PMD*CRC Publication
Type of resources
Publication year
Gravity and magnetic modelling for 3D applications
Whole-rock geochemistry, Ethel deposit, Northcote goldfield (I. Vos).
A1 Quarterly report (31/12/02)
A PDF of a summary of CRCLEME report P241A describing geochemical variation in the regolith
The I7 3D Model - 3D Lithologies and time space correlations P2
Thomson-Lachlan Boundary Deep Seismic Reflection Survey D.Glen, R. Mantaring, R. Costelloe and R. Korsch
Caution: Using the pervasive foliation as a means of structural correlation in the Eastern Goldfields Superterrane
A deeper view of the Eastern Yilgarn Craton R. Blewett, B. Goleby, G. Heinson, P. A. Henson, D.C. Champion, I. Roy and B.L.N. Kennett
Testing predictive exploration models for the Yilgarn by computer simulation
pmd*CRC Fact Sheet: Current Collaborative Research Projects