Australia’s Future Energy Resources
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The Source Rock and Fluids Atlas delivery and publication services provide up-to-date information on petroleum (organic) geochemical and geological data from Geoscience Australia's Organic Geochemistry Database (ORGCHEM). The sample data provides the spatial distribution of petroleum source rocks and their derived fluids (natural gas and crude oil) from boreholes and field sites in onshore and offshore Australian basins. The services provide characterisation of source rocks through the visualisation of Pyrolysis, Organic Petrology (Maceral Groups, Maceral Reflectance) and Organoclast Maturity data. The services also provide molecular and isotopic characterisation of source rocks and petroleum through the visualisation of Bulk, Whole Oil GC, Gas, Compound-Specific Isotopic Analyses (CSIA) and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GCMS) data tables. Interpretation of these data enables the characterisation of petroleum source rocks and identification of their derived petroleum fluids that comprise two key elements of petroleum systems analysis. The composition of petroleum determines whether or not it can be an economic commodity and if other processes (e.g. CO2 removal and sequestration; cryogenic liquefaction of LNG) are required for development.
This report represents the first output from a study designed to understand and identify residual oil zones in Australia, with the aim of developing this potential resource using CO2 –EOR techniques. This work is part of the Residual Oil Zone (ROZ) module in the Exploring For The Future (EFTF) programme, which runs from 2020-2024. The work presented here is a collaborative study between Geoscience Australia and CSIRO. ROZ potentially represent a new and viable oil resource for Australia, while at the same time providing an additional CO2 storage avenue through application of CO2 enhanced oil recovery (CO2-EOR). These water-saturated reservoirs, which contain a moderate amount of residual oil and resemble water-flooded conventional oil fields, can be associated with conventional fields (brownfields) or occur with no associated main pay zone (greenfields). Both types of ROZ are currently produced commercially through CO2-EOR in the Permian Basin, USA, and are of growing interest internationally, but our understanding of ROZ in the Australian context is lacking. The first section of this report identifies and discusses the key parameters and factors that influence the efficiency with which ROZ can be produced. These include fluid-rock and fluid-fluid interactions, which may affect injectivity and sweep of hydrocarbons. We also discuss the effects of reservoir heterogeneity as it relates to flow dynamics and also the effects of pore space configuration. The first section concludes with a discussion of CO2 storage associated with ROZ development. In the second section, we discuss two different injection strategies with which to develop ROZ; carbonated brine injection and water alternating gas injection. The final section outlines details of the workflow that will be applied in the EFTF ROZ module over the coming years. Our proposed workflow is a three pronged approach which involves core flooding experiments, pore scale modelling and petrophysical analysis to identify potential ROZ in key Australian basins. In addition to plain CO2 injection, two other promising EOR techniques namely CO2-WAG and carbonated brine injection are also considered in this workflow. The main objectives of this workflow are to: • assess and identifying estimated oil recovery potential from a target ROZ by either of three EOR injection strategies, • identify the best injection strategy for a ROZ • identify the CO2 storage and utilization potential
<div>The Carpentaria Basin is a Mesozoic basin located in the northernmost part of Australia and is centered around the Gulf of Carpentaria . It forms part of the Great Australian Superbasin that includes the Eromanga, Surat, Nambour and Clarence-Morton basins to the south, the Laura Basin, to the east, and the Papuan Basin to the north. In a west-east direction it extends for about 1250 km from the area of Katherine in the Northern Territory to the Great Dividing Range in Queensland. A small portion of the basin reaches the east coast of Queensland in the Olive River region. In a north-south direction it extends for over 1000 km from Cape York to Cloncurry, in Queensland. The basin has a total area of over 750,000 km2, comparable in size to the state of New South Wales. From a geographic standpoint the sediments of the Carpentaria Basin occur in three areas: offshore below the Gulf of Carpentaria, onshore to the west in the Northern Territory, and onshore to the east in Queensland. This report focuses on the geology and energy resource potential of the onshore areas of the basin but, to provide a broader understanding of the basin evolution there is, of necessity, some discussion of the geology offshore.</div><div><br></div>
A large proportion of Australia’s onshore sedimentary basins remain exploration frontiers. Industry interest in these basins has recently increased due to the global and domestic energy demand, and the growth in unconventional hydrocarbon exploration. In 2016 and 2018, Geoscience Australia released an assessment of several central Australian basins that summarised the current status of geoscientific knowledge and petroleum exploration, and the key questions, for each basin. This publication provides a comprehensive assessment of the geology, petroleum systems, exploration status and data coverage for the Adavale Basin.
<div>The fluid inclusion stratigraphy database table contains publicly available results from Geoscience Australia's organic geochemistry (ORGCHEM) schema and supporting oracle databases for Fluid Inclusion Stratigraphy (FIS) analyses performed by FIT, a Schlumberger Company (and predecessors), on fluid inclusions in rock samples taken from boreholes. Data includes the borehole location, sample depth, stratigraphy, analytical methods and other relevant metadata, as well as the mass spectrometry results presented as atomic mass units (amu) from 2 to 180 in parts per million (ppm) micro electronvolts (μeV).</div><div> Fluid inclusions (FI) are microscopic samples of fluids trapped within minerals in the rock matrix and cementation phases. Hence, these FIS data record the bulk volatile chemistry of the fluid inclusions (i.e., water, gas, and/or oil) present in the rock sample and determine the relative abundance of the trapped compounds (e.g., in amu order, hydrogen, helium, methane, ethane, carbon dioxide, higher molecular weight aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons, and heterocyclic compounds containing nitrogen, oxygen or sulfur). The FI composition can be used to identify the presence of organic- (i.e., biogenic or thermogenic) and inorganic-sourced gases. These data provide information about fluid preservation, migration pathways and are used to evaluate the potential for hydrocarbon (i.e. dry gas, wet gas, oil) and non-hydrocarbon (e.g., hydrogen, helium) resources in a basin. These data are collated from Geoscience Australia records, destructive analysis reports (DARs) and well completion reports (WCRs), with the results being delivered in the Fluid Inclusion Stratigraphy (FIS) web services on the Geoscience Australia Data Discovery Portal at which will be periodically updated.</div>
<div>The soil gas database table contains publicly available results from Geoscience Australia's organic geochemistry (ORGCHEM) schema and supporting oracle databases for gas analyses undertaken by Geoscience Australia's laboratory on soil samples taken from shallow (down to 1 m below the surface) percussion holes. Data includes the percussion hole field site location, sample depth, analytical methods and other relevant metadata, as well as the molecular and isotopic compositions of the soil gas with air included in the reported results. Acquisition of the molecular compounds are by gas chromatography (GC) and the isotopic ratios by gas chromatography-combustion-isotope ratio mass spectrometry (GC-C-IRMS). The concentrations of argon (Ar), carbon dioxide (CO₂), nitrogen (N₂) and oxygen (O₂) are given in mole percent (mol%). The concentrations of carbon monoxide (CO), helium (He), hydrogen (H₂) and methane (C₁, CH₄) are given in parts per million (ppm). Compound concentrations that are below detection limit (BDL) are reported as the value -99999. The stable carbon (<sup>13</sup>C/<sup>12</sup>C) and nitrogen (<sup>15</sup>N/<sup>14</sup>N) isotopic ratios are presented in parts per mil (‰) and in delta notation as δ<sup>13</sup>C and δ<sup>15</sup>N, respectively.</div><div><br></div><div>Determining the individual sources and migration pathways of the components of natural gases found in the near surface are useful in basin analysis with derived information being used to support exploration for energy resources (petroleum and hydrogen) and helium in Australian provinces. These data are collated from Geoscience Australia records with the results being delivered in the Soil Gas web services on the Geoscience Australia Data Discovery portal at which will be periodically updated.</div>
<div>The Petroleum Systems Summary database stores the compilation of the current understanding of petroleum systems information by basin across Australia. The Petroleum Systems Summary database and delivery tool provide high-level information of the current understanding of key petroleum systems for areas of interest. For example, geological studies in the Exploring for the Future (EFTF) program have included the Canning, McArthur and South Nicholson basins (Carr et al., 2016; Hashimoto et al., 2018). The database and tool aim to assist geological studies by summarising and interpreting key datasets related to conventional and unconventional hydrocarbon exploration. Each petroleum systems summary includes a synopsis of the basin and key figures detailing the basin outline, major structural components, data availability, petroleum systems events chart and stratigraphy, and a précis of the key elements of source, reservoir and seal. Standardisation of petroleum systems nomenclature establishes a framework for each basin after Bradshaw (1993) and Bradshaw et al. (1994), with the source-reservoir naming conventions adopted from Magoon and Dow (1994). </div><div><br></div><div>The resource is accessible via the Geoscience Australia Portal ( via the Petroleum Systems Summary Tool (Edwards et al., 2020).</div>
<div>This data package provides petrophysical interpretations by Geoscience Australian and the South Australia Department for Energy and Mining (SADEM) for 23 wells generated in support of the energy resource assessments under the Australia’s Future Energy Resources (AFER) project in the Pedirka and western Eromanga basins. Interpreted petrophysical data in this data package include [BB1] [MB2] volume of clay/shale, porosity (total and effective), relative permeability, formation water salinity (NaCl equivalent), and apparent resistivity of water.</div><div> </div><div>The AFER project is part of Geoscience Australia’s Exploring for the Future (EFTF) Program—an eight year, $225 million Australian Government funded geoscience data and precompetitive information acquisition program to inform decision-making by government, community and industry on the sustainable development of Australia's mineral, energy and groundwater resources. By gathering, analysing and interpreting new and existing precompetitive geoscience data and knowledge, Geoscience Australia is building a national picture of Australia’s geology and resource potential. This will help support a strong economy, resilient society and sustainable environment for the benefit of all Australians. The EFTF program is supporting Australia’s transition to a low emissions economy, industry and agriculture sectors, as well as economic opportunities and social benefits for Australia’s regional and remote communities. Further details are available at new data package consists of composite logs and supporting data which includes interpreted volume of clay/ shale, porosity, permeability and salinity.</div><div> </div><div>The data package includes the following datasets: </div><div>1) Composite logs (PDF)</div><div>2) Well logs (ASCII LAS)</div><div>3) Well header information (Microsoft Excel™)[BB3] [MB4] </div><div> </div><div>These petrophysical interpretations are being used to support the AFER Project’s play-based energy resource assessments in the Pedirka and western Eromanga basins by building 3D geological models that include derived rock property maps.
<div>Steelmaking value chains are economically important to Australia, but the need to decarbonize traditional steel-making processes could disrupt existing supply lines. Hydrogen-based iron and steel production offers one pathway for reducing the carbon intensity of steel. The opportunities and challenges presented by this technology, for Australia, are obscured as its cost competitiveness depends on the interaction between multiple industrial processes, including feedstock requirements, storage options, and the availability of infrastructure. To address these problems, we have developed the Green Steel Economic Fairways Mapper. This mapping tool enables user-driven assessments of the green iron or steel resource potential across Australia. The tool optimizes system capacities for renewable energy generation, battery storage, hydrogen electrolysis, and hydrogen storage to estimate the levelized costs of green steel and how these costs vary regionally. Here, we present examples of analysis and integration with other geospatial datasets. Our model compares favourably to previously published cost estimates while also providing granular, spatial considerations of resource potential. Examples demonstrate that the tool that can be used to inform decision-making in the development of actions to de-risk green steel development within Australia.</div>
<div>The Pedirka, Simpson and western Eromanga basins in central Australia have undergone a chequered exploration history which has seen a total of only 42 wells drilled across a study area of ~210,000km2. Exploration initially focused on conventional hydrocarbons from the 1950s-1980s, before shifting towards coal seam gas (CSG) opportunities in the mid-2000s. Active petroleum systems have been proven in the region by a non-commercial oil discovery at Poolowanna 1 in 1977, and by several wells that showed evidence of residual oil columns. CSG exploration wells have confirmed the presence of thick, marginally mature coal intervals on the flanks of the basins, but are yet to evaluate the deeper troughs.</div><div>Geoscience Australia, the Northern Territory Geological Survey and the South Australian Department for Energy and Mining have been collaborating on the Australia’s Future Energy Resources project under the Australian government funded Exploring for the Future Program to undertake an assessment of the resource potential for conventional and unconventional hydrocarbons, and the geological carbon and storage (GCS) potential of the greater Pedirka region. </div><div>The project applied a play-based exploration approach to qualitatively assess the resource potential of the region. The Carboniferous to Cretaceous stratigraphic interval was divided into 14 plays which were evaluated for the presence of sediment-hosted energy resources through post-drill analysis, gross depositional environment mapping and common risk segment mapping. The analysis identified energy resources and GCS potential across multiple plays and locations within the study area. These results demonstrate, that while the region is underexplored, it should not be overlooked by future exploration activities.</div> Published in The APPEA Journal 2023. <b>Citation:</b> Iwanec Jeremy, Strong Paul, Bernecker Tom (2023) Underexplored but not forgotten: assessing the energy resources potential of the greater Pedirka Basin region through play-based mapping. <i>The APPEA Journal</i><b> 63</b>, S251-S256.