyry copper deposits – known to be associated with evolved, silica-rich magmas – and the thickness of the crust.&nbsp;Here, using a new compilation of spot measurements, we explore the utility of crustal thickness as an exploration tool for porphyry copper deposits.</div> This Abstract was submitted & presented at the 2022 American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting 12-16 December (

  • To improve understanding of basins and basement structures, and of the energy, mineral and groundwater resource potential of northern Australia, deep crustal seismic surveys were conducted, totalling 2787 line-km, between June 2017 and November 2019 as a part of Exploring for the Future program. Reflection seismic profiles provide the highest fidelity imaging of crustal-scale subsurface architecture and therefore have become the industry standard for energy exploration, and their use in mineral and groundwater applications is growing. Here, we document the acquisition of composite deep reflection seismic profiles (20 sec, ~60 km depth). The focus is on imaging new terranes, and resolving frontier basin and crustal architecture. Seismic data were acquired stretching from the Beetaloo Sub-basin to the Mt Isa western succession in the Northern Territory and Queensland, as well as in the Kidson Sub-basin in Western Australia. Raw data for these surveys are available on request from, and processed data are publicly available from the Geoscience Australia website at <b>Citation:</b> Fomin, T., Holzschuh, J., Costelloe, R.D., and Henson, P., 2020. Deep northern Australian 2D seismic reflections surveys. In: Czarnota, K., Roach, I., Abbott, S., Haynes, M., Kositcin, N., Ray, A. and Slatter, E. (eds.) Exploring for the Future: Extended Abstracts, Geoscience Australia, Canberra, 1–4.

  • Continental rifting and the separation of Australia from Antarctica commenced in the Middle-Late Jurassic and progressed from west to east through successive stages of crustal extension, basement-involved syn-rift faulting and thermal subsidence until the Cenozoic. Early syn-rift faults in the Bight Basin developed during NW-SE directed extension and strike mainly NE and E-W, parallel to reactivated basement structures of Paleoproterozoic or younger age in the adjacent Gawler craton. This extension was linked to reactivation of NW-striking basement faults that predetermined not only the point of breakup along the cratonic margin but the position and trend of a major intracontinental strike-slip shear zone along which much of the early displacement between Australia and Antarctica was accommodated. Following a switch to NNE-SSW extension in the Early Cretaceous, the locus of rifting shifted eastwards into the Otway Basin where basin evolution was increasingly influenced by transtensional displacements across reactivated north-south-striking terrane boundaries of Paleozoic age in the Delamerian-Ross and Lachlan Orogens. This transtensional regime persisted until 55 Ma when there was a change to north-south rifting with concomitant development of an ocean-continent transform boundary off western Tasmania and the South Tasman Rise. This boundary follows the trace of an older Paleozoic structure optimally oriented for reactivation as a strike-slip fault during the later stages of continental breakup and is one of two major basement structures for which Antarctic equivalents are readily identified. Some ocean floor fracture zones lie directly along strike from these reactivated basement structures, pointing to a link between basement reactivation and formation of the ocean floor fabrics. Together with the two basement structures, these fabrics serve as an important first order control on palaeogeographic reconstructions of the Australian and Antarctic conjugate margins.

  • In 2008, as part of the Australian Government's Onshore Energy Security Program, Geoscience Australia, acquired deep seismic reflection, wide-angle refraction, magnetotelluric (MT) and gravity data along a 250 km east-west transect that crosses several tectonic domain boundaries in the Gawler Craton and also the western boundary of the South Australian Heat Flow Anomaly (SAHFA). Geophysical datasets provide information on the crustal architecture and evolution of this part of the Archean-Proterozoic Gawler Craton. The wide-angle refraction and MT surveys were designed to supplement deep seismic reflection data, with velocity information for the upper crust, and electrical conductivity distribution from surface to the upper mantle. The seismic image of the crust from reflection data shows variable reflectivity along the line. The upper 2 s of data imaged nonreflective crust; the middle to lower part of the crust is more reflective, with strong, east-dipping reflections in the central part of the section.The 2D velocity model derived from wide-angle data shows velocity variations in the upper crust and can be constrained down to a depth of 12 km. The model consists of three layers overlying basement. The mid-crustal basement interpreted from the reflection data, at 6 km in depth in the western part of the transect and shallowing to 1 km depth in the east, is consistent with the velocity model derived from wide-angle and gravity data. MT modelling shows a relatively resistive deep crust across most of the transect, with more conductive crust at the western end, and near the centre. The enhanced conductivity in the central part of the profile is associated with a zone of high reflectivity in the seismic image. Joined interpretation of seismic data supplemented by MT, gravity and geological data improve geological understanding of this region.

  • Various aspects of isostasy concept are intimately linked to estimation of the elastic thickness of lithosphere, amplitude of mantle-driven vertical surface motions, basin uplift and subsidence. Common assumptions about isostasy are not always justified by existing data. For example, refraction seismic data provide essential constraints to estimation of isostasy, but are rarely analysed in that respect. Average seismic velocity, which is an integral characteristic of the crust to any given depth, can be calculated from initial refraction velocity models of the crust. Geoscience Australia has 566 full crust models derived from the interpretation of such data in its database as of January 2012. Average velocity through velocity/density regression translates into average density of the crust, and then into crustal column weight to any given depth. If average velocity isolines become horizontal at some depth, this may be an indication of balanced mass distribution (i.e., isostasy) in the crust to that depth. For example, average velocity distribution calculated for a very deep Petrel sedimentary basin on the Australian NW Margin shows no sign of velocity isolines flattening with depth all the way down to at least 15 km below the deepest Moho. Similar estimates for the Mount Isa region lead to opposite conclusions with balancing of average seismic velocities achieved above the Moho. Here, we investigate average seismic velocity distribution for the whole Australian continent and its margins, uncertainties of its translation into estimates of isostasy, and the possible explanations for misbalances in isostatic equilibrium of the Australian crust.