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  • Demands are being made of the marine environment that threaten to erode the natural, social and economic benefits that human society derives from the oceans. Expanding populations ensure a continuing increase in the variety and complexity of marine based activities - fishing, power generation, tourism, mineral extraction, shipping etc. The two most commonly acknowledged purposes for habitat mapping in the case studies contained in this book are to support government spatial marine planning, management and decision-making and to support and underpin the design of marine protected areas (MPAs; see Ch. 64).

  • This chapter presents a broad synthesis and overview based on the 57 case studies included in Part 2 of this book, and on questionnaires completed by the authors. The case studies covered areas of seafloor ranging from 0.15 to over 1,000,000 km2 (average of 26,600 km2) and a broad range of geomorphic feature types. The mean depths of the study areas ranged from 8 to 2,375 m, with about half of the studies on the shelf (depth <120 m) and half on the slope and at greater depths. Mapping resolution ranged from 0.1 to 170 m (mean of 13 m). There is a relatively equal distribution of studies among the four naturalness categories: near-pristine (n=17), largely unmodified (n = 16), modified (n=13) and extensively modified (n=10). In terms of threats to habitats, most authors identified fishing (n=46) as the most significant threat, followed by pollution (n=12), oil and gas development (n=7) and aggregate mining (n=7). Anthropogenic climate change was viewed as an immediate threat to benthic habitats by only three authors (n=3). Water depth was found to be the most useful surrogate for benthic communities in the most studies (n=17), followed by substrate/sediment type (n=14), acoustic backscatter (n=12), wave-current exposure (n=10), grain size (n=10), seabed rugosity (n=9) and BPI/TPI (n=8). Water properties (temperature, salinity) and seabed slope are less useful surrogates. A range of analytical methods were used to identify surrogates, with ARC GIS being by far the most popular method (23 out of 44 studies that specified a methodology).

  • Dense coral-sponge communities on the upper continental slope at 570 - 950 m off George V Land have been identified as a Vulnerable Marine Ecosystem in the Antarctic. The challenge is now to understand their likely distribution. Based on results from the Collaborative East Antarctic Marine Census survey of 2007/2008, we propose some hypotheses to explain their distribution. Icebergs scour to 500 m in this region and the lack of such disturbance is probably a factor allowing growth of rich benthic ecosystems. In addition, the richest communities are found in the heads of canyons. Two possible oceanographic mechanisms may link abundant filter feeder communities and canyon heads. The canyons in which they occur receive descending plumes of Antarctic Bottom Water formed on the George V shelf and these water masses could entrain abundant food for the benthos. Another possibility is that the canyons harbouring rich benthos are those that cut the shelf break. Such canyons are known sites of high productivity in other areas because of a number of oceanographic factors, including strong current flow and increased mixing with shelf waters, and the abrupt, complex topography. These hypotheses provide a framework for the identification of areas where there is a higher likelihood of encountering these Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems.

  • Understanding and predicting the bio-physical relationships between seabed habitats, biological assemblages, and marine biodiversity is critical to managing marine systems. Species distributions and assemblage structure of infauna were examined on the oceanic shelf surrounding Lord Howe Island (LHI) relative to seabed complexity within and adjacent to a newly discovered relict coral reef. High resolution multibeam sonar was used to map the shelf, and identified an extensive relict reef in the middle of the shelf, which separated an inner drowned lagoon from the outer shelf. Shelf sediments and infauna were sampled using a Smith McIntyre grab. The three geomorphic zones (drowned lagoon, relict reef and outer shelf) were strong predictors or surrogates of the physical structure and sediment composition of the LHI shelf and its infaunal assemblage. Infaunal assemblages were highly diverse with many new and endemic species recorded. Each zone supported characteristic assemblages and feeding guilds, with higher abundance and diversity offshore.

  • Crinoids, and especially comatulids as Anthometra adriani, are well represented among the macrofauna from the continental shelf offshore from Terre Adélie and George V Land, East Antarctica. These animals are suspension feeders that depend on the local current regime to feed. Nearly 500 specimens from this species were sampled during the Collaborative East Antarctic Marine Census (CEAMARC) expedition onboard the RV Aurora Australis (December 2007 to January 2008), from 46 of the 87 stations over a 400 km² area. Abiotic environmental factors (such as depth, temperature, salinity, oxygen) were measured at each site. The ecological niche of Anthometra adriani was described using Ecological Niche Factor Analysis (ENFA) and Mahalanobis Distances Factor Analysis (MADIFA). An Environmental Suitability Map (ESM) was developed for this species on the CEAMARC study area. The results show that A. adriani seems to prefer relatively cold and well-oxygenated waters in moderately deep areas. The ESM shows four optimal regions for this species: the eastern side of the George V Basin, the western part of the Mertz Bank, the southern side of the Adélie Bank, and the coastal area between the Astrolabe and Mertz Glaciers.

  • The overarching theme of this book (and for the GeoHab organisation in general) is that mapping seafloor geomorphic features is useful for understanding benthic habitats. Many of the case studies in this volume demonstrate that geomorphic feature type is a powerful surrogate for associated benthic communities. Here we provide a brief overview of the major geomorphic features that are described in the detailed case studies (which follow in Part II of this book). Starting from the coast we will consider sandy temperate coasts, rocky temperate coasts, estuaries and fjords, barrier islands and glaciated coasts. Moving offshore onto the continental shelf we will consider sandbanks, sandwaves, rocky ridges, shallow banks, coral reefs, shelf valleys and other shelf habitats. Finally, on the continental slope and deep ocean environments we will review the general geomorphology and associated habitats of escarpments, submarine canyons, seamounts, plateaus and deep sea vent communities.

  • A range of physical descriptors of the seabed can potentially be used as surrogates for defining patterns of benthic marine biodiversity, including bathymetry, geomorphology and sediment type. These variables can be mapped, described and sampled across spatial scales that are of value to the management of the marine estate by providing a template for monitoring benthic ecosystems. As part of a four-year program (2007-2010) funded by the Australian Government, Geoscience Australia led marine surveys designed to collect robust datasets for the analysis of surrogacy relationships between a suite of physical variables and benthic biota in select areas of the Australian continental shelf. This paper focuses on results of the 2008 Carnarvon shelf survey, located within a Commonwealth Marine Park and adjacent to the World Heritage-listed Ningaloo Reef (Western Australia). High resolution multibeam sonar mapping, underwater video and benthic sampling revealed a complex geomorphology of ridges, mounds and sandy bedforms. The largest ridge extends 15 km alongshore is 20 m high and interpreted as a drowned forereef. Smaller ridges are ~1 km long, oriented northeast and preserve the form of aeolian dunes. Mounds are up to 5 m high and form extensive fields surrounded by flat sandy seabed. These ridges and mounds provide hardground habitat for diverse coral and sponge communities, whereas the surrounding sandy seafloor is characterised by few sessile benthic organisms. Multivariate analysis of these relationships is used to develop predictive models of benthic habitats, demonstrating the utility of high resolution physical data for informing management of these ecosystems.

  • Dense coral-sponge communities on the upper continental slope off George V Land have been identified as a Vulnerable Marine Ecosystem in the Antarctic. The challenge is now to understand their likely distribution. The CEAMARC survey found these communities at sites on the upper slope in depths of 570 - 950m. Based on these results we propose some working hypotheses defining the physical settings suitable for such assemblages. Icebergs scour to 500m in this region and the lack of such disturbance is probably a factor allowing growth of rich benthic ecosystems. In addition, the richest communities are found in the heads of canyons. We suggest two possible oceanographic mechanisms linking abundant filter feeder communities and canyon heads. The canyons in which they occur receive descending plumes of Antarctic Bottom Water formed on the George V shelf and these water masses could entrain abundant food for the benthos. Maps of water properties measured during the Collaborative East Antarctic Marine Census (CEAMARC) survey provide some support for this idea. Another possibility is that the canyons harbouring rich benthos are those that cut the shelf break. Such canyons are known sites of high productivity in other areas because of a number of oceanographic factors, including strong current flow and increased mixing, and the abrupt, complex topography. These hypotheses provide a framework for the identification of areas where there is a higher likelihood of encountering these Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems.

  • Physical and biological characteristics of benthic communities are analysed from underwater video footage collected across the George V Shelf during the 2007/2008 CEAMARC voyage. Benthic habitats are strongly structured by physical processes operating over a range of temporal and spatial scales. Iceberg scouring recurs over timescales of years to centuries along shallower parts of the shelf, creating communities in various stages of maturity and recolonisation. Upwelling of modified circumpolar deep water (MCDW) onto the outer shelf, and cross-shelf flow of high salinity shelf water (HSSW) create spatial contrasts in nutrient and sediment supply, which are largely reflected in the distribution of deposit and filter feeding communities. Long term cycles in the advance and retreat of icesheets (over millennial scales) and subsequent focussing of sediments in troughs such as the Mertz Drift create patches of consolidated and soft sediments, which also provide distinct habitats for colonisation by different biota. These physical processes of iceberg scouring, current regimes and depositional environments, in addition to water depth, are shown to be important factors in the structure of benthic communities across the George V Shelf. The modern shelf communities mapped in this study largely represent colonisation over the past 8-12ka, following retreat of the icesheet and glaciers at the end of the last glaciation (Harris et al., 2001; Ingólfsson et al., 1998). Recolonisation on this shelf may have occurred from two sources: deep-sea environments, and possible shelf refugia on the Mertz and Adélie Banks. However, any open shelf area would have been subject to intense iceberg scouring (Beaman and Harris, 2003). Understanding the timescales over which shelf communities have evolved and the physical factors which shape them, will allow better prediction of the distribution of Antarctic shelf communities and their vulnerability to change. This knowledge can aid better management regimes for the Antarctic margin.

  • In ecology, a common form of statistical analysis relates a biological variable to variables that delineate the physical environment, typically by fitting a regression model or one of its extensions. Unfortunately, the biological data and the physical data are frequently obtained from eparate sources of data. In such cases there is no guarantee that the biological and physical data are co-located and the regression model cannot be used. A common and pragmatic solution is to predict the physical variables at the locations of the biological variables and then to use the predictions as if they were observations.We show that this procedure can cause potentially misleading inferences and we use generalized linear models as an example. We propose a Berkson error model which overcomes the limitations. The differences between using predicted covariates and the Berkson error model are illustrated by using data from the marine environment, and a simulation study based on these data.