Project A1-Abstracts and pubs
Type of resources
Publication year
Mapping fluid pathways using seismic methods. Final report for A1 Project, 6pp.
Geochemistry of Early Palaeozoic basalts in the Hodgkinson Province: a key to tectono-magmatic evolution of the Tasman Fold Belt System in northeastern Queensland, Australia. International Journal of Earth Sciences (submitted)
Habitat of Yilgarn gold from fault and worm analysis. In Barnicoat, A.C., Korsch, R.J. (editors), Predictive Mineral Discovery Cooperative Research Centre Extended Abstracts from the June 2004 Conference, Geoscience Australia, Record 2004/09, p. 147-150.
Gold deposits of the Bardoc tectonic zone; a distinct style of orogenic gold in the Archaean Eastern Goldfields Province, Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 54, 783-800.
Resolving the nature and geometry of major fault systems from geophysical and structural analysis; the Palmerville Fault in NE Queensland, Australia. Journal of Structural Geology, 28(11), 2097-2108.
Timing, nature and characteristics of gold deposits in the Broken River Province, NE QLD, Australia. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences.
Characteristics of orogenic-gold deposits in the Northcote District, Hodgkinson Province, north Queensland; implications for tectonic evolution. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences. 53(3), 469-484.
Fluid reservoirs in the crust and mechanical coupling between the upper and lower crust. Earth Planets Space 56: 1151-1161.
The effects of three dimensional shear zone morphology on the nature of reflections in two dimensional crustal seismic sections. Geophysical Journal International (submitted).
The Proterozoic Mt Isa Fault Zone, northeastern Australia - is it really a ca. 1.9 Ga terrane-bounding suture? Earth and Planetary Sciences Letters 225: 279-294.